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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Ro plz

    Its playback. They made that painfully obvious. And Cut down. But still, I REALLY like. Btw, never figured Sukekiyo would be a band 2 play playback lol
  2. Ro plz

    Heres to hoping the NYC show is a bit more varied. UNDYING will have been officially released by them so chances are we'll get to see them play those songs too
  3. Ro plz

    As much as i hate to admit it, you nailed it here. At least for the last long... I hope there's some noticeable variation though. If not, like i always said before.... Expecting much variation from the GazettE during a span of releases just isn't logical. Oh well.
  4. Someone please tell me how bypass that God forsaken region block that youtube has up. PLEASE



    1. robkun


      ProxFree is my best friend lol.

    2. Spectralion


      I always download it first, using KeepVid.

    3. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      @robkun Yours was the best option.  Thanks.

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  5. The Mad Stallion WILL BE IN NYC for the GazettE show.

  6. 20 bucks the collaboration is a pro recording of the collab they did with Sugizo at Lunatic Fest
  7. Ro plz

    It does sound great but I still really hate the unnecessary Duo solo... The rhythm part of the song mixed with the solo is my favorite part of the song. Its non existent in the live which makes that part of the song very lifeless imo
  8. Ro plz

    Uroko would like to have a word with you.
  9. Ro plz

    I agree that yes there were some iffy moments and such but for someone who programmed some pretty undoable parts, i gotta give him props for at least doing a great job trying his best to replicate it. I dig this specific setlist/DVD mainly because of him. Everyone else is also doing great but you can see how hard specifically shinya is going at it and i think its cool. The choices that were made while making DSS lies solely on the band as a whole imo. AT least live. Agreed.
  10. Ro plz

    Is wondered why Shinya would suffer injury in his ribs after this live....then I watched this. I think this is a beast of a performance but my goodness i can only imagine the toll playing those DSS songs took on his body. Damn....
  11. I just realized that the OP dates back to 2013...Smfh. Now I'm highkey pissed. If this track existed, there's no reason why it should not have surfaced in some way shape or form. If this is a troll from FFDP then we all fell for it.
  12. Ro plz

    To quote "and I thought I had a stick up my ass." I mean.....its not impossible seeing as though before DOGMA, they've been dropping albums every year but with the way their touring and such, no. They probably don't even have demos for new material and such to sort out. Also with how hard they've been going with DOGMA, they gonna need a break or something.
  13. ............................... Is it bad that I'm lowkey pissed cuz i thought this was the song?
  14. Ro plz

    I like to think of Immortalis as the album where Kyo's stuff, 9GBO and RES demo's were brought into the fold and spiced up to fit a general sound among the band. Vitium is where i feel the band has begun to form what ever it is their style is and have come to realize that shorter releases are better. I can give that MINI so many more spins than i could IMMORTALIS in its entirety. Its perfect. Is it wrong that i hoped that Toshi would make a cameo in PERSUASIO? That collab was pretty rad.
  15. Ro plz

    Persuasio is probably one of my favorite live releases that I've had the pleasure of watching last year/ever. These guys are very calm but yet entertaining as hell to watch because of the vibe they give off and how they perfectly nail everything they play. Its like watching a badass piece of art unfold itself right in front of you. I can understand that Dir en grey doesn't have that same "tightness" and such as you pointed but i think it has more to do with the differentiation of the styles and how they present themselves live. As for worldwide recognition, Kyo has already achieved that in a sense with Dir en grey so it does make sense (if this is the case ATM), that he's just for the whole doing music thing and marketing it in Japan.
  16. Ro plz

    Idk.... This is the first time in a very long time where I've seen people this vocal about a price. I find bitching and moaning annoying as well but i must admit...for a single, this is pricey. Its doable but still, pricey, especially for the amount of content. So the discontent is justified. Regardless, It will surface in some shape or form so whatever.
  17. Ro plz

    UNDYING is pretty much like a badass continuation of DOGMA (song). I am very pleased with it. Can't wait for the "full version."
  18. Ro plz

    JPdiscoveries has it available i believe. EDIT: Here http://japan-discoveries.com/index.php?main_page=product_music_info&cPath=1_16&products_id=7216
  19. I can't stand your ass Emmny.


    Jk, hi <3

    1. emmny


      moral emmnies ABSOLUTELY

      it will last emmniternity.

    2. Ro plz

      Ro plz


    3. emmny


      *cue the lynch song "eternity"*

      bcoz i love u i cant b without u...

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  20. Ro plz

    ANIMA sounds pretty nice!
  21. LMFAO I just peeped that @CAT5 gave me a warning on April fools and the reason was "White supremacy."




  22. Ro plz

    I'm surprised ppl havent been talking about that Live limited track they released a few months ago
  23. Listening to Dir en grey's THE ROSE TRIMS AGAIN in its entirety.


    Such nostalgia.

  24. I saw One Ok Rock tonight. While I'm not a big fan of their music, I must commend them for putting on one hell of a show. I had fun!

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