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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Ro plz

    Handheld because i don't have to necessarily be home and/or in front of my TV to play a game, which cuts down the amount of time it takes to beat em.
  2. Ro plz

    I mean they could be practicing together this time around. But it still sucks that there's some discontent there. As much as i love watching Shinya play those DSS songs to the best of his ability, it probably takes a huge toll on him (ex: him fracturing his rib during the Age Quod tour).
  3. Ro plz

    I'ma hold u to it doom doom.
  4. Ro plz

    Seeing as though UGLY DUCKLING's was really just one new song and studio versions of tracks previously released on that Live CD....im thinking this may more or less be the case here? Minus rain song.
  5. Ro plz

    Whenever I feel like taking a Lulsy piss at you for trying to take a lulsy piss at others who already have come to a consensus that this is just what a typical album from certain bands is (especially when you take into the account what they've consistently been doing since signing to this label)...i suppose showing this is enough as well. We get it and as much as it may grate your nerves, we like it. Go complain somewhere else.
  6. Ro plz

    This song despite how non new it is is growing on me ngl. Man I need an album preview like yesterday.
  7. Ro plz

    Easily the most overhyped group of 2016. Primarily because they come out of YG's camp and there's an extreme over emphasis on them being the "new 2ne1." I can give them props for having a fierceness to them that cant be ignored. Other than that there's quite a few things about this specific song by itself that won't allow me to hop on the hype train. The song progression sounds dumb identical to Bigbang's Bang Bang bang. And Hellovenus's second to last comeback. However when you take that aspect away, I will admit that it does sound pretty nice. And Some of those Lyrics are extremely try hard and cringe worthy at best. Imo, they have a ways to go. I'll keep on the look out for them.
  8. Ro plz

    I feel like we gonna get another single before an album. But poor shinya. You can tell he really ain't for playing DSS songs even after all this time. Still think another DSS tour is pretty damn stupid btw. But w/e. Im here for these new songs.
  9. Ro plz

    Can we please not disrespect this band by calling them Mejibray 2.0. That one song alone is light years better than the majority mess that Mejibray has been putting out for the last few years. I was really thinking about putting these guys off as another rip off band cuz of their first track but this was a VERY pleasant follow up. They have my attention.
  10. Listening to SADIE and despite their inconsistent discography, they still have a crap ton of gems. 

    1. Tokage


      haha yea i loved their album uroboros

  11. One less crappy Swed Kei band to deal with.
  12. Ro plz

    That Jangly stuff seems like its purposely put where it is in the mix as a backing track. Seems fine to me, seeing as though both Kaoru and Die are playing the same thing anyways.
  13. Ro plz

    You guys were clearly raised by satan.
  14. Ro plz

    That section in the middle of FAKE was pretty sick. The break down in The outrage Sexuality was boss. However, i share the same opinions as everyone else. These tracks are far from anything spectacular. But these are standard lynch tracks that are on almost every album these days. I like to think the juicy tracks are being saved for the album. Still keeping expectations low for anything too new. This yearly album thing has pros and cons. The biggest con being that with some bands, that tight timetable leaves very little room for growth.
  15. Ro plz

    Tsumi To Batsu is more closer to its original than Kiri to Mayu i believe. Its just the tempo as you pointed. Kiri is almost entirely a new song minus the intro riffage and chorus. Iirc Kaoru mentioned that in an interview
  16. Ro plz

    I need to listen to that mini they dropped. So far Secret mode and that random single they dropped were pleasant listens. And i don't mind Die's vocals at all. Works for me.
  17. Lmao damn it. I thought that the B-sides would be killer like the A-side. Leave to Cross (fail) faith to let me down again.
  18. Ro plz

    Missa: Don't care for it. Six Ugly: Don't care for it. Gauze: I used to hate Yokan but that Psyconnnect performance is very heart warming. And I've grown to like it. Macabre: The last song. I never got the name of it because i never bothered tagging it nor looking it up since i burned the album to a blank back in high school. It's a terrible ending for what is a near flawless album. I just wish i listened to it more. Kisou: Anything that's not Undecided, Keloid Milk, 24ko or Mushi is a snooze fest. Who know's maybe if they drop a DVD for the live they're doing for it, i may revisit. Vulgar: Asunaki and R to the Core. Mess. Withering to Death: Beautiful Dirt is the only song I have to skip when bumping this album. Other than that, i can bump this from start to with no issues. Marrow of A Bone: All the songs I used to have grips with: Disabled Complexes, The Fatal Believer, Rotting root, are tracks that i've grown to love. This was my first Dir album/experience with em and its easily top on my fav albums of all time. Gem. Uroboros: Another album I can bump from start to finish. No complaint's. Dum Spiro Spero: Take out Shitataru and its a 10/10 The Unraveling: Everything except Karasu, Macabre, and Karma. ARCHE: Anything that isn't Chain Repulsion, Uroko, Behind a Vacant Image, Midwife, Tousei or Tefu Tefu can go. Also: This performance of Uroko further reinforces why I enjoy Dir much more in smaller venues. This shit is raw. More personal. And Shinya....oh my goodness. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-Xl_rFi6Ls&spfreload=10
  19. Ro plz

    So no one is gonna say it? Why is this thread alive then if it was simply a cry for attention?
  20. https://www.jrocknews.com/2016/05/girugamesh-last-interview-with-jrock-news.html Their disbandment is explained. But even so, based on how sudden this all is...it wouldn't be too far fetched to think something else is behind it all.
  21. Ro plz

    Turn on your location. How dare you disrespect the GOAT 2 Era's bro?
  22. Ro plz

    This is pretty simple for me to answer actually. I group Yohio in the same vain of majority everyone else in the Swed Kei scene. These niggas just look pretty and either make mediocre music or in the case of (insert Yohio's band's name), they just blend together stuff from existing bands and it shows little to no originality. I'm under the assumption that the popularity they get is because of the fact that despite how cringe inducing they look, they can pull of the "visual " aspect very well. VK fans who dunno any better or spend a lot of the time gawking at band members looks instead of paying attention to the music have another batch of 'musicians' to have wet dreams about, make fan fiction/fan art for, etc. Seems like they prey on that aspect, which is actually smart because it equates to likes, shares, etc. The music takes a back seat and that's something i can't really stand by or support. Yohio is no exception.
  23. Ro plz

    Ey bro, you have some kind of confirmation from the band like an interview or something that states this? That "it is" makes it seem like you are 100 percent right and certain that this is the case. Maybe you have the deep deep insider news from the studio during the ARCHE recording sessions that we dunno about. In that case: We'll wait for it. I'm on the same page as the previous posts. Revelation is NOT Saku V2. Sure they may have these supposed similarities but both are completely different songs. Arguably, when you use more or less of the same video content from one PV on another, Yes....it can be understandable how the earlier song can come to mind when you wanna play the comparison game. Dir is solely to blame for that. Id even PUSH this even more and say would not even be having this conversation if the revelation PV didn't have the content it did.
  24. Ro plz

    So after listening to the itunes promo for good portion of my shift, here's my initial thoughts on UTAFUMI: This song is a banger and by banger i mean that Its pretty head-bang inducing. The "gang vocals" part gives it that extra rawness, something i feel that's been missing in Dir en grey's music for awhile now . The added backing guitar during the chorus and other parts of the song does a great job at adding some "pizzazz" so the song isn't just simple ass guitar parts (which it is). With all of that said, if you separate the fact that this was composed by Dir en grey and has some stellar mixing and mastering, its clear to see that this track could've been done by any shit tier indies VK band. That's now dated this track comes off as. I was very wrong to call this an ARCHE left over in the beginning. ARCHE, despite my gripes with it had some elements of growth. UTAFUMI is multiple steps below that. There is no growth here. Only severe regression. I even have a hard time trying to figure out where these supposed VULGAR vibes come from. IDT you can even put UTAFUMI in a vulgar playlist and tell me that it would mesh together perfectly. Same goes for any other era that ppl may try to categorize this with... Once again, this is a banger but its nothing special. At all.
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