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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Ro plz

    IDE\CDROMMATSHITA_DVD-RAM_UJ-852S________________1.02____\5&119F7CA1&0&1.0.0 Firmware bro!
  2. Ro plz

    How do i disable that option? And how do i get the info on the Drive model? Now that you mention it....this computer is pretty "old" Its just happens to run windows 7 pretty smoothly.
  3. That was severely underwhelming....and boring
  4. hey Rez! I tried using the extractor but it keeps crashing D;

    1. rekzer


      weird, it's never given me any problems. when I get home tonight from work i'll check what version i have and let you know. I just ripped coldrain's Three Days of Adrenaline dvd with no problem and it's region locked. I'll let you know tonight

    2. rekzer


      Sorry for the late reply. I do have that same version. so it's weird because it has never crashed for me ._.

    3. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Yeah my drive is definitely the issue. Yuyu is trying 2 see if i can fiddle with the firmware of it. But thanks anyways bro

  5. Ro plz

    Thanks man!!!
  6. Ro plz

    I tried VLC. It shows and acknowledges that the DVD is present but doesnt play it. As for the DVD de-crypter, its working!! Thanks @Rezker!!! Do you have anything for MP3 makers?
  7. Hey guys! I was wondering if I could get some help here. So i purchased Kalafina's After Eden DVD from an ebay merchant in Taiwan. The DVD region is 3 i believe and apparently there's a limited amount of times you can change the region setting. I used another one of the region switches before when playing a GazettE DVD. Once I change it back to US (since i have a crapton of 24 seasons to make it through), I'll be unable to change it ever again. Is there some program that i can use that will let me play DVD's regardless of what region it is? IF that is not possible...could someone help me with finding a program that will recognize different region DVD's so i can at least make a VOB file/Mp3 Rips for myself (and whoever wants em)? Thanks in advance, Stallion
  8. Ro plz

    Expecting or hoping for Lynch. to do something experimental or different for an entire album more or less like asking the GazettE to do something like DIM again. Not gonna happen. They dropping albums pretty much yearly at this point and they've been touring up the wazoo. Wouldn't be surprised if this album is a compilation of mostly left overs and some "new" songs...actually that's probably what this album will be lol. The last drastic change came with EXODUS into Gallows. Minus some of the B-sides on their recent singles, everything has been pretty much a fusion of that style with what they've previously done. They're pretty much complacent with this. I wont keep expectations too high but still, I know i'll find gems on there as i did with DARK.
  9. Ro plz

    Been gone down the dark path haha
  10. Kalafina or Deadpool.



    MH help me.

  11. I forgot they released this. Thoughts: This was pretty boring. I dead ass thought i was listening 2 the chorus for the entirety of the song. At this point, its clear that Mejibray is very complacent with just milking as much as they can solely on their looks and sticking to their core, and hella basic sound with little to no growth at all. And meh, just like GazettE and Lynch, and other bands that i enjoy (but have actually gone out of their way to show some effort in evolution), this is something I'ma have to come to terms with even though they still are fairly young. It would be nice to see them take it a step further but after poking my head their material this past year or so, its def certain this is not happening. But i will give them some cred because in the midst of what seems to be nothing but a compilation of lackluster and uninspired material, they have SOME tracks that have made me raise an eyebrow and nod in approval.
  12. Ro plz

    No bull, I thought this was something out of the Swed Kei playbook.
  13. The fact that this was even a thing showed that Mizuki and Mao clearly knew that this release wouldn't do well without some backing. I don't trust anyone who thinks Madrigal De Maria is a good album.
  14. Ro plz

    I AM DONE.
  15. Ro plz

    That's asking too much of TBS apparently. Anyways, I liked a handful of tracks from that last album. Ill peep this.
  16. Ro plz

    Can't blame folk to be honest. Isn't it like a common thing (especially in the indies scene) for a best album to drop right before a disbandment? This isn't likely in Dir en grey's case since Kaoru confirmed Utabumi and a new album months ago. But still, i can see why the thought would pass through ppls heads.
  17. Ro plz

    Uh.... Could they not play older songs with just their one guitarist? 0_o And yeah the title is kinda misleading lol. I too thought they legit got a new member.
  18. Ro plz

  20. Ro plz

    im lost Why do we not like him?
  21. KEEL's float of R'lyeh is awesome. Its very hard to listen to the studio versions of the songs after this....

  22. Ro plz

  23. Ro plz

  24. Ro plz

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