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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Ro plz

    I'ma have to go with TBS for this one because I've actually warmed up to their music recently via their latest album. It was pretty cool, even though it does feel like the composition is kinda repetitive at times. I listened to that one DIOK song in the OP, its not bad but it wasn't doing it for me. Dem vocals.....enh and the production was pretty bad as well.
  2. Ro plz

    turn on your location bro!!!!!!!! Nah but for real i hate how much i dislike ARCHE. Its just boring....
  3. Ro plz

    ARCHE is snoozefest material
  4. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x43igtk Full AOA and TM collab PV!!!
  5. yooo this is pretty tight
  6. Ro plz

    Yeah not gonna make the mistake of getting hyped over that clip. It sounds interesting at best. I'll wait for an actual preview.
  7. Ro plz

  8. Ro plz

    There was a K-pop booth at Anime Boston 2 weeks ago. Grabbed these goodies. First ever physical K-pop purchases btw! 4MINUTE's ACT 7 T-ARA's So CRAZY
  9. Yo....i rocks with this!!!!! Its surely not anything banging but its still very appealing to me
  10. Ro plz

    Yo chill, I got hacked. I aint even post that. My dog got on my computer. You know how that go.
  11. Ro plz

    Turn on your location, all of you. I"m in the mood to travel and give yall a nice Stallion ass kicking.
  12. Ro plz

    Thanks yo!!!
  13. Ro plz

    This announcement makes me so happy because it was well needed. They need the "rest." With the side projects and the supporting during this time period, they can come back stronger. I ain't even mad bro. Do your thing guys. Yes, their material as of lately has been lack luster but i MUCH rather this than disbandment.
  14. The Stallion Rises. Can't keep the black man down.

  15. I wasn't given a doppelganger because im black. I hate you guys. Racists. Don't ever expect me to come back 2 this hell hole again. Deactivate my account.

    1. Hellion01


      You cant do that to me bro.

    2. CAT5


      You refused the MH microchip implant, we can't allow you to live.

    3. Hellion01


      Whats sad here is that im fighting the system and the system is indeed another black man.

    4. Show next comments  78 more
  16. Y'all straight violated the OH SO GREAT KISAKI on the banner. Hell is about to break loose. RIP MH (btw this is gold).

    1. nick


      Poor him. He has only 4 fingers there.

    2. emmny


      ore ga kisaki desu...

  17. Nah, i totally see where you're coming from and how it can rub people the wrong way. To be quite honest, i could care less about the visuals for any band, even VK. From what I heard though, i guess EU is more open to these kinds of alternative styles so its not weird for a group of peeps to wanna dress up and add some pizzaz to their look. When done right, it's also an excellent marketing tool/ way to draw in more fans and recognition (Nocturnal Bloodlust is also a nice contrast to this) and in the case of Yohio and BatAAr, a way into the VK nitch. It has its benefits. I actually would like to believe that in the near future BatAAr is at a place where they no longer have 2 rely on the VK aspect and can just as you say, be "themselves." They have one hell of a catalog backing them as well as Patrik (say what y'all want about him), who is one hell of a composer. It can be done.
  18. I was gonna keep quiet about this release.... But since it was posted here. Instrumental wise, its alright. Their last mini as a whole is light years better than this. Now to the vocals.... Oh the vocals.... I won't say that Endigo is a bad singer. He just doesn't fit well with BatAAr at all vocally and even in the looks department.There was a certain grit, before Seb and Jake left that i enjoyed musically and even some of the time visually. Throwing him in the mix is killing that for me. And a lot of that has to do with the fact that he has this overly boy-band-ish, cute thing going on. I couldn't even take him seriously in the video, despite the fact that it was supposed to be "serious." Shame that things with their old line up didn't work out. Cuz to me, they were perfect, especially this song and PV.
  19. Ro plz

    https://soundcloud.com/hellion01/the-stallion-rises-demo I posted this on my status but here's a "new" demo! Influenced by Nocturnal Bloodlust , Dir en grey, the gazette, partying and just having a good ol time! Enjoy.
  21. https://soundcloud.com/hellion01/the-stallion-rises-demo Enjoy this new demo influenced by metalcore and VK :P
  22. Ro plz

    My curiosity got the better of me. This sounds hella cool!!!!
  23. Those setlist's are probably the most underwhelming setlist's i've seen in the entirety of my time as a Dir fan. Even the oldies can't save em. Kaoru said that these lives would be special because it was their anniversary as well and there's like nothing here to signify that. The upside is that based on the pic's we've seen, it will probably be a pretty ass performance.
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