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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Ro plz

    I wish i was a mod so i could perma ban any bad talk about GOATma. Y'all weren't raised correctly it seems. And y'all need to be punished.
  2. Ro plz

    I can't be the only one that's wondering why a group of (what im assuming to be majority) adults can't grasp this simple aspect. 5 pages of this? I got love for a lot of you but my goodness you guys are coming off as idiots. Rules were broken and there was actions taken and unfortunately the person at the center of it all has decided they no longer want to contribute. The end. I've been banned previously as have a couple people in this thread has for breaking the rules. Trombe is no different regardless of the years he's spent providing us news and whatnot. Does it kind of blow? Yeah but guess what... This GREAT and AWESOME thing called LIFE goes on. The man said he's done. Leave it at that. The Mods/Admins said their piece. Leave it at that. For fucks sake.
  3. Ro plz

    @TokageIs the new news guy or I riot. And y'all don't want me to riot.
  4. Ro plz

    @XetemYour attempt at trying to rile people up would've worked in Batsu during its Golden years. Nice try though. Despite where on the spectrum people may lie in regards to their feelings about Dir en grey, a lot of this stuff....we've managed come to a "consensus" about.
  5. Ro plz

    Emmy, I present you with this black card. Use responsibly. This is a great honor.
  6. @Peace Heavy mk IIWe gotta make a Boston meet up happen since we both live in the area.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      MH Wicked Cool Meetup


      Are there other Boston-area members too?

  7. Ro plz

    Yes, he said after Budokan that the band will take a brief break and head back in the studio to make more music and then tour the states again.
  8. https://soundcloud.com/hellion01/wasteland-redux-raw


    "new" heat straight out of the Stallion's vault!!!!

  9. Ro plz

    https://soundcloud.com/hellion01/wasteland-redux-raw Description right from page: The revamped and polished version of "Wasteland", a demo that i dropped last year. All of the stringed instruments were rerecorded with my recently modded Les Paul (in drop C# tuning) and i added a light mix to em. The drums were also redone so there's more of a groovy and coherent sound. Wasteland is one of a few songs that i was gonna use for an EP. After much thought, i decided against it...and ultimately the creation of the EP. More of these redux versions shall follow. I have no need to keep em the vault.
  10. Seems like a waste of time, just like the last one. Hard pass.
  11. What? I don't believe that's correct at all. Rinkaku was written at a completely different point in the gap between DSS and the unraveling, if I'm not mistaken.
  12. Ro plz

    VAMPS is really not that great of a band, period. I tried listening to them but everything ive checked out is nothing short of mediocre, just boring rock. At least to me, it feels like a lot of their fan base our just blind Hyde stans...or people who miss L'arc and feel like VAMPS is the next best thing to cling to (which they aren't).
  13. Ro plz

    Seeing as though i have found some kind of solidity with how Budokan ARCHE turned out, I'm gonna have to go and respectfully disagree with the notion that this supposed negative inter-relationship between the band members is why XYZ turned out the way they did this time around. I don't think its entirely fair to STILL put that clause on them especially since the supposed "faulty" tracks, aren't nearly as bad period compared to the conundrum that was a majority of Dum Spiro Spero tracks live. Despite what the interviews say, what bit we see of the studio sessions and what not, we never really get a full picture of whats going on between them. Imho, the fact that ARCHE live seems so well received is because of what I'm assuming is a positive relationship that allowed the band members to sit down when writing this album and work out the kinks together. Nothing entirely is ever going to be perfect but this could've been much worse. As for song writing Credits, there really isn't a big surprise there that there's one main person getting credit for most of the work. At least up until DSS where it was blatantly stated that they didn't work together, it seems as if the process is pretty standard to what happens in a lot of bands? One person is the main writer of tracks, brings it to the table and as a collective whole, they break it down and restructure with everyone's input.
  14. Ro plz

    Its no surprise that I really am not a big fan of ARCHE. Its easily one of the most forgettable albums as a whole. But based on what i peeped of the perfect edition Budokan live that came out as well as the Bonus CD that was upped recently, I can say that the album did its job. The job being able to have the songs translated well in a live setting. I had theories on how who should've been playing what in regards to Guitars but the way it was done in the end was quite pleasant, especially MIDWIFE, and BEHIND A VACANT IMAGE. UROKO live has grown on me. Lots of grit there, so much so that i could give them a pass for the solo bit. Also I didn't think it was possible for RINKAKU to become even more of a masterpiece but i enjoyed the touch up on the piano and the intro (can i thank Takumi for this? @Carmelzors) . I also enjoy how there was more life during this budokan, like the band was one and seemed to really be engaged in playing these songs to the best of their ability. This was something that was not present during the last budokan show. The mixing is a lot better this time around as well (thank God). Lastly, I am really appreciative that, unless you went to see them during their last overseas tour, this is mainly our "first time" (unless you count the MTV special where they played Tousei and Maga-whatever the hell you call it), that we are experiencing these songs live. One of the many reasons why DSS budokan was such a chore was because we legit had a crapton of DVD's prior where they played much of that those setlists (minus the oldies) already. A breath of fresh air.
  15. Yeah....that better quality helped a lot. Its becoming even more of a grower.
  16. I like Vulgar, a lot but while this description does sound accurate, I'm not a big fan of it. Its not bad but just like STU, i'll prob have 2 let it grow on me.
  17. Set the IP address location to Netherlands or any one of the EU spots.
  18. Been listening to a live recording of this for the past couple of days and i wasnt too impressed. Sounds like an ARCHE leftover to be completely honest. But i have a feeling i'll prob enjoy the studio version more. Granted this was a 5 sec clip, i like it so far.
  19. Thank you guys for the love 


  20. Mejibray. Royz. Lycaon. IF you don't like J-rock after listening to them then you a lost cause.
  21. I am so happy that i kept expectations low. This legit sounds like a left over from the snoozefest that was Zeno but seeing as though the album is still relatively new, I can understand why it sounds like that. The only positive thing i can say about this is that i can imagine it'll be translated very well in a live setting. I hope the other two songs will be at least some what better.
  22. EDIT: This song has Seb's vocals on it. They probably recorded this way back around the time they made the deal or whatever with Harada. Endigo is just "singing."
  23. Ro plz

    Yeah i tried bro and nada. I had to change the region back to play my other DVD's which used up my last switch so these programs aren't gonna work for me until i get a new computer...this one is really old. Thanks anyways guys. I really appreciate the help. At least i know what programs 2 use now! @Zeus Feel free to lock this. I think we're done here.
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