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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. The fact that after all this time, the only thing we have to judge TBS from in regards to live performance is that terrishit live that was posted awhile back is VERY alarming.
  2. Looks cool. Is this song gonna make up for ARCHE? That's what i wanna know.
  3. Ro plz

    dude.... No.... The only thing that Reita did that was noteworthy throughout this whole entire era was compose VALUM. That is a BEHEMOTH of a track. And that bass solo was pretty cool too. Other than that, Reita is just there to be there. BUT BUT. The blame cannot entirely be put on him, especially if you take note that Ruki is the one who's been composing much of the songs. And his compositions make it so that all three of the stringed instruments are playing more or less of the same thing. When it comes to the tracks that Ruki didn't write...its a question of if Reita has become lazy or if Aoi or Uruha just have him following along like Ruki does, with no real shine.
  4. BMTH's "There is a hell" is such a classic.

    1. shiroikitsune


      Along with "Suicide Season" it's the album by them that I enjoy the most!

  5. That last collab song was a pleasant surprise. I hope this will be good.
  6. This probably wont be bad like Fail East Dizain. And the fact that they got someone from 12012 definitely has peaked my interests. I wanna hear some music.
  7. Ro plz

    2 months since my last post. I stand un-corrected. This shit aint coming out.
  8. Ro plz

    I cant lie, I'm one those people who try and at least get a couple pics or vids in just for memories sake. I like having those lil mementos on deck just in case i wanna go back and relive the moment later on. I see no harm in this. In my opinion, if a band/staff asks that no sort of thing goes on at their shows, I don't see what the big deal is. You can still do it because you're your own person and they aren't your parents. But IF and only IF you get caught by staff, and suffer some kind repercussion such as being escorted or called out by the band (Yes, i've heard of this happening), you aren't in the right to get mad. It was clearly stated. It did grate my nerves a bit to see people recording during the GazettE show after there was a big ass announcement prior that it was forbidden. Based on what i've read about what happened to people who got caught, a lil part of me wanted to see it happen with my own eyes but it didn't and they're pretty lucky. With that said, I do think that overseas bands should of lighten up on the policy because at the end of the day, they aren't loosing out on anything in hindsight. So i can also understand why people feel like the policy is silly. And some way some how people will find a way to record regardless. Look at how many recordings of the Gaze World Tour that have surfaced online. And there's nothing they can do. Even if Sony/PSC did a massive wipe out on YT, the shit will still exist on people's phones and harddrives lmaoo. So in general, do what you want but it also doesn't hurt to try and adhere to what's asked.
  9. Ro plz

    I think there is some interest among them but its very low key. Its hard to imagine that after spending so much time together that there isn't some kind of bond/friendship between them. The most recent example i can think of from the top of my head is Shinya being a buddy and helping promote Toshiya's clothing line by posting a pic wearing one of those shirts. As for the comment regarding Guitar sounds, its VERY hit or miss. And this has been an issue immediately once DSS came around. Its very easy to throw all the blame on the mixing but in actuality, i don't think Kaoru or Die know what they're doing to get a proper sound from their 7 string models. Kaoru all of a sudden stopped using EMG's (which sounded great) and switched them out for God knows what he's using now as pickups (but they aren't as great). And Die's 7 string distorted guitar tone as of DSS has always sounded like crap.
  10. college graduate in da buildingggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

    1. Zeus


      woo! congrats man :)

    2. beni


      Good going, man. Congrats!

    3. IGM_Oficial



    4. Show next comments  72 more
  11. Ro plz

  12. Ro plz

    This is the second time ive read this. Wheres this coming from? Also, i see Dir en grey disbanding in the next few years. With Die and Kyo in their own separate bands, Toshiya and his DIRT brand, and shinya 's constant bouncing around from working with this and that artist, there seems to be no real need for DEG. Even Kaoru expressed that he'd be down to do solo work.
  13. Ro plz

    This. I feel as if now more than ever, the VK community is so active with all these projects and super groups that disbandments don't really ruffle my feathers much. Shinya just posted a pic of him in the studio with Toshi, alongside other members such as those fom NoGOD, SCANDAL, and a few others. There's def a place for Girugamesh members to shine individually. If anything (not trying to invalidate the sadness people may feel) this is awesome. CHIMERA was such a great last release. Also its kinda ironic how the last song on that release is called END.... Talk about Cryptic.
  14. Ro plz

    Is it wrong that I'm hoping one of y'all from MH gets caught recording and penalized for it just for the story and lol's?
  15. Ro plz

    Idk why but i always had this nagging feeling that they'd call it quits sooner or later. Everyone will be well off after this disbandment and will probably still be pretty active after. Shuu has KEEL, Ryo could do his own solo album if he really wanted to because his compositions and covers are pretty boss. Didn't Satoshi also have another band on the side too? Either way, yeah this sucks but enh. Shit happens. They're leaving on a strong note imo and they've prob done all that they can or wanna do. Its cool with me.
  16. Ro plz

    Nope. Did u sign up for it? It was only for VIP
  17. Ro plz

    Yup there was!
  18. Ro plz

    JELLY!!!!!!!!!! But LOL at the people who got removed. Peeps who were recording in NY got lucky or the staff just couldn't see em.
  19. Ro plz

    The NYC was show was everything I wanted and more. The setlist was a nice balance of DOGMA and older material so everyone's fancies could be tickled. Ok lets get back to the DOGMA songs for one sec. @emmny said it best, those songs are something else live. As much as i loved the earlier songs, those were my highlights, especially DOGMA , and OMINOUS. Holy crap. The band seemed to enjoy themselves, and nailed the tracks flawlessly. The crowd, despite a few minor incidents that I wont bother speaking of, was well behaved for the most part. I feel like this US leg was a test run and we passed. Ruk kept saying "WOW, YOU GUYS ARE CRAZY!" haha And that they will come again. This was a dream come true and also, I got to meet @jduv86 who's a super cool guy in person (Best of luck on the album man and sorry if i was a lil too rowdy haha).
  20. Getting ready 2 head 2 NY! Hope i run into some of y'all at the GazettE show!

    1. paradoxal


      have fun there! :)

  21. ANIMA (just the A-side) Is on Itunes. 

  22. Ro plz

    The Budokan show, he actually does a pretty good at it. Seems as if he took his time and practiced how to do it right vs the Tabula Rasa DVD, where it seems as if he's really trying to replicate the studio version as much as he can...which clearly didn't work. Me likey. Also, Second for Uroboros and Rinkaku being Shinya's best work.
  23. Besides Chainsaw, I hear nothing but straight originality, which i dig. There's quite a few songs that I can't wait listen to. Totally loving that they Mizuki is messing with Drop A tuning too. I don't think SADIE is coming back depending on how well this album does. And this really makes me wonder what exactly happened that caused the hiatus in the first place. Seeing as though MAO and Mizuki just got right back at it soon after SADIE halted activities, one would think there was some kind of dispute or what not between Mao/Mizu and everyone else.
  24. Ro plz

    The way UNDYING was done and placed chronologically makes this whole DOGMA phase (at least from the purely musical perspective because there's still the Tour which is part of it) feel complete. UNDYING and MALUM are a breath of fresh air from UGLY which was enjoyable but nothing really you go back to repeatedly. VACANT is what AN UNBEARABLE ACT is to NARAKU as it being a better version or continuation of GRUDE. The GazettE nailed it here.
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