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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Ro plz

    Well damn dude....
  2. The Black Swan and Mejibray are doing something I didn't they ever would....and thats dropping some straight up fire. 

    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      That new single besides the 2nd b-side is pretty legit

    2. togz


      I don't believe

    3. Spectralion


      It's really nice change of pace. . .  

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  3. Ro plz

    I've only heard this supposed issue mentioned on here once or twice...with no solid evidence to support it. So either this is some bullshit that's meant for nothing other than senseless speculation or potential "drama" in the fandom. Or someone should really explain what exactly is going on.
  4. Yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo MASQUERADE SOUNDS BOSS AS FUCK NIGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA My interest has peaked. Lemme go peep this album. Thanks for the review @ShanethVarosa
  5. This studio version is lowkey much cleaner, sound wise....especially with them acoustic guitars. Nice! But the live version still winning it for me.
  6. Ro plz

    uh........ we just pretty much just got an album and 2 singles....and a world tour. DOGMA is over i believe. i think its fair to assume its gonna be awhile before we get anything new.
  7. Ro plz

    I love the both of you for doing this! Thanks guys <3
  8. how bout we stop letting trolls derail us from whats important. The music. CAN SOMEONE CALL THE MODS PLZ. With that said.... I listened 2 Camera Obscura again last night after letting it collect dust in my HD....i like more songs than i did initially which is cool. I expect something better if not something of the same vain from this rebirth. Give me a legit preview. Not this.
  9. This is the first Mejibray song in a long time that i can legit call stellar. Wow that was cool
  10. Ro plz

    Anniversary date is coming up supposedly. This is prob one of the things they doin 2 "prep" for it?
  11. Ro plz

    The performances showcased, especially the clips of Die look a lot more livelier than a good chunk of Dir en grey's stuff lately. I'm stoked for this. He looks super engaged into this.
  12. Ro plz

    I've been single for about 2 years and some change now. Since then its pretty much been a streak of bad-luck on my end. The last few times I've felt compelled to try and go for someone who's peaked my interest, a lot of the time its ended up in whatever relationship we had prior just going to shit. So ATM I'm just super reluctant to even put myself out there any more. I currently do have a crush on someone but I'm probably gonna stay silent on the matter because I'm pretty sure the streak will continue and its not worth the potential sacrifice of loosing another person in my life. In the mean time I do my best to keep myself from thinking too much about it by keeping busy. You'd be surprised how well engaging in a passionate hobby can nullify the occasional feels of 'loneliness' for a fairly significant amount of time. If all else fails, I'm pretty comfortable with being alone till my time here is up. As long as im doing what I want/makes me happy in life, I'll manage.
  13. Ro plz

    My stance on this is that, as you get older...there should be age caps. I'm 25 but the youngest I'm willing to date (if it came to be) is someone 19 going into 20. Nothing below that. As I get older, the age cap grows.
  14. This was surprisingly ballin. Though I must admit, the carnival ish type theme is getting kinda old
  15. Staff, y'all not about 2 Snub Buck-Tick, Utada and Lynch. out of album reviews. If so, we gonna throw hands. All of you.

    1. Zeus


      if you had to pick one which one

    2. Ro plz

      Ro plz


    3. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      My opinion: Utada was in average (with some good tunes in it), Lynch. was pretty good, Buck-tick is sublime :)

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  16. How old is this nigga Kisaki to be caught up in nonsense like this? This is hilariously embarrassing for someone who supposedly is a "must know" in the scene.
  17. Ro plz

    They will def have a DVD for this. They have to.
  19. Ro plz

    This sounds promising.
  20. Ro plz

    https://vk.com/video-35600031_456239389 Bonus Live of the UTAFUMI DVD https://vk.com/video-35600031_456239390 Utafumi scenes of recording.
  21. Ro plz

    1.Dir en grey 2.the Gazette 3.Lynch 4.Buck-Tick 5.Girugamesh 6.D'espairs Ray 7.OZ I can't come up with 10. Fight me.
  22. I was not expecting Lynch. to make the cut haha. Nice.
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