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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Utafumi.....the alleged two new songs that @nekkichimentioned and now not only is Die and Kyo in other bands, Shinya started doing solo work. Also they stated that whatever solo is going on will siphon back into Dir en grey. They are fine and if anything the latest DVD's showed (minus Mode of DSS) that they still got it. Also @Saishuis right, these gaps in releases really ain't that big of a deal. Just let em cook. Dir en grey ain't going anywhere. This paranoia around em disbanding is starting to become tiring man.
  2. Ro plz

    At least we'll get some kind of "new" music from Dir en grey... Anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing how my favs will tackle these songs. Especially Lynch. Speaking of which, could we expect MUCC or someone else in this list to be the guest bassist for Lynch. since they still technically don't have one?
  3. Im MOD for the day cuz its my bday. 

    1. Tokage


      wtf i love getting temp banned for roasting decays now!!!!! (also hbd dude!)

    2. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Thanks bro!!!

  4. Their latest music has been dull AF and I almost forgot they existed with how active Hyde is with (trash) Vamps. Regardless, this still ain't right. I hope they come to some kind of solution.
  5. Ro plz

    Hey its Takumi!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Ro plz

    Haha nice to see im not the only one who uses Guitar RIg! Nice cover for the most part. I liked your Guitar done, it almost matches that on the song and the lil improv solo was cool too. You seemed to rush a lil bit through the pre-chorus's so it sounded off sync a but. Try and take your time next time brodie. Looking forward to what else you got cookin. Salute.
  7. Been waiting for an announcement from them bout a live performance. YES!
  8. Ro plz

    Dir en grey and Sukekiyo are known primarily for their Dark-toned music, which they do well for the most part. With that said, I think DECAYS (and probably Seraph), gets hella flack because its on the lighter side. Kinda as if its illegal for the individual members of Dir en grey to be involved in or do any sort of music that isn't dark toned. The salt when Secret Mode came out was hilarious at best. SO many ppl were "let down" lmaoo. Of the 3, DECAYS's appeals more to me these days primarily because its a nice break/contrast tone wise. And their music, while its simpler than Dir's and Sukekiyo's is much more easier on the ears but still creative enough to keep me going back. DIE really struck gold here. Or maybe ppl aren't sleeping on DECAYS but its just cool to rag on em.
  9. Ro plz

    I hope they don't disband. I may have had issues with the onslaught of back to back releases but 羽花 was a pretty baling track. It showed that they could actually make some killer tunes if they try vs recycling the same track over and over again. I purposefully kept tabs on em Their first batch of releases were nice. They just need to channel that energy and use it to make fresher tracks if they don't disband.
  10. Ro plz

    Y'all suffering from PTSD over Satsuki really bad? YIKES. Can't relate. Maybe i'm reading this wrong but it's almost like y'all want this shit to be bad lmaooo First song sounds like it'll be pretty nice too but im still hella stoked for the second one.
  11. Ro plz

    Its a typical Hazuki track but it sounds like Hazuki put some solid effort into this one verses just lazilly recycling from previous songs. I don't wanna like it but i do.
  12. Ro plz

    The production on this sounds like it'll be a lot better than their previous albums so Ryo came through. Props. I too lowkey had hopes that this would be a tad different with the featured bassists but for the most part, I can rocks with what i'm hearing. "Black Out Destroy" and "Kaleido" sound the most promising to me. I'll wait for the full thing to make a final assessment. I miss Akinori.
  13. Ro plz

    Music wise this didnt sound bad at all. Visually, its whatever. DECAYS had one of the best albums of 2016. Y'all niggas trippin.
  14. Ro plz

    His look is super cringe ngl. But the track was ballin none the less.
  15. Ro plz

    I just felt like contributing.
  16. Ro plz

    This is funny because its seems as if BatAAr is no longer "so different" than the rest of the other Western VK bands. Even the Tekken 7 feature and how much they tried to make themselves standout from the other niche of bands couldn't save em from this drought that's the dwindling Western VK scene. During the end run of when I followed them, i noticed that they don't even have that many shows in Sweden/EU these days. Japan is the only place they really tour and its once a year. Correct me if I'm wrong but you ain't eatin with just one "major" tour per year. Prob means that niggas ain't checkin for BatAAr (and the other bands) back home like they were before. Also, in BatAAr's case its very interesting to watch because based on some of the responses here, Patrik apparently used to down talk some of the aspects of these lame ass Western VK bands and now BatAAr has become the SAME thing. They aren't even calling themselves an "Art Metal" band anymore and The inclusion of the apparent king of Weeaboo's/how generic their music has gotten since then is the epitome of degradation. As much as we don't like YOHIO here, we gotta give the nigga credit where credit is due. He's prob caught on to the fact that the Western scene is dead which is why he took DISREIGN and moved them to Japan where they at least have a chance (?) at some relevancy. He's probably looking at this hashtag and saying "YIKES CANT RELATE!!!!" This hashtag will go no where. Search it up on twitter and besides Patrik's posts and probably Endigo's, NO ONE IS FUCKING TALKING ABOUT IT. What sucks here is that I actually did like these guys up to when they lost their last vocalist and Bassist. They've become an embarrassment.
  17. Ro plz

    I thought this was new hahaha. I actually like this track! Its pretty well done.
  18. Ro plz

    Im watching the MODE of Kisou live as i write this and it seems as if they enjoyed themselves WAYYYYY more here than PSYCHONNECT and the various other clips of the other newer DVD's that i peeped.
  19. Ro plz

    You bring up a good point about not playing the originals @Carmelzors, especially when they actually went out their way to play both versions of Tsumi to Batsu during the PSYCHONNECT run.
  20. Ro plz

    The Age Quod Performances of the DSS songs sounded much better, granted there were kinks to work out. They were hella raw. MODE of DSS sounds too fine tuned. Fine tuned works for older material and ARCHE but it just further proves that album just doesnt translate well in a live setting....
  21. Ro plz

  22. What kind of nonsense is this?

  23. Change my name back or I'm deleting my account. 

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