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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Ro plz

    I Find it weird that the new single wasn't played but other new songs were played....? Nigga what?
  2. Ro plz

    I ain't gonna lie....some of them joints on that preview actually sounded pretty good.
  3. Ro plz

    The setlists for Spooky box (more so Abyss) are gold and the performances at least based on the audio rips are golden. How has this not been discussed yet or has anyone not seen the stuff uploaded on YT or snagged any DLs?
  4. Ro plz

    Yo...... Thats wild. RIP
  5. Ro plz

    I need 2 re-listen because Megiddo put me to schleeeeeeeppppp
  6. The man has been through enough.
  7. Ro plz

    Cassis is overrated as fuck. It always gets skipped whenever i listen to lives, or NIL.
  8. Lynch. are the definition of real niggas. They really rode out for AK, man.... This PV is awesome....
  9. Ro plz

    Weird how we've yet to hear any kind of preview and this single is rapidly approaching
  10. Ro plz

    Using MIDI Drums instead of using your actual drummer is strike one and two. Its VERY obvious Kai did nothing to contribute to this. Aoi knows how to work Ezdrummer and a lot of the drums sounded like they were missing that human touch. Also Kai was NOT present during the interview that dropped where the other members talked about recording Traces. Not even bothering to bring in someone to mix/master the project is strike 3. They also straight up said that they didn't know what they were doing a lot of the time. If this was someone's solo work then sure, id let it slide because admittedly it sounds decent. But its worth only a few listens till you decide you're better off listening to the studio versions or even better yet, the live versions. Traces deserves all the flack it gets.
  11. Ro plz

    Homeboy's been playing with a 7 string.
  12. Ro plz

    The first half of the song made my dick hard. The second half was kinda meh but overall this was a solid as fuck song. I kept my expectations low and I'm pleased. Lets see what this new album brings. I really wish they'd drop this on apple music or something to help hold us over. I need a 320 mp3 :V
  13. Ro plz

    Im annoyed that I have to go through hell and back just to access this song.
  14. What tuning does KEEL use? 

    1. Zeus
    2. Himeaimichu


      My best guess is Drop D. 

    3. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      I doubt its drop D. Their stuff sounds like its in a sharp tuning or a half step lower than E...but i wanna be sure. 

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  15. Ro plz

    Its like one day you post something i can cosign and then you go around and post nonsense like this bro. Is everything ok at home man? My PMs are open if you wanna talk. Don't do this.
  16. Ro plz

    Dress is the only song that your post applies to. The reason why that album was Stellar was because of the fact that it was pretty original. Sure it had DEG influence but it still had its own Sadie sound at the end of the day. Madrigal De Maria is where the copying was hella blatant. Its legit a dollar tree version of Uroboros.
  17. Yeah cept Fukai was pretty well spread out iirc. Mazo was pretty much on every DVD they dropped from 2012-2015
  18. We don't need a studio version of Mazohyst. Lord knows how many ballin ass performances of the "new" version exist. Fukai made sense because of Vestige and the fact that its a pretty "rare" song that they play. Mazo was literally on every or every other DVD that Dir released during their "lets keep spamming DVD's left and right" phase. AND it was on PSYCHONNECT. Granted I'm not too stoked for or care much for "Ash", I'm more ok with that (or any other oldie being redone) than the idea of them wasting time recording Mazo. No thanks dawg.
  19. Ro plz

    As long as its not the mess that was the previous album, I am game.
  20. Ro plz

    I find a good bunch of the old stuff that’s not MISSA, or GAUZE , very unlistenable. I hate Kisou also. There’s some of the songs that have aged well and sound awesome if you watch the MODE of DVDs. But I love the progression from WTD to ARCHE. They satisfy my metal needs in their own special ways. But lately I’ve been bumping ARCHE over And over.
  21. Ro plz

    Meh.... ZETES And i think the two new songs they released with that best of were so underwhelming. I'll bite and keep tabs on this. I may be surprised.
  22. Since this is new Dir en grey Material, I wont say that i'm excited for it in fear that I'ma be passive aggressively attacked with a long ass post with how im wrong for doing so. I ain't dumb. I'm trying to stay outta trouble in these parts.
  23. Ro plz

    Anyways.... Rinkaku is still the best Dir en grey song ever. Is there any debate to this? Id love to hear peoples (wrong) thoughts.
  24. Ro plz

    The Inferno is a ballin ass track. I should perma ban anyone who says otherwise. But we all know the GOAT of GOATS on Arche is Uroko.
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