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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Ro plz

    While the DOGMA PV is cool and all, I was really hoping that Id get to see the band members play their instruments. Kind of a let down. But if what i heard is true, then i guess my wishes will be satisfied in the DEUX MV.
  2. In my mind, DEUX is the GazettE's latest single and OMINOUS and DAWN are the B-sides. I am fine with this at least for another few weeks. Enjoy DOGMA, ppl.

    1. Spectralion


      It's way more enjoyable than I anticipated. I'm pleased...

  3. Ro plz

    DEUX.... fucking DEUX did this to me. I don't need the rest of DOGMA till about a week, maybe never. Y'all can enjoy it. That song did it for me... I'm out. I cant. Peace.
  4. Every social media outlet is gonna break, over DOGMA today...

    1. Tetora


      Already reports that most Tinder profiles now say 'Don't both messaging me unless you are at least 6'00'' and have the latest Gazette album'.

    2. emmny
    3. emmny
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  5. Ro plz

    This is gonna be album of the year.
  6. Ro plz

    Was a link for DAWN posted? If possible, id like it please.
  7. My stallion rose, after reading the name of the album.
  8. A lot of what I see especially when it comes to the bigger bands such as Dir en grey, the GazettE, etc, is that people have these preconceptions or expectations about what their upcoming sound should be. Mind you, singles and interviews aside, NO BODY knows what goes through the minds of these musicians when composing and they ARE NOT mind readers. And even if they are, at the end of the day, what they make is what they make. When this expectation isn't met, its more of a nitpicking that's borderline going into complaining, that comes out of em. And they stick out like a sore thumb.
  9. The last song wasn't bad but dawg.... You can literally see the try hardness (as with most Swed-Kei) in these photos. What's even more annoying is the fool with the mustache still keeping the stache....this dumbass is really serious with it. But ima peep this new song though. I can manage to negate the looks, as they dont matter as much as the music.
  10. Ro plz

    This nigga can't be serious....
  11. Ro plz

    Yeah....this guy is clearly waving his copy around and acting like he's from PSC/Sony, especially with that clip. But I'm still not gonna get my panties in a bunch for it. Dogma looks and sounds cool though.
  12. Ro plz

    Part of me actually wishes that the cleans werent there during the bridges. But at the same time I dont mind em, especially since it sounds new. The parts that the growls and such are present are cool. Reminds me a lot of Kuroku. Other than that, vocals are the highlight here for me, alongside the instrumentals.
  13. Ro plz

    Lol oh my goodness....these guys are still around?
  14. Ro plz

    Caved and listened. Wasn't expecting any links from this guy but since they up, why not. DAWN is pretty boss. This is exactly what I wanted, some new elements fused in with what the band has already done. That drop A# metal core intro made my stallion Rise. And also i got hella old school Vidoll vibes from Ruki's vocals. Ima chill on the rest of the songs though. Unless Deux is uploaded, since we've pretty much heard it all.
  15. the Devil Wears Prada dropped the Space EP. Def gonna keep my occupied until DOGMA comes out.

    1. beni


      Wow. Whenever you'd speak about that, I thought you were talking about the movie. Lmao. Enjoy.

  16. HBD Rezker. You been a life saver with them Dir en grey rips, bro

  17. Ro plz

    Even if this person is gloatin or whatever, you do realize that they have the right to do whatever the hell they want to with their copy right? Y'all are acting as if y'all are entitled their copy. Get over yourselves and just wait. The album will be out in pretty much any format that tickles your fancy and we can all enjoy it. Grown ass adults acting like kids. Anyways, back to the topic. I aint peep any of the longer previews yet but at this point, i might as well just wait for the album to drop.
  18. Ro plz

    Reita has had some pretty solid bass lines after the indies era. While Karasu is one of the more noteworthy ones, he's done some solid work on almost every album (granted, on Division, you have 2 watch the MELT live to see/hear it on some key songs). Some of my favs are: Chizuru, Fadeless, Unbearable Fact, Pledge, Nagihara and a few other key tracks in the DIM era, and Yoin...got a few others too. He doesn't lack technique, he's just overshadowed or a lot of the tracks dont really leave much room for him to shine imo.

  20. Ro plz

    Hard pass on that rip.... I couldn't even make it through a minute. I'll gladly wait till the album drops. Also, NO LYNCH SLANDER SHALL PROSPER.
  21. This song is poppy but the instrumentals and vocals....bruh. Wow.... I like this a lot. Its smooth and still has that darkness vibe too it. Lemme go cry in a corner right quick.
  22. Ro plz

    This look screams "try hard."
  23. Ro plz

    That Choreography is boss. Dayum.... I think the song is okay, after my initial listen but that video is gonna have me bumpin it even more as time goes by. I'm already on my 3'rd rewatch.
  24. Ro plz

    I listened to Carpe Diem last night and sent that shit right to my recycle bin after. Alongside the lackluster compositions of basically the entire album besides the intro (Nightmare seems to have a streak of boss opening songs btw), Yomi's vocals were what did it for me. I legit spent the time listening, saying "who the hell is this nigga that they replaced Yomi with?" I may listen to it later down the line but man...as of now WTF.
  25. I cant be the only one who understands that this Last fm update is a beta and things will smooth itself out.......c'mon guys.

    1. zombiesatemycereal


      Also they officially said it would weeks or MONTHS for things to return. So nah. Things won't smooth out.

    2. lenji


      you don't go public with a barely functioning beta. the whole point of a beta is for it to be tested, improved and corrected according to user feedback. its point is not to be forced on users before it's at least 90% complete. that mess isn't complete, and that's why people are reacting negatively.

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