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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. I wouldn't be surprised if this line up is "Clique-ish" like Sukekiyo's. Not saying thats a bad thing btw.
  2. Free fall and Yearner when its just me. Couples: Spoon and Sweethearts cradle.
  3. You better be getting drunk Ender.

    1. doombox


      I'm working on it! XD

  4. This is weirdly major.... I don't know how to feel at all....tbh. It is cool though. Id like 2 see the line up. inb4 people start overreacting.
  5. Ro plz

    Kai (the Gazette) Shinya (Dir en grey) Will Hunt (Evanescence) Daniel Williams (the Devil Wears Prada)
  6. Ro plz

    Exactly. Like this better be album of the year with all this senseless ass promotion. Got damn. Just release some music.
  7. Ro plz

    I cant be the only ones who are startin 2 find these teasers to be annoying now.
  8. Ro plz

    Amazing moment when me and Pretzy have been butt buddies since Dir en grey's debut. We make love while explaining their music every night (I say we go at it to Uroko tonight, bro). Been hip to dat Unraveling ass before Tinder. Beat ya 2 the punch

  10. Ro plz

    Queen of the damned Divas doesn't listen to anyone. This thread is bound to get derailed again at some point, despite our failed attempts to keep it focused on music lmao. We're trying, Champ. Literally. With that said.............. Potential FAILED ATTEMPT number 105 to keep this shit sane: I don't mind the absence of long songs on this album. I feel like people (no offense to anyone here btw), were starting to get too comfortable with the lengthy tracks, thus automatically assuming it would be a norm. And besides, I feel like they've successfully filled that quota of a long song, this time around with the MACABRE remake. I def wouldn't mind seeing a long song again somewhere down the line but with the way they ARCHE is and its simplistic writing, I think its best that it didnt happen this time around.
  11. Pretzy is one of the realist niggas here <3.

  12. Ro plz

    This was nice. I got bored of go Crazy relatively quick but this song, I will def be bumpin more.
  13. Ro plz

    I consider The marrow of a bone to be part of a "holy trinity" of progression for Dir en grey because of how the next 2 albums are. I like it because its just raw, barely any of the songs have any sort of backing track and I happen to think live, these songs blend together in a setlist so it makes for a great experience. I can def see why people don't like it though.
  14. Ro plz

    ^Those songs are easily some of the worst on Vulgar tbh. lol
  15. Watching Clips from Buck-Tick's Arui Wa Anarchy live.....my love has been rekindled.

  16. Ro plz

    That was bad.
  17. Ro plz

    This. With what they've been doing as of late, its safe to say that they aren't gonna stray from this style, at least for now. But it still sounds cool, none the less.
  18. Ro plz

    ^I want this man Banned. Withering to Death is the only release worth Listening to. Followed by the GOAT, Marrow of A Bone.
  19. Ro plz

    My nigga, you spelt withering to death wrong.
  20. Ro plz

    Id cry tears if they played Tefu Tefu in the states. I'm willing to bet they'll debut it in the upcoming JP show. Lemme not get my hopes too up. And man US is so lucky. We get Taylor Swift (ONE OF THE BIGGEST POP ICONS OF ALL TIME) and Dir en grey (YEARLY I MIGHT ADD). Say what you want, us biggots is ballllliiiiinnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Ro plz

    I believe so. And it'll probably be another winter tour, thanks to the next batch of JP shows that will take place in the fall.
  22. One day im gonna make it on the top 5 online users list ;_;

    1. stylelover


      there were some "cheats" in the past cat or lets call them workarounds, but they somehow didnt work after a while. maybe when the board got updated or smth.

    2. stylelover


      i was able to get like a few hours of online time in a few minutes 8D good times.

    3. Zeus


      the board times out after 1 hour so for utmost efficiency you have to refresh once an hour

    4. Show next comments  117 more
  23. Ro plz

    Its cool if it isn't new or not, bro. The mood here has quickly become tainted, just tryna bring it back 2 the music. Ya, feel me? I'm basing this on the Age Quod Boston show when i point this out but the randoms oldies were very random haha. I believe (if my memory serves me right) we got Kasumi, and Rotting Root. So i'm hopin we get something along those lines again. But of course my main focus is ARCHE.
  24. Ro plz

    For those who actually give a damn about the music vs the fuck fest that's the last few posts: A US tour is probably gonna be announced soon, what are some expectations that you have setlist wise? I know the band is keen on having the US setlists be varied from the Japanese ones by throwing in some random oldies. FUKAI has made a triumphant come back in EU, you guys think we'll get that as well as some other classics? Lets chat
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