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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Ro plz

    I'll vote Dir en grey because in terms of music, they really do their best to ditch the status quo and expand their sound with almost every release. I also believe Kaoru is by far one of the greatest composers, ever. And live, judging from my past 2 experiences, they were simply amazing and inspiring. I really dig the GazettE as well because even though they do tend to play it safe and have had many questionable releases, they also have a unique sound that stands out from the rest. Uruha is why I play guitar today. His skill and song writing capabilities are pretty nice. I feel like the band has done a great job of bouncing back from their terrible TOXIC/DIVISION run. Beautiful Deformity was just great and I believe that DOGMA will be an even bigger step up from that.
  2. This is alright. Just alright.
  3. Ro plz

    um..... Not for a while....?
  4. Ro plz

    COLD BLOOD, and Master of Romance. Both releases show a lot of originality. individually, Master of Romance seems very well structured while COLD BLOOD is very in your face, raw. Also, the Dir en grey influence barely shows
  5. I will admit, I caved. 4Minute's CRAZY is a pretty cool song. That production is ridiculous.


    1. emmny


      currently goals

  7. This 10 page paper im working on, is coming along quite well....

    1. Ro plz
    2. MaikoMizu


      Stallion will knock out this paper and get that A!

    3. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Thank you <3!!!!!

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  8. Ro plz

    The remake was 10x better imo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQjnTMzniUM I always found the original a bit....bland. This specific performance, as well as the ones on the AGE QUOD DVD....masterpiece.
  9. Ro plz

    JJCC: Fire T-ARA: Number 9 Hellovenus: Wiggle Wiggle Miss A: Love song Rain: Its raining These are the ones that i could come up with on the fly. Prob many more.
  10. Ro plz

    Except the health of an animal (depending on the kind of owner you are) isn't as wishy washy as like what....um....pretty much the entirety of the VK indies scene. Haha. And I didn't say it was wrong to be attached, I said SO attached, big difference. And hell, there isn't anything wrong with getting "sad" when something great ends. I was a lil down when the bands i mentioned, decided to call it quits. I thought for sure the were here to stay and eventually get picked up by a label, but that wasn't the case. But at the end of the day, life moves on. Some of the time ex band members may go and do something great (ex: Sukekiyo's line up). Or....we can have situations like LEDA, who clearly can't keep his bands together past a certain time. There's countless bands that are actually serious about pulling through and or have made it major, that can fill that void. And lets be real here, its not as if during said disbanded bands, run, they haven't created enough content for one to get by with, after their disbandment. Technically, they'll always be there. I still love you though, Para <3 That is not what i said at all. Reread, or better yet, peep my response to Para. This is why you my nigga.
  11. Ro plz

    I agree with you 100 percent. The amount of hype that a lot of these copy and paste bands get in general, makes me wonder if people just like how they look/the members...or if they are actually that oblivious. The Black swan, Mejibray, and hell even Lycaon to a certain point aren't anything special and contribute absolutely nothing to the growth of VK. As for my own unpopular opinion: VK fans need to STOP getting so attached to indies bands. Over the last few years, we've seen some of the greatest/influential indies bands up and disband out of the blue such as OZ, 9GOATS, RENTRER EN SOI and even...................................................Lycaon (HIGHLY DEBATABLE). It doesn't take a genius to know that we really don't know what goes on behind closed doors with these groups at such an early stage in their careers. Yes, its okay to be fond of them and follow them but based on the terrible trend that specific scene has of bands dropping left and right, why must people get so indulged? Only to have what happened here when Lycaon disbanded, happen again and again? At this point, i think both here on MH and many VK fans in general need to actually wake up and smell the coffee. NONE of these bands, no matter how popular they are or how well you think they look are sound, are guaranteed to stay active.
  12. Ro plz

    Home girl from THE SEEYA has a solo track. Nice tune.
  13. I'll pass. I have mad love and respect for these guys for what they've done but it seems to me like with these recent releases, which look/sound boring, they're tryna regain some sort of relevancy that they don't have anymore.
  14. Ro plz

    This. It fits more as a middle of the setlist song.
  15. Never checked out these guys as much before but this song is rockin!!!!
  16. They need it. SADIE is a band that cannot stay consistent. This has plagued the band since ever. With this hiatus, the band needs to sit down and figure out what the hell is it they want to do. Let them take as much time as they need. I just want them to come back as a stronger band.
  17. This better be a huge step up from their last release because that was a complete and utter disappointment. The only reason i checked out the damn thing in the first place was because the single was flames.
  18. HBD TO MY NIGGA PHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Ro plz

    Swed-Kei/EU VK is only a thing because those guys figured how easy it was to get a following of fans because they use VK imagery. Musician ship often comes second to them. A lot of the stuff is just bad to listen to or is highly repetitive. However, a lot of the fans who clearly dunno better will eat it up simply because of how cool they look. YOHIO is no exception to this.
  20. Ro plz

    I am never doing that again.........fuck.
  21. Ro plz

    You guys make kick ass music. Keep it up.
  22. Drunk status: Maria i love you.

    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      <3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I love you panda!

    2. allisapp
    3. Spectralion


      Never been drunk status : My head is pounding.

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  23. Ro plz

    Easily one of the most lackluster songs of 2015. Is it just me or does this group just release lackluster music in general? I haven't been able 2 get in to almost anything they've put out. This just sounds like straight noise to me tbqh.
  24. Ro plz

    Id fuck. I mean, nice pic bro.
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