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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Ro plz

    SADIE, since COLD BLOOD has been on a nonstop trail of hit or miss. Its either their music is too blatantly Dir en grey influenced or lifeless and repetitive. I was one of the many few who enjoyed GANGSTA for what it was because it was a release that i felt strayed away from those cancerous attributes. With the announcement of their hiatus, they've dropped VOYAGE. I went in skeptical because often time when SADIE releases something that I deem listenable, they follow up with something terrible....This was NOT The case here. Lemme break it down. Voyage: Starts off with an intro that gives off a farewell vibe and throughout the entirety of the song, this vibe is present even when there's the breakdown that meshes extremely well and does not take away from the feel. Mao's vocals for some reason is just amazing. I'll even dare to say this is the best he's sounded. Same can be said for the other members as well, especially Tsurugi and Mizuki who's guitar work shines. They clearly pulled no punches. AND GOT DAMN, My nigga....THAT SOLO. Anyways....The way the track fades out with Mao singing "la la la la" is so fitting....like, i wouldn't be surprised if they ended their final show with this song and the fans sang along while bawling their eyes out. Simply amazing. 10/10 Call of Pain: When this started, i thought it would be another filler B-side song along the lines of Setugekka but boy was i wrong. If anything this is a better, more thought out and creative version of those songs. To me It carries on the same Farewell vibe as Voyage but just in a different format but its still well done. I tend to often ignore SADIE b-sides but this is one where I will actually go back and listen to. Well done! 8.10 End Of The World: DAWG, THIS JUST HITS YOU IN THE FACE with that RAW SADIE goodness. Its heavy but it also does a great job at making you feel like the the title of the song. I could picture this playing as a soundtrack to some apocalypse type move. ALSO that breakdown......I have no words. Just my favorite reaction: I really can't say much more about this track. Its just killer. EASILY My favorite song out of the whole release. They saved the best for last, which is brilliant. 20/10 Overall, SADIE's VOYAGE is one of the best send offs before a hiatus, i've ever heard. From start to finish this single oozes of pure, fresh originality and is hella rockin. THIS is the SADIE that i missed since COLD BLOOD. For anyone who bad talked the band, VOYAGE is them making a statement with their middle fingers raised high. I wish them the absolute best and hope they come back stronger with a clear direction for their music (for once). Best release of 2015 so far. I can already tell I'm gonna be listening to this more than my other current fav releases this year.
  2. Ro plz

    Its interesting that you mention this, especially since the band has done as much as they can to avoid being labelled that way. Back when DSS was on its way to coming out, there was an interview that came out where Toshiya said they always get invitations to cons and events of that nature and they ALWAYS turn it down because they refuse to be categorized as being in a certain nitch like many other Japanese bands. As for Shinya, I don't that its that much of an issue because his visual-ness really shows in other ventures outside of Dir en grey. And even when the other members go visual, its veryyyyy tame. At least that's how i perceive it. Its actually funny too. Despite the constant controversy surrounding the GazettE, regarding their music, I believe that they are very musically competent. But a lot feel like thanks to their looks, and the type of fans that they attract, they will never be taken seriously. I personally don't care for looks, as long as the music is boss but I can also see why it has some kind of importance on the image/types of fans that get drawn in.

    1. Elazmus


      YOU STILL GOT IT! *clap, clap, clapclapclap*

  4. I use this as a primary news source for anything J-rock first (I made this page a homepage just so I can check the news thread daily lol). And to talk about fav bands and genres with folk who enjoy em as well. I love the trade off. Its probably one of my fav events here. Nice to get a feel for someone Idk that well likes in regards to music. When i can do it, plug is also very enjoyable. Its like chat with music on the side that everyone can check out.
  5. Ro plz

    Whoever mixed/mastered this track did a god awful job at it. Its just flat. Sucks because besides that, its a pretty damn good song. Just very un-listenable.
  6. Ro plz

    Lmfaoooooo Shinya is one of the GOATS. Fight me.
  7. Ro plz

    As unique as one could be playing a guitar or any instrument...? There isn't some standard that all musicians have to follow when doing music lol. As for Pretzy...dawg...that wall of text gave me a headache but lemme just keep it short and simple. His drumming isn't boring. It stands out but also blends with whatever the atmosphere the songs have going on. 304, Ware, Uroko, Decayed Crow, Vinushka etc, prime examples. Whatever his influences are such, I don't know em really nor do i care. Nor do i care about all this technical mumbo jumbo. He's seems to be able 2 put that crap together well enough that it blends into his own signature style (Yes, he has a style, idc). I dig it. It makes my wee wee go hard. The end.
  8. Ro plz

    I believe they were at a point. Haru Haru Stay And a few other songs in the past were exceptional imo.
  9. Ro plz

    They've been silent for a hella long time. Who knows how long they've been working/polishing up these songs for. I wouldn't worry much, bro.
  10. Ro plz

    New Bigbang song and music video is awesome. Its clear that these guys really don't give a crap about concepts and looks and are just doing this for fun. Normally i'd be against this but their previous effort and now this have been very appealing musically. And that's all that matters to me.
  11. Ro plz

    Idk why but i get happy when i see that this thread is lively only to find out the recent "news' is about re-releases of albums that we all have heard a million times already.
  12. Ro plz

    Here's my take on this whole Live situation: Maybe its just me but I tend to have this habit where once i listen to an album/single, I think immediately about how it'll be transpired live. By logic, some things that were done on the studio version will not be present when actually performed. And i'm glad that they dont forcefully try 2 add those elements in either(backing guitars and such). It'll suck the life out of the true live experience. Its more along the lines of, if they do xyz live, is it done with energy and is it done well. Based on the various clips of Uroko, Behind, and the other ARCHE songs that we're seeing, the band seems to be nailing that aspect. To me, Uroko is boss. I love how its just the guitars soloing it out with the bass and when its done both Kaoru and Die slide right back into the chugs and chords. Thats awesome to me. Imo, getting all technical and such for an album is okay but live, its how they want to do it or how they feel is best. So getting all technical in that aspect would ruin it for me so ima just take it as is. I know the 2011 wacken live is not one of the favorites in the fandom but to me, I loved it. Especially Different Sense and Hageshisa where they struggled the most, why? They plowed through that shit with an intensity, despite the issues. That matters to me.
  13. I went to visit family overseas and got stuck in customs for 3 days due to a complication, smh. Seems like a lot happened in my absence( tsk tsk guys!) haha. Thank you all for the #Freestallion movement! I appreciate you all! It helped me get through this crazy ordeal! Feels good 2 be back!!! Whoooo!!!

    1. Des


      Sell the movie rights and you could make some money out of it. Oh hold on... http://i.imgur.com/PCCBtLd.jpg

  14. Apparently you cant.

  15. Ro plz

    Don't even bother. The mods have probably gotten countless reports of her nonsense but they let her run scott free even though its clear she's a problem. If i'm not mistaken, she also got recognized in the MH awards for being one of the top trolls. This just gives her more of an incentive to be a blatant and unnecessary bitch. Just ignore her and keep it moving. To stay on topic, before a mod deletes my post for being "off topic" again, The pic is pretty much standard Dir en grey, coolness. Nothing really special to see here.
  16. Ro plz

    I thought id weigh in a bit on the whole Shinya thing. Shinya is not a bad drummer by any means imo. I think that he has a very unique style and on studio, he shines very well and blends in well with the rest of the band. The issue lies with him live. And its a matter of him simply not practicing.
  17. I have these random 3 stars under my name when i go 2 my profile....Idk who y'all are. I will find you. And I will hug/thank you.

  18. Ro plz

    i gotta peep those.
  19. Ro plz

    Almost done with this last song then its off to the Acoustic version or "Core!" This EP is going to be the best release of 2015. I can't stress this enough.
  20. I really enjoy it. I came across a commercial for a show that played the videos while watching the international (asian) channel one day in middle school. Visually and musically it struck a chord with me. I made it a must to check it out and got into some of the groups/artists who were popular at the time (BoA, Se7en, BI, Shinhwa, etc). I got fed up with the fandom and my lack of being able 2 find more artists that i enjoyed. I came back to it last year and i'm really into it. I agree with rocketeer in which it does get to the point where you cant recognize who is who and such, which can get a lil overwhelming or tiring. But having a few go to groups, helps. From a musical standpoint, I really enjoy the production side of K-pop. What these guys are doing really resonates with me and I like using some elements in my music. Nice blend of styles and instruments. Hell, I even wanna take a stab at producing myself, thanks to K-pop. I've been on somewhat of a J-rock and Metal binge over the last few years. I like having music in my daily rotation thats a bit on the soft/ lighter and mellow side and gets me in the mood to party or chill, now. I also really dig the choreography in a lot of videos as well as the visuals. The idols and companies (who i agree can be very cruel to the artists at times) take this seriously and I really respect that. I can also understand why a lot of people loathe it though. A lot of the time, it may seem like a lot of it sounds the same. Many K-Pop producers tend to stick to specific keys when making songs and the fans are often headache inducing. I also agree heavily with what one user posted, saying that some groups come off as trying to hard to portray an image thats clearly not them. I see this a lot with the boy groups and it is indeed cringe inducing. Same can be said for a few of the girl groups. In general, I think its cool.
  21. Ro plz

    More or less this seems like what the sets will be for awhile. I like this. A lot.
  22. Ro plz

    Snooze fest. Of all the songs they could've showcased, they chose this one. A song we've heard millions of times already. I really don't mean 2 sound whiny but they obviously played the new song at the event, WHICH is outside of Japan, we already know of it, why not pro-shot that?
  23. Ro plz

    I am really not a big fan of SECRET but the members individual stuff is pretty cool. Taxi driver is easily my fav song right now. That production is soooo nice. Finally got around to this yesterday, Its a nice song but that abrupt key change when it gets 2 K. Will's part isnt sitting well with me at all. So happy that there's a solo version with just Elsie on the Mini album (which is also spectacular btw). Besides Hyomin, T-ARA's individual members can really hold their own. K-pop is on a roll this year for me.
  24. Ro plz

    RED EM. Fuck a Fukai (that performance was awesome btw. It reignited my interest for it. Been playing Kaoru's part on my Viper all last night, haha.) RED MUTHAFAWKIN EM.
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