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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. This looks hella promising.
  2. Ro plz

    I will respectfully disagree with you. Hurt Locker was lackluster as all hell. It ranks right under SISTAR's Shake it for 'singles' that just didn't do it for me this summer. BUT the majority of the album was VERY enjoyable! When you take out Hurt Locker, its fighting toe to toe with AOA's Heart attack as my fav comeback so far this summer. My favorite song on the album <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rHycaio9iM
  3. Ro plz

    Buck Tick-Arui Wa Anarchy and 13 wa Gekkou have been on constant repeat on my phone. Been checking out hella live stuff too.
  4. Yeah their boring mainstream sound was bound to land them success here. So as much as i dislike 99.9 percent of their music, this is a major accomplishment. Grats.
  5. I feel like finding a rip or physical copy of 9Goats Black Out's Silence will be impossible....

    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      I wont, brotha ;_;

    2. Zeus


      i found something yesterday which i was searching for for 4 years. it was so rare it was thought no one had the cd anymore. then someone found their last remaining copy and ripped it. anything can happen.

    3. emmny


      buuuut if you do, prepare to sell an organ to buy it :(

    4. Show next comments  114 more
  6. Ro plz

    from Kai's instagram.... now. what’s the best thing to do… tr.missverypink Guess there is more music after DOGMA.....
  7. https://soundcloud.com/hellion01/wasteland-raw New song! Enjoy and feel free to distribute/share as you please as well as leave comments/suggestions!
    1. Jigsaw9


      Sweet tune~

    2. plastic_rainbow


      Sounds very nice! I like it~ ^^

  8. Writing a song in 24 hours as a challenge. And it will be released, immediately after its completion :3

    1. Jun_


      Do you need something to record? Like, guitarrist, bassist? :3

  9. Ro plz

    I'd like this a lot better if this was Versailles and Dir en grey. But whatever.
  10. Ro plz

    ^Whatchu mean?
  11. Guys, me and rocketeer are a thing now. No more flirting.

  12. Ro plz

    boooooooooooooooooooo. Easily one of the most boring songs on the album and thats the one they do the feature with? :/
  13. Inb4 we have people foolishly comparing DECAYS to Dir en grey like they did with Sukekiyo...... To the point where it needed to be confirmed that ARCHE was going to sound nothing like Sukekiyo.... Even though.....anyone with a shred of common sense could tell that.
  14. I have no idea who these guys are besides Die. So my hype levels are at a standstill. Would someone mind breaking down who they are/bands they come from?
  15. I'm 24 today. MH, drinks are on you today. Get me drunk.

    1. doombox


      Happy Birthday, Hell! I'll drink one for you today. Cheers!☆

    2. CAT5


      Happy Birthday!

    3. Show next comments  114 more

    1. Wicked Teletubby

      Wicked Teletubby

      nananana, gettin' jiggy with it.

  17. Ro plz

    AOA killed on Heart attack (just not a big fan of the MV). But this song (as well as the rest of the album) is pretty nice. Song was a snoozefest. But the songs on the album make up for it.
  18. The first song on that video sounded like a mess, vocally. Its like they couldn't decide on who was doing what for back vocals. And that second song is just your average cut and paste vk "party/hype" song. How these guys got popular is beyond me... I still need a sample of this new release to decide if they're really one-A Side hit wonders in my eyes.
  19. Ro plz

    This song was wayyy to all over the place for me to enjoy. Their singles seem to be a hit or miss. One of my only gripes with NB. I'll be checking out the B-sides since they sounded like its the in your face madness that I love.
  20. Ro plz

    MFW when you can listen to Stacked Rubbish all the way to Beautiful Deformity to get those urges satisfied. Its 2015. C'mon. Anyways, I agree with Pho. They can look as awesome as they want. And the visuals can be grabbing too(they are) but the be all end all is the music. I am pleased that we at least have some information regarding the actual album now. That's something to be grateful for.
  21. The Devil Wears Prada's new track is SO BOSS.

  22. Let's all chill, here <3

  23. Amazing moment when I payed absolutely no mind to your post when making mine. Thanks for the dick riding though baby <3 Glad we on the same page. Musically, Vamps is a pure snooze fest. Id cry out of sheer anger if this was anything like it. I wonder if this is gonna be composed of ex members or current members...maybe both.
  24. SADIE's Bleach is pretty cool.

    1. Tetora


      Yep, leaves us on a cliffhanger now that they are taking a break.

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