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Newer bands who started with high hopes, but are now on a decline

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To have no debate over new, I'm going to say beginning of 2012.


Bands that started with high hopes! Maybe their first single of mini or album was awesome, but as they continued to release new material over time, it's slowly going downhill.


These bands are the ones going downhill for me:


Signal: I just can't! After Grow Back over Scars and then the lovely Undetake, but then....nose dive


Blu-Billion: Loved them when they first started, but then they got too repetitive. I feel like their songs all sound the same...and when they try to do something different (Mosaic)...it didn't fare to well with me...They seem to be stuck...

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...not to contradict your 2012 stipulation, but isn't Blu-Billion from 2010 or 11?

Anyway, mine would be:
the Raid. - somehow, I was excited when I heard their

 (debut single "Starry Heavens") but everything afterward has totally bored me.  My patience wore very thin, very quickly, haha.  The vocalist, who I thought was good at first, now just annoys me and the music is the same ol' stuff.  This is all just based off the previews, because I haven't even bothered to download any of their releases since their second single.

Synk;yet - They started off with a fairly unique style, thanks to some nice guitar playing (see [Re]:birth or Fatal Lovers).  Very promising!  But the mini-albums since then have been kind of "meh."  A good song here and there, but too many ballads I think.  Perhaps the most evident proof of their decline is the 
on their newest mini-album; it sounds hollow and honestly like the guitarist can't hit the notes as fast anymore...  Now, it's very apparent there's only one guitarist, whereas I never felt that before.

This is a fun topic. Surely I can think of some more, haha.

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black future was the only signal release that was underwhelming for me, the rest has been spectacular. They are still one of the bands I keep looking forward to.

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I have to disagree with Signal, they're quickly becoming one of my favourite bands outright. You speak of Undertake like it's their last good release, but in fact they only released one single after that so far (and of course the great live-dist. Awakening impression). For me at least, their releases have been pretty consistent. MELT and GLOW BACK are stellar releases, but they can clearly still go hard and heavy (hello Apocalypse, even if Yuri's voice sounded a little strained on the higher screams). Judging by the preview for their new single though, he's back on form as one of my favourite active vocalists.


As for my own opinion on bands going downhill, I'd put forward Lustknot. Their first singles really caught my attention, but recently I've lost interest. Their recent releases don't have that wow factor for me, and I might even go as far as calling them a little same-y. I'm still going to keep up with them though to see what they put out next.


And on a longer time scale, my vote goes to Lycaon. Royal Order was a really great album, but then they... changed. I'm hoping this new label they've founded means they'll return to their roots a little more, the only songs I liked much in recent memory were Pierrot, ROSE and Plug into the Socket.

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I have to disagree with Signal, they're quickly becoming one of my favourite bands outright. You speak of Undertake like it's their last good release, but in fact they only released one single after that so far (and of course the great live-dist. Awakening impression). For me at least, their releases have been pretty consistent. MELT and GLOW BACK are stellar releases, but they can clearly still go hard and heavy (hello Apocalypse, even if Yuri's voice sounded a little strained on the higher screams). Judging by the preview for their new single though, he's back on form as one of my favourite active vocalists.

Apocalypse AND Awakening Impression (live dist.) were IMO not good...Also, the new preview doesn't really grab me. The way his high screams are done really rub me the wrong way and everything else in all the other previews just run together. Not to mention he sounds really nasally. So thus far, IMO as originally stated, they are going downhill.


I do agree with your Lycaon statement though...


...not to contradict your 2012 stipulation, but isn't Blu-Billion from 2010 or 11?


Just looked it up 2010...You're right, my bad lol





forgot them.....lol yes, THIS!





Going to open this up to just bands in general I suppose though I know

I'm going to get some...gazettes, dir en grey, etc, etc...

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i  liked them before he died i think.they had one song i liked(病んでる時に唄う歌)and i was curious about them then.

and after that  i never listened to them again


ALSDEAD. with dice and joker together.

i liked them very much and then they got boring. even their looks changed.

(btw why do so many bands starting with awesome looks and end up with uglier visuals?)


i agree with lycaon.although they still have so many fans? maybe it has something to do with the fanservice/visuals.

he does such awful vocals like he tries to sound like kiyoharu but only kiyoharu can do this


i thought signal sound better than the begining. although i don't listen to them so i can't tell really. first i didn't like them at all,

now i saw the new songs and i like them more but i am annoyed by his high vocals so i won't listen.

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This thread could be translated as: Lycaon.

They're the best example.

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Signal's definitely changed a bit since their old stuff, but I think you guys will actually really be impressed with their newer single. It's a lot more reminiscent of their stuff from Back Over Scars and prior. :3


I was excited about Lycaon and they're a lotoffun live... but I'd never call myself a fan. 

I have been a little iffy on Galeyd's Revolution single (Mostly because Masquerade is rather boring on CD), but Flee from Reality's songs have really shaped up, so I'm a bit happier about it.

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Guest mitsubana


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Apocalypse AND Awakening Impression (live dist.) were IMO not good...Also, the new preview doesn't really grab me. The way his high screams are done really rub me the wrong way and everything else in all the other previews just run together. Not to mention he sounds really nasally. So thus far, IMO as originally stated, they are going downhill.


Fair enough. I'm not one of those people to complain about other people's listening habits, just enjoy what you like.


About the more major bands, well, that's just disgruntled fangirls. As far as the GazettE are concerned, I'm perfectly happy with their evolution. People raved about the effects on TOXIC, but if they actually took the time to listen to the whole album they would have found only two or three tracks used any autotune at all. They've always played with interesting electronic effects and vocal samples, just a lot more recently. DIVISION was slightly lacklustre for me, but still a solid release.


@Whoever mentioned ALSDEAD, I think the opposite. I only started listening to them after Separator just came out, but I'm really liking that album so far.

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me. i  listened to seperator again today because i said alsdead. it is not so bad it's just the comparison. i know them since the day they first started as a new band.and used to listen to them .

i loved their first songs and previous work and i was so excited about them then and  now... nothing...

got boring

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Gakkido was always bad, people only started paying attention to them after they had that horrible car accident that killed their manager and singer.

Until their song called Mou nakanai to sora ni chikatta hi (hope I wrote it correctly) they kind of seemed to be a promising band. However, after  that moving song they started to released very dull poppish songs.

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I'm on my phone btw, so if this has weird typos just blame autocorrect.

I'm going to bring up Megalomania. When what's his face left and Sui started trying to sing nice everything just kinda went downhill. I do like some songs that they did but that new direction they started was just lackluster.

Misery's style and composition always had metal influences, and the songs still retained his style. Just felt like they traded that chaotic goth style for more softer ballads or romantic clean songs. They weren't all bad but Sui just doesn't have a good voice. I think with another better vocalist some of those songs would have been fine but as Megalomania songs it just wasn't working.

It wasn't so bad I still liked them but there was just a decline from previous material.

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Well, I have to disagree with ALSDEAD... they started well, and they are still good. Separator, IMO, is a much more coherent album than their self-titled, which was filled with screamy songs and only Kizu and Nijiiro no Ame caught my attention.


Royz had some great singles to start, but their albuns just aren't as good, especially TEARS. They just aren't as interesting anymore.

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Gonna have to bring up NoGod, though they're relatively old compared to most other bands in this thread so far. Their indie stuff ranged from 'pretty aight' to 'amazing', but nowadays it's just bland bland bland bland


also, though i haven't been keeping up with them as much anymore, cocklobin is sort of this for me. I absolutely LOVED their first mini-album, but after that it sort of felt like they were slowly heading into a much more 'harsh' direction which just didn't do it for me? I haven't really kept up with them anymore at an in-depth level since somewhere around their full-length, which was somewhat good to me, so idk how it is now though.

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Gonna have to bring up NoGod, though they're relatively old compared to most other bands in this thread so far. Their indie stuff ranged from 'pretty aight' to 'amazing', but nowadays it's just bland bland bland bland


also, though i haven't been keeping up with them as much anymore, cocklobin is sort of this for me. I absolutely LOVED their first mini-album, but after that it sort of felt like they were slowly heading into a much more 'harsh' direction which just didn't do it for me? I haven't really kept up with them anymore at an in-depth level since somewhere around their full-length, which was somewhat good to me, so idk how it is now though.

Agree with the NoGod thing, kinda stopped following them after their first few releases. Those number songs are pretty cool tho.

And same for cocklobin, DDC was amazing and even black was pretty good, but after that it became kinda repetative and boring, sadly.

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For me it is Black gene for the next scene. I was really excited when Rame's new band was announced. I found Doom was an okay single, but what they have done ever since isn't really convincing to me.

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Time for my completely unwarranted opinion on things 8D.


Signal: I just can't! After Grow Back over Scars and then the lovely Undetake, but then....nose dive


Just so you know, I marathoned (almost all) of Signal's releases so I could respond to this post. 


After my quick listening session, I would describe this band has having some pretty dope tracks (some with uninteresting parts), some typical heavy tracks, some tracks that head in a direction I don't particularly like, and some tracks that should never have been recorded *coughcoughthoselivedistscoughcough*. These tracks aren't cleanly separated by release as a function of time, which indicates inconsistency over anything else.


And on a longer time scale, my vote goes to Lycaon. Royal Order was a really great album, but then they... changed. I'm hoping this new label they've founded means they'll return to their roots a little more, the only songs I liked much in recent memory were Pierrot, ROSE and Plug into the Socket.


This. So hard. I don't think they can return to their roots though since they lost the member that was responsible for that sound.


Gonna have to bring up NoGod, though they're relatively old compared to most other bands in this thread so far. Their indie stuff ranged from 'pretty aight' to 'amazing', but nowadays it's just bland bland bland bland


That happened the minute they left ART POP. Once they "made it" major, it seems like they no longer felt the need to try so hard and began playing it safe all the time. The pressure to sell must be getting to them somehow.


For me it is Black gene for the next scene. I was really excited when Rame's new band was announced. I found Doom was an okay single, but what they have done ever since isn't really convincing to me.

I am also agreeing with this, although they really only had one good song.

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There's also THOMAS, they started out as a somewhat okay and somewhat promising angura-esque band and then they turned into girugamesh-lite


Oh, and let's not forget ~controversial statement incoming~ MUCC, either. Their nosedive after Shion is amazing

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