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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. That's 2 people who've told me that my new song has WTD vibes. Wow...guess influence really does unintentionally show.

  2. Ro plz

    Crows Explode. HOLY CRAP that was awesome
  3. The OMNIGOD gets better with each listen....idg how, but its is.

    1. Tetora


      Awesome album.

  4. We need a plug intervention. You damn addicts. ;3

    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      you're gonna bring us all down with you, huh Beni??

    2. Des


      "addiction is voluntary!"

    3. beni


      Until the ultimate Plug-apocalypse happens Stallion, yes! ;'D

    4. Show next comments  147 more
  5. Makes peace with anyone I may have had issues with here.* I'm a man of love and chill.

    1. beni


      *high five* Go Stallion!~

    2. Ro plz
  6. Ro plz

    This song features one of the girls from SISTAR and I must say, this is beautiful....
  7. Ro plz

    Dude...... Those live clips. ZEPHR has punch! And those MV's! Can't wait. IMMORTALIS was a solid album but I have a feeling this mini is gonna be better. Is it just me or bands do a lot better at Mini's?
  8. I don't get how ripping off is like the standard for these bands nowadays but ppl like it so...i guess that justifies it.
  9. So we just gonna ignore/play ignorant to the fact that whatever new song plays at the beginning of the vid posted sounds exactly like LYNCH's GALLOWS. Ight.
  10. Ro plz

    This album is a nice album to bump if you want some solid in your face metal goodness. That's pretty much where it only delivers. Besides GENESIS and DESPERATE, I really don't have any other song besides maybe PUNCH ME IF YOU CAN that I can point out as an outstanding track. What you've heard on one song is pretty much what you'll hear in another or something the band has done before. This is no way a bad album though. I'll still bump it. It just lacks variation and creativity. I will say this though, this is light years better than their first Full length which was a total snooze fest. 6.5/10 Try harder next time, NB.
  11. Just found out that Origa died. I saw her in concert 2 years ago. What a great vocalist. RIP :(

    1. Zeus


      yes she died of lung cancer last saturday.

    2. beni


      I knew the name sounded familiar and only discovered recently why. I loved her voice, I feel terrible about being late on this. R.I.P.

    3. Licio123


      yea, saw the news yesterday. She was a great artist, yet another good soul gone too soon =(

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  12. Ro plz

    Bible Black.
  13. Man, I just remembered why i don't watch daytime television anymore. Lolol

  14. Its either seniority or immunity, which are the reasons why certain ppl go unchecked here but...that's none of my business. (Insert kermit sippin tea pic.)

  15. I loose Brain cells everytime I see the world "slay" in a post on MH. Reminds me of those rabid Beyhive and Rihanna army stans. Sweet mother of Zordon...

  16. Ro plz

    I am so pleased with this performance. They just got on stage and rocked out. I missed this so much.
  17. Ro plz

    Such a beautiful song.......holy crap
  18. I die a lil inside when chat isn't active.......

    1. beni


      We're waiting. : 3

  19. Ro plz

    Its been awhile since i seen a video like this. I love when awesome club type songs have vids that place in clubs. Adds more to the song and overall feel. Also these girls are gorgeous and talented. Nice debut. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsjwG3FQna4 T-ARA just comes out with great vids. The end. I love how wow this MV is. The CGI all the way to the dancing. Its just super cool. I always make time to watch this at least once or twice or week.
  20. This. It was the album that drew me into them. As for the poll, I'm still sticking to UROBOROS. Hella consistent, tremendous growth from Uroboros, and the Budokan live is the best live showcase finale DIR EN GREY has ever done. My listing: 1. Uroboros 2. Dum Spiro Spero 3. ARCHE 4. The Marrow of A Bone 5. Vulgar
  21. https://soundcloud.com/hellion01/melting-final-demo I think GazettE fans and J-rock fans alike will enjoy this original (demo) track I made. Lemme know what you think, peeps.
    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      I'll take your advice into play when/if I decide to polish it up! Thank you!!!

    2. Jigsaw9
    3. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      thanks Jig!!!

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  22. Ro plz

    I respect this.
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