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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Ro plz

    In hindsight, I am still pretty disappointed in the band. I know some here have some hope in them which is cool. However, in my opinion, they went downhill too fast. I expect this kind of decline after about the 4th album or maybe later. I really hate using the term "selling out" but CROSSFAITH is a clear example of this. Its gotten to the point where one of their members is in a session band that's doing anime music. While this new single's B-sides are solid, I hope the album shows some kind of progression....
  2. Thank you very much for your feed back and view! The suggestions are noted and the next vids will also be a major improvement.
  3. Ro plz

    The B-sides are redeeming and as much as I hate to admit it, I'll probably listen to them from time to time. SOS is the most appealing to me. With that said, this is the new CROSSFAITH.....all hail.
  4. Ro plz

    Nailed it. Sad thing is that at this point expecting 'bang bang' from SADIE is a tad bit unreasonable. I think the 'harsh' reviews are a reflection of frustration because that expectation wasn't met. SADIE can do it, they just aren't.
  5. Hey guys! This is my cover of DIR's 「欲巣にDREAMBOX」あるいは成熟の理念と冷たい雨 ! This is my first ever "real" cover. I added some special effects to the video as well haha. I'm also using an ESP VIPER 330 (6 string), its a model that's similar to Kaoru's actual one(s). I learned this entire song by ear and the performance i'm playing along with is from their AGE QUOD AGIS [uS and Japan] tour leg. Please, Id love some feed back on this! I do want to get better with these videos and such as time progresses. Thanks a bunch and also, enjoy!
  6. Ro plz

    Id much rather a live after ive experienced the studio version. However, the vids of the new song showed that its gonna be beast when its finally recorded.
  7. I hope this full length isn't as disappointing as their last one. Grimore had at most 2-3 really great and heavy songs while the rest was just.....pop? Regardless, Desperate was a boss song and I have moderately high hopes for this new album.
  8. Ro plz

    12012's XII makes me sad. Sad in the way that this is going to be their last release for a long time. This album is near perfection. I can literally describe it as a well done trip down memory lane through their past and present era's. VICIOUS OF ABSOLUTION reminds me a lot of the SEVEN era. I love how even though drop B is the bands main tuning now, they can still make memorable tracks in standard or Drop D. Pretty much everyone of the members shine on this song and they all compliment each other. Oh and the piano just adds that spice to things. Beautiful. STORY OF A DIFFERENT DIMENSION reminds me a lot of something that would be on Play Dolls or Diamonds. The guitars are the highlights of this song, especially the main riff. My reaction face when hearing it : Another great track. THE RED is probably my favorite song on the mini. I've been saying this since the Swan, 12012 seriously has something great going on with the heavier tracks. Its near death metal territory, super creative, and pulls no punches. Just in your face brutality. Id love to see a full album with more tracks like these. BOSS. ALONE didn't interest me at first when I first heard it but it quickly grew on me. If I were to place it in the bands timeline, Id also put it somewhere in their earlier albums. It puts you in the chill mood and I could def see myself waving my arms from left to right singing the chorus. I really enjoy this track and its a nice break from the intensity of the other 2 tracks. AQUA: I listened to this and forgot it was on because it was super subtle. Then I realized it was 9 minutes....why? This is one of the best releases of 2014. I am sad to see 12012 go after this. They finally capitalized on a sound and now they're going on hiatus. I hope they realize they have something great going and decide to resume activities. If they do disband (God forbid), I wouldn't be mad. This was a valiant effort put in by them 9.5/10
  9. Ro plz

    I enjoyed the hell out of 2PM's come back as well. Such a great song. However, the album didn't appeal much to me though :/ Did you listen to the EDM remix release that dropped?? 4Minute has a few good songs but as a whole they haven't been able to keep my interest. SISTAR has my heart. They're one of the first groups that I listened to when I got back into the scene. ALONE is a fantastic mini. As far as T-ARA goes, I also love Number 9. Its my all time favorite song but Sugar Free....damn...that track goes so hard and I love that dark feel it has haha. Feels good to talk K-Pop.
  10. Ro plz

    Was not expecting to like that, Sai. I'm gonna give them a go. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsjwG3FQna4 Any T-ARA lovers here? Sweet song.
  11. Ro plz

    Welcome to MH! Enjoy your stay!
  12. XII is making me so mad that 12012 is going on Hiatus. Wow, this is a boss release.

    1. Elazmus


      its so good, I just spilled my drink over it like for no other reason couldn't pay attention

    2. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      I've spent my friday night bumpin this. Its such good mood music.

    3. shizukasou


      Listening to it right now and yeah, it kicks ass! Hopefully they'll be back soon D:

    4. Show next comments  159 more
  13. Ro plz

    Gangsta shows an effort and originality that I really feel was largely absent in their last batch of releases (excluding Bleach). The band actually used some kind of brain power while composing these songs and while, yes its not the greatest thing ever but its very noteworthy. The highlights that showed that for me were GESSHOKU, TOKYO GYPSY, and WELCOME TO THE UNDERGROUND. I found those particular tracks as well as a few others to be fun, right amount or heavy and melodic(...?). The last time I really felt that way about releases they dropped were Master of Romance and COLD BLOOD. It was also nice listening to Gangsta and not being able to say "oh that sounds a lot like" or "(insert band) did that already)." I understand that a lot of people felt that this album was all over the place and repetitive at times but in hindsight, I could over look that and really appreciate it just for the simple fact that it sounds Genuine and not to try hard. Sorry, I tried not to repeat what I said in the review thread and be as clear as possible.
  14. Ro plz

    After listening to the album, I've decided to bump this with an actual question that I'm sure many have been wondering about at this point: What do you think is the reasoning behind SADIE's inconsistency? They've been around for quite some time and yet they have a hard time sticking to a sound and progressing with it. And they also can't seem to shake wanting to be Dir en grey's shadow. Seeing as though I do write music myself and understand how influence is a major factor, they have a hard time using it and in return make carbon copies of Dir's songs. I believe a large reason as to why they haven't been signed to some major deal yet is because of these reasons. As ridicule worthy as this sounds, I do believe that they have the potential to make GREAT music and Gangsta shows that. Thoughts? Opinions?
  15. If you ask me, SADIE won today by getting under the skin of the majority of MH. Impatiently waiting on that "Godly anticipated" review though btw.

    1. togz


      I swear imma snap if it steps out of professionalism in any way. I don't even care about Sadie.

    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      i didn't even listen to it, that's how i avoid it getting under my skin xD

  16. Ro plz

    First and for most: Not listening to an album simply because of a title and majority negative reviews is different levels of stupid. And I'll leave it at that. So I've made it through a good chunk of the album to give a solid review on the album. I will start off by saying this, I do agree that naming the album Gangsta was probably one of the dumbest decisions ever. I don't get any of that gangsta aspect or feel while listening to this release. Or maybe its so subtitle that It hasn't caught my attention. As far as the everything else goes, I do stand by my status update in which i stated this is a strong contender for one of the best albums this year. Why? The musicianship. I admit that this release as a whole isn't anything spectacular or uber amazing but that aspect is something that I appreciate a lot. Madrigal De Maria was literally Uroboros part 2 and The Black Diamonds and BLEACH were just a compilation of crap songs with zero to no effort put in (besides ROSARIO). Gangsta sounds like the band actually enjoyed writing these songs and they don't feel forced or try hard-ish. This is the album that should have came after COLD BLOOD because COLD BLOOD was also a great example of SADIE just being original and doing their thing. Gangsta is what Beautiful Deformity is to the GazettE. A step back into doing what they can do and excelling at it. The sad part is that even though I enjoy this release, I know SADIE will disappoint with the next few releases after. They really are an inconsistent band that hasn't yet figured out how to progress properly...and they probably never will. However, I'm pleased with this release. 7.5/10
  17. Ro plz

    I am not trolling when I say GANGSTA just might be one of SADIE's BEST releases. I'm like 6 songs in and I love it. I already know from listening to SADIE for years now that they aren't consistent and their albums go all over the place. The fact that I can sense some actual originality and little to no DIR EN GREY jacking is whats getting me. This is deadass a cool album so far. WILL EDIT with a full review when I'm done listening.
  18. Ro plz

    It all categorizes as metal at the end of the day. Honestly, tryna put bands into a specific category within metal is one of the most repetitive and annoying aspects within the community. At the end of the day, it all follows and classifies as things that anyone listening the first time will say its metal. No one ever wins with these conversations and threads/the main points of conversations are lost. We all have differing opinions. Lets agree to disagree and drop it.
  19. Ro plz

    I think we all needed this... I hate to say it but it was a bit Nostalgic seeing Kenta in a song with that much intensity again.
  20. Ro plz

    Yeah you may be right. I just hope it isn't butchered. RINKAKU is my favorite single atm. Would be a shame.
  21. Ro plz

    I agree. The original of the singles sounded good as is. I think the only reason why Hage and Lotus got the remastering was because I guess they didn't want two diff. ppl credited on the album. I don't think we have to worry about the ARCHE singles being redone, Madsen's mix on the originals are great also.
  22. Ro plz

    To me it seems as if its MONSTER part two but more ballsy. The guitar work is what really draws me to it and GO AHEAD is hauntingly scary and is the best song on the track because its raw and that breakdown is nuts. As far as the rest of the songs go, I will admit that I do see some repetitiveness going on but I can deal for the most part. My hope is the same hope that I have for the GazettE's upcoming releases (which Ruki did speak on recently btw) and that is that they grow and build up from what they are doing. This current era of GIRUGAMESH shows that they actually do know how to write music again and is pretty much done with all that poppy nonsense. I wanna see where it goes from here.
  23. Ro plz

    Tracklist has my attention. I think I read here that the new songs are being played with 6 Strings. This makes me happy. While I don't have an issue with 7 strings....ok, I don't really like 7 strings lol. Its just cool that going back to the roots means they're going back to earlier style instruments.
  24. Idt Nii was ever a 7 String guitarist bro. Maybe I'm wrong...
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