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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Girugamesh Grew some more balls I see.....

  2. Girugamesh Grew some more balls I see.....

    1. Tetora


      How many balls they have now then, like 7?

    2. nekkichi


      7 balls combined is not much, but they def. grew some compared to a few years ago

    3. blackdoll


      *other people's balls

  3. Uroboros. Its the first album I've purchased from them and it was the first time I really followed what they were doing (Via DVD's and such) while promoting that album. Also Uroboros with proof will always be my favorite live performance from them. It is the true embodiement of perfection, and intensity.
  4. Ro plz

    Here's the thing though, everyone and their mother knows that SADIE can't stand on their own two feet without jacking whatever Dir is doing at the given time. The GazettE has always been a hard/heavy band. MUCC from what I last heard has pretty much treaded into different directions musically. These comparisons are pretty baseless imo. And also, I don't mean to rehash this but...these are samples. Seems a bit much to make such generalizations on a few seconds of a song.
  5. Excuse me, I meant made it as in gained the recognition they wanted.
  6. Ro plz

    Inb4 any band that does anything remotely close to Old school VK or whatever is copying the oh so great SUKEKIYO. Tbh the swan shows that 12012 actually has stopped tryna be wanna be'a and do their own thing. To me this is a continuation of that while fusing their older sounds in the mix as well.
  7. I mentioned this before in the bands thread, CROSSFAITH is officially done trying at this point. Everything up to ZION was them trying their best to make it in American mainstream metal. Now that they've done that, they just don't feel like putting much effort in their material anymore. Their last album and this song is a total disappointment. However, my final judgement on this band will be made once they drop this new album. This could very well just be a crap-tier single for an album that may blow us away or at least will be a step up from what they've been doing.
  8. Ro plz

    As I expected from these previews....a valiant effort/gift before they go on hiatus. I hope they realize that they are indeed strong as a band and this hiatus doesn't lead to disbandment.
  9. I'll sell my left Tit for that new Lynch DVD to be uploaded.

  10. Just listened to the previews. Well...that escalated quickly.
  11. Oh, looks like i was wrong about them not doing this...
  12. Ro plz

    I died.
  13. Ro plz

    Dir en grey seems to be pretty exclusive when it comes to lives like these. So I don't have my hopes up for a release. As for the new song, well one of em, a buddy of mine (who's attending the three shows) described it as totally different from Sustain the Untruth. Has a pretty boss solo from Kaoru. And its "midtempo rock with quiet areas." It also has a breakdown as well.
  14. I legit thought this was a VK band.... but good luck!
  15. Ro plz

    I really don't see what Ku did wrong here.......Digitalbounce I do hope you realized you just came off as a major rabid fan girl/fan boy. Chill. Anyways, I have curiosity for this new single. Lets see if it comes out better than their last album. I also wish their guitarist a speedy recovery. I really never thought Guitarists of anyone could suffer from injuries such as this. You learn something new everyday.
  16. Can someone explain to me the huge stick up the GazettE's ass when it comes to the US? Please? LOL

    1. Tetora


      Different ppwk. if you file solely for business reasons, if they did that which they would 'have' to if monetary transfers came into play and the mgmt. files costs and revenue for JP gov. and many venues as well as festivals / events require them.

    2. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Ion know. I've always had this feeling that its more than just what you're saying Zess. I remember seeing on J-melo that US was one of the places that most requested for them to come. If anything, the VK/J-rock following here is really strong imo. The scarcity of bands that come here is real so ppl hop on whatever chance they get. They'll make money here. Personally, I'd like for them to be asked about this in some context in a future interview.

    3. Show next comments  162 more
  17. Ro plz

    I thought the GazettE was signed to Sony now....??
  18. Ro plz

    I'm not the biggest L'arc fan but when I do listen to em, I enjoy most of most of their stuff especially KISS. I didn't like Butterfly at all but this song seems like a step in the right direction. Very different. Very fresh. Id love to see a live recording of this. 10/10
  19. Ro plz

    New song was played
  20. Ro plz

    Lol why is Blitz Notorious?!
  21. Ro plz

    http://direngrey.co.jp/news/1418/ New album ARCHE 12.10.2014
  22. Ro plz

    Shinya isn't a bad drummer at all, he's just very inconsistent and lazy from the time they record new songs ALL the way to the Budokan lives where he miraculously is flawless. I noticed this as I was watching the new Budokan live and noticed it between the gap between Uroboros and the batch of DVD's they released before that Budokan live. It kind of makes sense since the Budokan lives are a big deal but even so....dude, practice! Speaking of which, did anyone watch the Dum Spiro Spero live? I thought It was the worst DVD the band has released. Haha, he's always been supposedly. I remember reading an interview where he said he would find out about pop and such just to sleep with girls when he was younger. Surprised me as well.
  23. Ro plz

    Mine is a mix of K-pop and J-rock 4MINUTE 9MUSES SISTAR AFTER SCHOOL J-rock: NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST Everything else is pretty much my go to's
  24. Ro plz

    I back tracked from Marrow and when I came across this album, I was very pleased when i heard it the first time.
  25. Ro plz

    I couldn't help but listen to this release after this detailed post and I'm on the first song right now....I really like this. And its very hard for me to sit down and check out random indies bands. I will def keep this band in my sights. Much appreciated Zess. EDIT: SWEET MOTHER OF ZORDON. THIS IS AWESOME. GOT DAMN.
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