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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Ro plz

    I've checked out a few songs that Mejibray have put out and I can say that they're enjoyable but to an extent. The extent being that after a few listens, I get bored and delete the songs. Musically, they're pretty much yet another metalcore band that can add pretty catchy/grabbing backing tracks to their songs. I find no real substance in their songs like I do for other bands. I also remember a lot of the main thing that attracted people (mainly the girls) to the band was the fact their lead singer is reminiscent to Ruki.
  2. Ro plz

    Welcome to the promised land of J-rock.
  3. Ro plz

    I really couldn't tell you precisely but personally based on that weird shift from the DIM through TOXIC era, the only thing I can think of is the label situation. Even Reita mentioned around the time when RTU was released that there was issues between the band and SONY over creativity or something like that. I'm also hoping the true light is shed on what this thing is as well. Its very interesting...
  4. DIM SCENE did a terrible job at showcasing the songs for that album...

  5. Ro plz

    Apocalyze is growing me but to me it feels like it lacks the heart and umph that the previous releases had. I feel that the hard work in their previous releases was pretty much done so they could break it in mainstream and catch that attention they seem to be getting now. With this heat, I fear that the bands future releases will suffer the same thing I feel is plaguing this last album. Its so common now. And its a tad bit sad because they really are a great band. I may be wrong and in the minority here but this is my musical side speaking/observing haha.
  6. Ro plz

    Uh the original? lolol
  7. Ro plz

    This is bad....no seriously this is bad. SADIE is a band that DOESNT do well with constant releases. And releasing consistent well done albums. MADRIGAL dropped last year which was a fairly solid release. Bleach to my understanding was terrible and Now this... Chances are that we can expect Rinkaku part two or Sustain the Untruth.
  8. I wish Ezra would just leave...I really don't like that guy at all.

  9. Sittin watching the DEG Budokan DVD going....WTF....

  10. That Dum Spiro spero bonus CD...sweet mother of Zordon

  11. Ro plz

    Both bands got me into the scene but Nightmare began to suffer from what many bands in the "anime scene" suffered from. They pump out some solid releases in the beginning then gradually just go to the shitter. I can't even bring myself to listen to what Nightmare is doing now after SCUMS and hell, way before that. Its so sad. At least the GazettE recovered from their "wtf" phase. I see no hope for Nightmare.
  12. i need to hang in the MH chat more. I like you guys.

  13. Ro plz

    Why do i like this?
  14. https://vine.co/v/MxWBJ1rmF9A posted a few mins on their twitter page. i like
  15. Ro plz

    Lets see here...Kaoru said that the Unraveling is just a new song and its not likely it'll be on the new album. This means the only singles so far are RINKAKU and STU. Makes me believe that there is going to be yet another single in the near future before November. The gap from STU till then is way to wide not to have one. As for this DVD, I like what I'm seeing so far. However, I really wish after this, Die seriously needs to consider fine tuning the sound on his 7 strings. I don't know if its the pickups or his rig but consistently since they started playing after DSS was released, he sticks out like a sore thumb and its terrible. Its sounds like he's playing with an expensive toy ESP guitar. The remixes and stuff, don't bother and such. I was actually wondering when they would drop the actual symphonic version's of the said tracks. Seems as if they planned things out rather clever in regards to when and how they were released.
  16. SADIE's Madrigal De Maria Crossfaith's recent album the GazettE's TOXIC Sad to say this but A lot of Utada Hikaru's music (other than DISTANCE, and DEEP RIVER)
  17. Ro plz

    I have an 8 Gig so I have to be really careful with what I have and make sure I listen to it or will at some point. With that said, some of my unerasables are: Dir en grey Sadie Lynch. the GazettE Richie Branson 50 Cent/G-Unit Shinhwa IVY 4Minute BI RAIN Buck Tick Various Anime songs I try to have songs from almost every genre/mood. And I like having a few songs that I just forget I have then randomly find them
  18. I hate buying alcohol here compared to at school...

  19. Yo any Batsu stragglers around?

    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      I used to be pretty active there. While there were a lot of cool ppl there...I will admit that it deserves a lot of the bad rep it has. And nah. Both Batsu and even Fukkatsu (sadly) died.

    2. Show next comments  165 more
  20. At first that important but being around the J-rock fandom, and certain websites really opened my eyes to how 'significant' they are. If you're pretty active, people do take note of who you are and having a specific user name helps tie a name to the posts. Just recently when I went to the chat, I was recognized by some old Batsu users (I thought everyone from that site that I didn't know, went off the map) who knew how much of a die hard Gaze fan I was back then. Feels pretty good. Obv. for some it may not be that important but to each his/her own y'know.
  21. Ro plz

  22. Any Kalafina fans here?

    1. DeithX252


      Me in the past

    2. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Ito: That's friggin awesome! You happen to remember where?

      Deith: Oh what happened? Lost of interest?

    3. Ito


      It was in Rosemont, Illinois during Anime Central in 2013.

    4. Show next comments  165 more
  23. Ro plz

    I only have been to a handful Dir en grey 08-2010 (Boston MA) Girugamesh 04-2011 (Boston MA) Dir en grey 10-2013 (Boston MA) Kalafina 04-2009 (Boston MA) -This one was only for a few minutes, which I regret....- As for memories, the recent Dir en grey show was by far the best show ever up to date. The energy was awesome. The crowd behaved compared to the previous year or 2 they were there. Also the Different Sense performance was one that I will always hold dear in my heart. I've always wanted to experience it live and that night I did and It was a treat. Towards the end of the song, the crowd just all rushed towards to where Kyo was and we all sung that part with him like our lives depended on it. It was very powerful and emotional to me actually. That whole show was just amazing....
  24. IS it bad that I don't care for Sugizo? Or Kisaki?

    1. Tetora


      Just be you brah, do you.

    2. hitsuji-hime


      Nope, I'm the same way. ^^

    3. ricchubunny
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