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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Ro plz

    I like DSS for the most part. I just prefer listening to the well done live versions of the songs. And Different Sense will always be one of the top 5 Dir songs because its very well executed and that solo is awesome. As for this new song, its pretty chill and the more i listen to it, the more i like it. Doesn't hit me like my potential favs do though.
  2. Ro plz

    Preview part 1. 3rd song is the best. IDC if its a preview. Screw you all.
  3. Ro plz

    I recently purchased 9MUSES Sweet Rendezvous and BatAAr's The DISTANCE off of Itunes. If that counts.
  4. Ro plz

    I should start purchasing J-Rock releases that I have on my wishlist :/ But this sucks though, I never thought Id see the day to be honest. I hope they get out of it. Lord knows how much of a big deal it was when the US went into recession.
  5. Ro plz

    That song is one of the reasons why I cannot stand 2NE1. The production on almost all their songs are very unappealing.....Id much rather INSIDE BEAST. As for BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY, I still feel the same way about it when it dropped. Also the live finale was really amazing. It really helps when you lower your expectations for an "overhyped" album. It was easy for me to do that because I was already on bad terms with the band after TOXIC and DIVISION. Its still one of the best albums that dropped last year and the bands best work in a long time.
  6. I was nice enough to give ONE Lyacon single a listen....never again.

    1. Bear


      For once I agree with Hellion. Lycaon are one of the worst bands out there... or, ever.

    2. Jigsaw9


      tbh Lycaon's stuff is so varied that you might've just picked the wrong single at random. xD

    3. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      I checked out Rose, and heard the lite versions of Lynch's Ambivalent Ideal and The GazettE's Chizuru.

      No shame or sense of originality.

    4. Show next comments  156 more
  7. Ro plz

    Haha, so we're pretty much vise versa. And i agree completely,late this year was my come back year into K-Pop and these last few months have really REALLY been impressive. My iphone is filled with more K-pop than usual. I can respect that. To me, their music resonates with me and they kind of remind me of Shinhwa in their earlier days. Yes, please do. I have a feeling they're gonna go very far as a group. BTW: I copped the AOA come back album last night. This was my first time really listening to them and I must say, next to T-ARA's And and End, this is one of the best releases this year.
  8. Ro plz

    A lot of the guy groups now imo are very unappealing. Yes the visuals in the music videos may be cool but the songs by themselves are just bland or just to try hard. Its very rare for me to find a male group to stick to like females. With that said, Jackie Chan is behind these guys and they seem to actually satisfy my tastes. I checked out their last album and was very pleased by it. EDIT: That AOA video/song was sick.
  9. Ro plz

    Why nightmare......why?
  10. Sakurai Atsushi I love his energy and the creepy yet intense vibe he brings to the live BUCK TICK shows. He also seems like he'd be a fun guy to hang with.
  11. Ro plz

    This is cool. I hope some of the songs they haven't played live yet on those albums are showcased (Minus the TOXIC/DIVISION stuff). Also, the DIM finale was probably one of the most underwhelming/disappointing lives so It'd be nice to see those songs played with more umph.
  12. I've had multiple encounters in the chat with Sai who comes off as really chill and nice. As for the others, I'm sure they could also be cool and such but I just haven't had much interaction with them/its hard to keep track lol. So Sai.
  13. Hey guys, posted up another cover! This time around its a K-Pop track! Its Trouble Maker's (Hyuna and Beast) NOW. I want more variety on the page vs just metal and J-rock. I used both of my guitars (VIPER AND LES PAUL) for this track to record various parts of the song. I hope you enjoy and please subscribe to the page if you do, as well as like and share Also I'm open to comments and suggestions both here and on youtube.
  14. MUSIC will easily win in this debate imo. It flowed flawlessly together with the previous releases I listened to. To me, its the most musically diverse the band has ever been. Its a nice and well done combo of both metal and rap. Also the placing of the tracks made it seem as if they were telling some kind of story. Also next to UROBOROS and a handful of other albums, I rarely change songs when listening. MONSTER was also a great album because to me it was the bands comeback but with that said...there is a lot of songs that album could've done without. I can't get past the end chunk of the album without cringing and skipping. Felt like they threw in GO left overs there just to fill up space.
  15. Ro plz

    Well whatever the hell that was... was terrible. I was even nice enough to go check out the Stalin 666 PV and while it does have some redeeming parts, the song by itself is pretty blah. I can def see it working as a crowd pumper though. I guess I have to wait longer to see what the final product is...
  16. Ro plz

    I want my 51 seconds back... That was terrible. I knew there was a reason why I always avoided this band.
  17. Ro plz

    Idk how I feel about that back story but I'm curious to see the final product.
  18. Ro plz

    Anyone peep the new remastered versions of RINKAKU and SUSTAIN THE UNTRUTH? Tue Madsen did not butcher them like he did the DSS singles. Yes.
  19. Ro plz

    I decided to give these guys a random listen with ROSE. I like. Now please if you will guys, tell me what else i should check out from them.
  20. These demo's are beast. Even if they are parody.
  21. The Gravitation demo's are pretty cool! Didn't know Ryo had it in him.

  22. Ro plz

    I love your Cage cover. You just got another subscriber!
  23. Ro plz

    ^Lol. Same dude, I just now realized how many gems are in that release about a week or two ago.
  24. Ro plz

    Its a terrible plague that a lot of bands seem through. So far the GazettE, .lynch, Girugamesh, and a few other of my favs went through it and eventually started writing stuff that's appealing again. I have hopes this will be the case for Crossfaith as well.....even though I'm getting this vibe from them that is the direction they've always wanted to go in.
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