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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Ro plz

    This has got to be one of the most asshole-ish/ unnecessary responses...Let their opinion be. As for my initial thoughts of the album, its great. But not a favorite. I'll get more in depth in the review thread. In regards to Shinya, I think the whole 'nailing it' doesn't only apply to him but the entire band as well. It took the band awhile to finally play the DSS songs correctly. Seeing as though these songs are more simple and easy flowing, I don't doubt these songs will be played to near flawless level once a live DVD drops.
  2. DIR EN GREY has me in my feels right now...

    1. Elazmus


      Everyone should justy spend the rest of 2014 in a feel-coma

    2. shizukasou


      ^^^this so much.

  3. Ro plz

    LMC.... I'm gonna pretend I didn't see this.
  4. I'm down to get married. I just don't want a huge ceremony. As long as close peeps and fam of my wife and I are there, I'll be happy. I believe marriage is a beautiful thing.
  5. Ro plz

    Indeed, I liked DSS but these songs are way much easier to get into.
  6. Ro plz

    Both songs are pretty awesome. A lot more grabbing than STU and the other track they released a few weeks ago. ARCHE is going to be one hell of an album.
  7. Kajiura is a musical mastermind......Damn.

  8. Ro plz

    I believe GALLOWS and SHADOWS is their best work. INFERIORITY COMPLEX was a step up from I BELIEVE IN ME (which was bad...) but they both have select great songs on em. Also their oldie gems are pretty nice as well.
  9. 420 Theatrical is cool. More or less of the same thing MEJIBRAY does but its a nice listen. I'll give em that.

  10. Ro plz

    They'll most likely end up in those stores. They always do. I've had luck on the release dates of both UROBOROS and DSS.
  11. Victims of Love has my attention. I also need to check out their new album
  12. Japan will have failed me if MEJIBRAY ever goes major. Praying this never happens.

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      I think that this statement is a bit exaggerated... :)

    2. beni


      ^ x) Praying it will happen mainly now just to see your reaction. xD

    3. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      ^You are terrible!!!! Lololol

    4. Show next comments  153 more
  13. Difference with GANGSTA is that it actually provided some kind of freshness and originality, while Mejibray still has yet to do so. These previews are an exact image of this.Correction: Sadie as a whole (despite their up and downs) provide what MEJIBRAY seem to still lack which is originality and freshness and these previews are a replica of this.
  14. Ro plz

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5dJrmAAXEA Around this time last year I was walking to one of the buildings on campus and I had this playing. It was night time and it was snowing. It fit the mood so well to the point where I actually took my time so I can embrace the moment. Can't wait till I get that chance again. Back in 2006 If I remember correctly, I used to make mixtapes of random rap.rock, and J-rock songs. I randomly came across this song and put it on the mix. Since then, It brings back memories of that Christmas and year in general where I made a lot of memories that I'll always hold dear.
  15. Fans and how they influence how i feel about a certain band or group has no correlation to me now. If anything i feel as if the rabidness of VK fans has gone down intensely from what it was a few years ago. Anyone who's been active in the scene knows how much of a shit show Batsu was. Batsu was the home of dickhead, stuck up DIR EN GREY fans and overly obsessed GazettE fans as well as others. It was either, who could one up who or who adored who more. BARELY about the music. It was extremely sickening but at the same time, I could easily avoid it all by just sticking to the music and not going to that particular place...or just come here when you guys were TW. I feel like now people have matured, its gotten to the point where people can actually discuss a release from a musical perspective/a calm manner for the most part. If anything, K-Pop (even though I love it), is the only genre where fans are consistently getting out of hand. Its 2014. Stanning and such is looked down upon. Its also not that hard to be an adult and have your own experience with a band. People could be listening to so much great music but are robbing themselves of it because of "the stans." And its also ok to have a differing opinion than everyone else especially if you feel strong about it. Long story short, grow the fuck up.
  16. Yeah, if they are as ridiculous as Meto then they are just as bad.
  17. The previews are alright but judging from them, it seems as if they still bring absolutely nothing new to the table. Just the same thing they've been pushing out since they debuted. And the video just like pretty much all of their others are a total eye sore. I get the whole visual aspect but I feel like they're one of those bands that try way too hard. Especially that drummer. I'll be giving this album a spin though. Chances are i'll find a few tracks i like then after a week, get bored and never listen again.
  18. Ro plz

    I was not expecting another T-ARA song so soon after the comeback. I really enjoyed it! Musically, its very appealing.
  19. Happy Thanksgiving. Be safe and enjoy. Don't forget to be thankful!

  20. Ro plz

    Funny, I thought he was also using Seymour duncans but it seems as if they're some kind of Stock ESP pickups. There's no SD label on em like Die has. If that is the case, I'm glad they're both not using SD's. Die's tone still sucks.
  21. Ro plz

    ^ I'm still tryna wrap my head around why Kaoru stopped using EMG's. Not complaining about his tone but it just seems so abrupt.
  22. Ro plz

    Is there a full version of that song available?
  23. Ro plz

    Tbh, I agree with a lot of what Miku posted. To be fair, the band has satisfied a lot of tastes over the years. Its not like you can't go and enjoy that side of DIR EN GREY that you fancy. Its really as easy as looking it up/purchasing it. This whole "hurr durr durr I wish they were this and such and this new album sounds like its gonna suck durr durr durr" is so played. Have people really forgotten that the band doesn't stick to one particular concept? Anyways, I'm very curious as to this supposed controversy with Uroboros. DSS I can understand but Uroboros, at least to me, was a step in the right direction and maturity. The Marrow of a bone, is what got me into them but I will admit that compared to what they've done before and since, it falls very short.
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