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Status Updates posted by saishuu

  1. 2006 DuelJewel was so good, ugh. it's a shame it was all downhill from there (except for their re-recordings album)



    1. Lereku


      Which album is re record ?

    2. saishuu


      [REVIVE], from 2009

    3. Lereku


      Oh ok thanks for this information the first time I listened this album I was thought is only a best-of album






    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. saishuu


      never denied it tbh

    3. nekkichi


      *listens to this breathy mess half-once*



    4. saishuu


      reported x

  3. as someone who'd never listened to defspiral before (TRANSTIC NERVE doesn't really count), I'm really surprised at how much I'm digging their latest album. decided to give it a chance after hearing the previews and the whole thing is just mature, slick and catchy visual kei clearly made by some guys who truly know how to make good music. highly recommended!



  4. B'z has uploaded all of their live DVDs to YouTube for free. if anyone feels like discovering some of their stuff, here's a good chance to do so:



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. saiko


      I know I should feel ashamed of myself but, although I did tried them a lot, what @Peace Heavy mk II says is literally what keeps me liking-but-not-so-much their stuff tbh

    3. Jigsaw9




      This is the one making me nostalgic (timestamped for maximum badassery)



    4. saishuu


      love love love the MONSTER tour and this performance in particular! 2006 was a good year to like and follow B'z

  5. early darker Kagrra is one of the best things this scene ever had



    1. Himeaimichu


      I agree. They had some really cool shit in their early years

  6. ElDorado really did that™ with this song back in the day, huh


    why isn't this considered an old school classic that's talked about everywhere smh



    1. Arkady


      I came to slutshame the bandoman, but instead it's a really good performance.

  7. figured Tame Impala would go full-on pop after Currents and I guess that really was the case after hearing this new song


    still kinda love it though?



  8. goddammit I'm gonna miss Namie. still feels surreal she's actually retired as of today 



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. saishuu


      I didn't hear anything about ayu, but I don't follow her, so idk. It's hard to imagine she's retire as well lol

    3. God


      I'll miss Namie so much.  Though it is sorta funny her final tour was called "finally."  😂

    4. saishuu


      @God I like her even more for that lmao she truly wanted to be over with it all

  9. goddammit Sugar disbanded TOO EARLY.  I needed like 3 more albums full of songs like this



  10. good job to gulu gulu on ripping off abingdon boys school of all things on the chorus of「悪人」hmm

    at least they're plagiarizing talent!!





  11. here's my first entry for pop song of the year 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. saishuu


      huh? why bring NoGoD into a post about western pop music?

    3. Spectralion


      So I see new nogod singles post and you posting this status

      I asume you're already listen to it, and I though you're commenting on that single, not about this western pop music.

    4. saishuu
  12. how ironic is it that a thread for oshare kei was created and is doing incredibly well right after minpha/ishiki got banned?


    sometimes MH is just too good

  13. I for one had no idea former THE KIDDIE drummer had turned into a moderately big Youtuber? his viewcount seems relatively big, but he hasn't posted anything in 6 months. dude just quit?



    1. Manabu


      Judging from his twitter he seems to be moving towards pro gaming? At least, he's going to tournaments to play games.

      He also works on this channel


    2. saishuu


      well, I guess that's a choice? good for him I guess, hope he's happy

  14. I freaking love Bob's Burgers


  15. I know people give SID a lot of (mostly unwarranted) shit, but they've released some stellar stuff even during their mainstream period:



    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. saishuu


      hell, even Laruku lol I can actually see the br00tal youngsters going 'whos larc en ciel'

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      they know who they are because of full metal alchemist 

    4. Lereku


      @Tokagemost of western SiD stans turn theirs back on them when they realased theirs 3rd album "Play" theirs sound become more poppy, most of theirs olds fans miss more when their fusion jazz-funk songs than the brootal songs.


      @nekkichi they are still under Ki/oon Music since they become major band in 2008 and I don't think they have problems with them, the fall of their popularity began when Mao had  serious throat problems

  16. I still can't believe to this day that SINCREA had to die and the same group of people that made songs like this were responsible for FEST VAINQUEUR




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. chemicalpictures


      Absolutely. They were the best JdA-kei band ever

    3. chemicalpictures


      I mean c'mon, point me a vainqueur song better than this one



    4. colorful人生


      BLAZE disappointed me, but when NANIWA SAMBA came out.... that cut me deep. It took me a while to revisit FV after that. There are tracks like LIONHEART, Valencia and Virginia, and GLORIA that are nice~ish, but not nearly as polished as SINCREA's tracks.

  17. I'm accepting links for the latest Age Factory EP


    can offer absolutely nothing in return



  18. i'm mostly unfamiliar with the last two kagerou albums, but this is a bop



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. saishuu


      i've already downloaded it illegally, thanks x

    3. nekkichi


      only good song on that tragic farewell album tbh


      (I'm drowning in flashbacks of VK livejournal defending their change in style and like umm not even sorry sweaties 30 years later this album is still as tragic as freshly new back than)

    4. saishuu


      yessss bless, i've been trying to give the albums a fair shot these days but they remain bland as hell. this song slaps tho

  19. in light of sho-ka coming out with a new album after years, everyone should check out his first solo ep called 'portable rain' from 2009, it's comfy and delightful and honestly a really great release



    1. Peace Heavy mk II
    2. saishuu



  20. is this one of the best choruses of VK ever?





    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nekkichi


      soan project with akuta is giving me tha right vibes so far, but i miss miss miss miss miss hayato so damn much


      deer god take asagi instead, i need multifrequency god-tier chanteuse back

    3. saishuu


      Hayato's voice or whatever effect he was using was so bad by the end that it's hard for me to miss his voice tbh ):

    4. nekkichi


      honestly you have no heart!!

  21. it's been one of those deadman kind of days


    god I miss them



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. saishuu


      'this day. this rain.' still makes emotional to this day, jfc

    3. WhirlingBlack


      Time for Mako to get a divorce and start serious band activities again before he's rotting in the ground. There's hope. 

    4. The Moon

      The Moon

      let him enjoy marital bliss the man has clearly suffered enough lmao 

  22. lemme be bitter and stop deleting my posts




    jk you're still the only and best mod ily

  23. listening to old PIERROT should be obligatory to all these VK youngsters who worship things like MEJIBRAY



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. YuyoDrift


      Please don't ever place PIERROT and mejibray in the same sentence ever again.


    3. zombieparadise


      Fucking love PIERROT. Legends.

    4. Ada Suilen
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