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Posts posted by Seelentau

  1. Considering that the album will be available on streaming services, I wonder which timezone they use for its release on the services...

    For me, Japan is seven hours ahead, would I still be able to listen to it online even though it's still the 25th for me, tomorrow?

    And wouldn't it be possible to somehow rip those streamed songs in some way? I don't stream music, so I have no clue how it works.

  2. The Devote My Life intro is weird.

    What's with the random bongos(?) in Celebrate Empty Howls?

    The intro for Rubbish Heap is weird as well.

    Aka sounds promising, the leak didn't do it justice.

    Followers... wtf is with this album and its weird intros?

    Lots of calm tracks in the second half, huh.

    Kigan seems to be an updated version, same lyrics I think.

    Same for THE DEEPER VILENESS. But it got the VOS treatment... not sure if I'll like the full song.

    Wake sounds promising. Same lyrics again.

  3. 1 hour ago, Paraph said:

    This is where I draw the line, though. I've never felt this way before with any artist scandal and shrugged off his tax evasion nonsense. I'm not going to turn a blind eye to scum if these allegations prove true. As much as I liked some of his music. Also, it's 4 discs total y'all, lets not assume I'm about to throw out his entire discography or something.

    I'm not some kind of moral elitist thinking everyone who doesn't is stupid. It's just a decision I'm making in regards to what I want represented in my collection.

    These allegations are no joking matter to me. There are serious long term-lifelong mental repercussions to the victims involved here if true that it makes me nauseous even thinking about it.

    Yup, I completely understand all of this. I personally draw the line at Nazi music (Störkraft, Landser etc., if you know any of those).

    Dunno how I would react if any of the artists I like turn out to be rapists or something alike. Luckily, it hasn't happened so far... I think.

    But I definitely make a distinction between music and artist. I'd even go as far as saying "I like them as musicians, but not as humans".

    But defending someone's vile actions because you like the artist is just plain wrong (like Chris Brown fans or those mumble rapper fans do, for example).

  4. Quote

    The song they played at mode of DSS reminds me of "Bring them to light", tempo-wise. It's entirely guttural, too. There's a slower, more melodic part in the middle. ~3 minutes long. // The Tour18 song has Toshiya providing backing growls. Kyo mostly sings with his normal voice. Again, fast paced tempo with a slower section in the middle, Kyo growls here. Some crazy gibberish in the latter half. The chorus has this "climax" thingy to it, that Kyo does in some songs. ~3:30 long. // Ranunculus is a ballad. Very slow and melodic.

    Out of all those, Keibetsu is definitely the heaviest, closely followed by Utafumi. Haven't heard Devote My Life yet, though.

  5. "Song is sang in a mysterious language from “Planet - Ryo” , which no one understands except Ryo Kawakita @ Mimikajiru" 😂



    Hi Harapekos, don’t share the vid with friends, families and neighbors for a while (no screen shots, no tweets , no Instagram !)
    Wanna save the goodies and surprise for “still to see fans” so you know , thanks a maximum !

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    ...then why do they upload it on their official channel?

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