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Posts posted by Seelentau

  1. Hmm, I can try. This is from their live at 川崎CLUB CITTA' in November 2016:
    It starts very quiet, with ambient sounds (Glockenspiel or something like that?). They sounds are coming in one by one until ~0:37, when the actual band starts to play.

    The song starts off rather hard until at ~01:07, it calms down and vocals begin at ~01:24.

    At 01:43, there's a shift in the music and at ~01:55 something like a high-point begins that goes on until ~02:20.

    Then another verse with mellow, slower music until ~02:45, where the same shift from 01:43 is repeated (same lyrics "sono toki..." - "watashi no kokoro o").

    Unlike at 01:55, this time, the ambient sounds appear again in the form of a piano/keyboard(?), or at least that's what it sounds like. A piano key again and again, like "dun dundun dundun dundun".

    Then at ~03:10 "Ranunculus... Ranunculus...". Still ambient and piano thingy, very very mellow, reminds me of Kukoku no Kyoon.

    At ~03:29, the ~01:55 part is repeated again, with the last verse following and some more "Ranunculus". It clocks in at ~05:00 total.


    The version from April 2018 is a little different. Same ambient intro, but vocals start at ~00:35, the band joins him at ~01:00.

    "Watashi no kokoro o" at ~01:07, followed by the high-point. Second verse at ~01:35, "watashi no kokoro o" at 02:07.

    Ambient sounds again with "Ranunculus... Ranunculus...". The rest is the same as the other version, but they shortened the song by almost one minute, I think. But I can't pinpoint exactly what is missing or has changed, really.

    I think it can be described as a ballad, but it's actually more of ballad-rock-ballad-rock. Nothing over-the-top like DECAYED CROW, but as I said, it kinda reminds me of Kukoku no Kyoon.

    Or something like that.

  2. 3 hours ago, blacktooth said:

    Love the disco ball. Zakuro's one of my favorite lives of theirs.

    Where are the tear-your-heart-out emotional ballads in the new material, DEG?

    I have a feeling that you'll like Ranunculus. :)

  3. As I said before, I don't really have ears for music, but you can't tell me that some of you consider the mode of performances to be on the same level as the NoK live disc. Even I can hear the differences, the NoK live songs are beyond bad. I've only listened to mode of Wtd., but that one was nice. Not super-super spectacular, but it had its moments (like dead tree and kodou). Imma watch those shows tomorrow and maybe drop my mp3 rips if anyone cares about those.


    By the way, is it true that VANITAS is about Daisuke? Allegedly, Kyo used similar lyrics to a Kagerou song or something like that...?

    From what I found, the band received the message of his passing during the break before their encoure on 2010/07/15, and the next song was -mushi-, but Kyo wasn't able to sing because he cried so much... hm

  4. 20 minutes ago, Rosner said:

    Seems that the song isn't 'Ranunculus', which was reported to be the calmest one on the album.

    Reported by whom? There aren't even any samples available to base such a statement on.

    It's not Ranunculus because it's not Ranunculus. It's also not the mode of DSS song and not the TOUR18 song. It could be the new new song, I haven't heard that one yet. I assume that @WhirlingBlack has, and he didn't mention any similarity. kyotaku doesn't recognise it either and it's neither a knot, nor sukekiyo material.

    So it's an entirely new song... I guess. I don't recall who posted it here, but if that person knows more, or if any other information has been posted in the facebook group in the meantime, it might shed light on this.

  5. 3 hours ago, WhirlingBlack said:

    I just realized that the album is close enough that the leaked section could be from a press copy of the album (they tend to be distributed pre-mastering). In that case though, the person is in big trouble since you have to sign very heavy contracts to get access to those things, and leaking could result in having to pay large amounts of money, not to mention no one in the industry will provide you with copies again.

    There's definitely the last second of a previous song at the beginning of the leak. I asked kyotaku about it, she doesn't know anything either. It's definitely not a knot material and probably not sukekiyo, although they do have three unreleased tracks. But kyotaku didn't mention any similarity, so I guess it's not sukekiyo either.

  6. Apparently, some of those names are from the family values tour website. I can't find that website, though

    Apparently, DISABLED COMPLEXES was called 三号機め at some point...?


    And, from a Western forum...:



    yeah sure, through email...


    So basically, some working titles leaked from the FVT website and were reused for fake UROBOROS and DSS tracklists... huh.

  7. "This work will come in 3 disc format, and will feature 44 remastered songs selected by members among the ones requested by fans (from 1st Indie Mini Album “MISSA” (1997.7.25 RELEASE) to the latest single “詩踏み” (UTAFUMI) (2016.7.27 RELEASE))."

  8. 4 minutes ago, blacktooth said:

    Remember the performance of Lotus on the Rinkaku DVD? Ouch.

    Am I the only one who thinks the Rinkaku DVD is their best live ever?

  9. 17 minutes ago, xriko said:

    But they are so hard to get, you can't come and ask for trade any tereko if you don't have your own originals...


    I already have listened those Dir En Grey tereko, Seelentau is doing an awesome work !

    Yeah, I still don't quite understand how to get into that scene myself. Imagine you have a tereko that nobody else has.

    You offer it to someone for trade, terekos are usually traded show for show. So you trade the tereko and receive a second one.

    The other person now has your tereko, the one nobody else but you has.

    He can trade it on for another tereko he's missing, but you can't trade your new tereko, since everybody else has it already.

    So basically while you now have a tereko you didn't have before, its trading value is 0, whereas the value of the tereko you gave the other person is still high.


    And thanks for the kind words, but those terekos were online long before I uploaded them. I just tried to correct the audio a little, no idea if it worked though.

    I can't upload terekos that aren't leaked, simply because I'd lose my contacts that way. Has already happened once, I don't want it to happen again.

    But other than mp3s, you can find all information on early Dir en grey on the wiki. :)

  10. Hmm, there's some footage on my channel from various TV shows, but I can't imagine them releasing anything from that era ever again.

    Regarding tereko, I'm not sure how many people here are into those. I only know two or three, for Dir en grey.

    Besides, the Western trading scene is very small and they mostly don't talk about it openly, from my experience.

    As for Japanese traders, they're shunned by other fans, as far as I know. It's illegal in Japan anyway.

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