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Posts posted by Seelentau

  1. 3 minutes ago, Wicked Teletubby said:

    with that said, could the album be around the corner now?

    "So Die and Toshiya were called in. Both were given microphones. Die was the first to speak. He said thanks for coming even though it’s middle of golden week and that all the members wanted to come but they’re working on the album so only 2 were considered to go."

  2. sZxyYHY.jpg




    2018/8/2(木)【京都府】ロームシアター京都メインホール -「a knot」only-
    2018/8/3(金)【京都府】ロームシアター京都メインホール -「a knot」only-
    2018/8/7(火)【神奈川県】CLUB CITTA’ -「a knot」only-
    2018/8/8(水)【神奈川県】CLUB CITTA’ -「a knot」only-
    2018/9/14(金)【愛知県】Zepp Nagoya
    2018/9/15(土)【愛知県】Zepp Nagoya


    2018/10/7(日) RED HALL -MOSCOW / RUSSIA-
    2018/10/10(水) THE CIRCUS -HELSINKI / FINLAND-
    2018/10/12(金) PROGRESJA -WARSAW / POLAND-
    2018/10/14(日) LE TRIANON -PARIS / FRANCE-



  3. On that note:

    "So Die and Toshiya were called in. Both were given microphones. Die was the first to speak. He said thanks for coming even though it’s middle of golden week and that all the members wanted to come but they’re working on the album so only 2 were considered to go." - from the recent sign event :]

  4. Zepp Nagyoa (May 1)


    NEW SE





    FUKAI (VoS ver.)

    KIRI TO MAYU (2012 ver.)


    -karasu- (2013 ver.)





    Beautiful Dirt (VoS ver.)


    Behind a vacant image

    Punks not dead

    Sustain the untruth


    THE IIID EMPIRE (VoS ver.)




    live report by merrilymemory:


    What can I say about this fucking band!!! I swear to god I always say this, but any time I’m in the pit, with a decent view, I lose my goddamn mind. Tonight’s ramblings are so much more disjointed because I was so much closer than Namba Day 1, just three in front of Kaoru, and I was so happy that everyone around me was max only 10cm taller than my short ass.

    Kaoru and Toshiya are hands down just my favorite people in this entire world; I can’t express how amazing it is to see them play. Karasu once again was amazing, and Kaoru came to play on the edge of the stage, just above me really, and to watch him poke at the fret and press his tongue to his lip as he kept in time was just so, so special; Toshiya too had a much better resonation throughout the song too—sometimes you can hardly hear him when he scratches his mic stand across his strings! But tonight was perfect, and I couldn’t help but smirk when I saw him do that so purposeful the first time—the second time he goes hard on the strings, but at first he’ll sort of tap the mic stand and it’s just. I DON’T KNOW. I love watching this sort of thing.

    Also, I recall fondly both DIFFERENT SENSE and the punk song; watching Toshiya do the backup vocals… For Namba Day 2, I wasn’t able to fully enjoy that aspect of DIFFERENT SENSE, so really, I’m happy it was the same setlist? Like a Namba Day 2 revenge.

    Tefutefu (yo Kristin) is also so fucking powerfully played. It’s no Vinushka in terms of emotion (and masterful technique as such) but the guitars marry so well with the bass and drum that isn’t quite as defined on the album as it is live? I honestly don’t think I’ve ever thought that about such a song before, not that style, not live, but this just opened my mind, and in a way, it kind of… proves to me why I always loved it so much. Just wish I could have seen that guitar solo!

    So many of the other songs were just absolutely stunning too in their performance—there was feedback at times, and I want to say I heard a sour note somewhere in the middle of the setlist (but I can’t recall so I can’t say this is true), but their passion and love for what they do just blows me out of the water. And the fans—they were so into it, rowdy as all fuck, and I love us. I really love us as a group, even when we get annoying and bitchy… Kiri to Mayu, Midwife and Fukai got the crowd so riled up that the heat radiating from us in the Kaoru pit that I swear to god our hair was sweating. I want to just jump back in and go for another two hours…

    Ah! That reminds me. Toshiya was singing both Fukai and mouthing some of the words (especially chorus) of Ranunculus tonight. I just adore the way he enjoys the lyrics. It’s always been such a soft spot for me… And he anticipates them, their mood, touching his eyes before Ranunculus and sort of stroking himself during Vinushka—I just??? What a sweet man???

    (Reviewing the setlist from Twitter and) I have absolutely NO recollection of Disabled Complexes. It’s like my mind hollowed out after Vinushka and took those four minutes to process before being absolutely destroyed by Beautiful Dirt. GOD, I hated that mix so bad but it’s the best live. I’m sorry I ever doubted themmm.

    The encore was far too… quick. This always happens. Five songs? That’s it? It was a ton of fun though, and I think IIID Empire might become a rotating song from hereon out until the new album releases, and I’m so happy because the burst of energy you get…

    It feels like my words are failing me. I loved every single moment, even the ones where I felt crushed and couldn’t see. Sometimes you have to party in the back, but sometimes you just have to become one with the crowd.

    Ah! Kyo’s ANNNNNGHHHH and NAAAGOOOYAAA makes me so happy. I honestly don’t think he says any city name better. But I’m biased. But I’m also right. ;) I wish I could remember when he came over, because he was so close I could see his rings, and I just… Thanks Kyo. Sorry I never try for the middle.

    After the encore, Kaoru was an absolute fool by junking us not once but twice in his pit, refusing to throw them in. So when the third time came by, I started flipping him off and mouthing “hey fuck you” over and over to the point that Kaoru tilted his head away from me and glared for a good twenty seconds while the fan ahead of me just lost it laughing. Yes, Kaoru. We gave you our all—don’t fuck with us!

    But as the lights went up, I felt like I couldn’t go. I had to let the crowd clear out and I hoped to just exist in the same place as everyone else, and someone started the encore chant. Again.

    I lost it and screamed the entire time. When the men came back out, it felt as if my soul ascended from my body to the heavens—it felt right. Just absolutely and utterly so correct that if I had died at the end of Hageshisa, no one would doubt that it was my time to go. Toshiya was laughing as he came back on stage, and Kaoru couldn’t help but smirk at us. I don’t know why but it’s in those moments when you see them like this that you can really feel not just the emotion of a song or the satisfaction of getting the notes, but. An overall sort of feeling. Contentment? I don’t know, but I wonder.

    Lastly, Toshiya stripped for everyone. What a beautiful man, inside and out. A friend could see him shaking hands with all of the staff at the end of the first encore—just.

    Again, words are just problematic to me right now.

    I love them, and I love you all as the sixth member, too. This was an amazing tour end for me. Nagoya always treats me so well. Thank you all so much for making this one of the best nights of my life. To me, this is a bookend to the mode of tours. So let’s start something new okay? <3


    live report by kyotaku:


    I love Zepp Nagoya. Not only because Nagoya was my first home in Japan, the shows here have a different atmosphere same like Namba is different or Shinkiba is different.
    Today was not the last show of the tour, but it had the energy of one.

    I had a lovely two digit number today, so I could get a second row, not super center, but just in front of the space where Kyo rests at Shinya’s drums stand. It also felt great to have quite a few friends around ;)

    They started a few minutes after 7 with SE video with planets. Shinya wore a white shirt. Die had wavy hair, a bit sleek at the top, and he wore very airy sleeveless shirt with a white? light color? scarf. Standing so close I could see his ‘tights’ in detail. What I earlier took as a printed pattern is actually a leather decoration. Wow.
    Toshiya wore his evening suit and Kaoru his magic realm cape. His hair to me started to look pink instead of purple ;)

    Kyo entered the stage as the last one. He had a cropped jacket that was the same purple color as his pants (but it veeeery often looked black or grey depending on the light). Underneath he had a loose white shirt with a standing collar, a black and red ribbon type tie and Madaraningen necklace. He wore the same belt as before, a black and red THEODUCTS belt, Balenciaga socks over his pants and Gucci sneakers. He also had Hamsa earring and Madaraningen rings on his left hand. His hair was only slightly styled. He had red eyelashes and smudged lipstick. I don’t think his contact lenses were white, but the light was changing too much for me to be able to tell the exact color.

    It was intense from the beginning. We were participating each time Kyo signalled he wanted to hear us. He kept looking at fans, pointing at various parts of the audience. And I felt like we joined in for more parts than usual, the audience was definitely super enthusiastic :3

    Kyo wanted to come to the front of his stand for DIFFERENT SENSE to have us sing but he dropped his microphone (did the cord catch on something?). But he simply picked it up and came to the edge anyway. We sang.

    Fukai. The lights are green in the beginning. When we enter the chorus Kyo receives red spotlight and we sang with him. It was beautiful.

    After Fukai (?) ended Kyo stood behind his box and put his hands together like in a prayer. When some fan broke the silence screaming his name and others joined Kyo slowly moved forward to take a step up on the stand.

    Ranunculus was again so emotional and beautiful.

    Before Tefutefu Kyo did the third eye gesture. But it looked different today. He held his hand in front his face like he was holding a mask. And he took it off. After the song finished he repeated the gesture putting the mask back on.

    VINUSHKA. I was crying by the end like many people around me but even so we sang with Kyo.

    Maybe Sendai helped me prepare, but this time it was easier to enter Beautiful Dirt. Kyo was dancing a lot in the beginning. All other members traveled around the stage, Kaoru was the kindest towards the center as he stayed with us the longest ;) I love his cape, I wish I could have a proper look at the pattern!

    Kyo spent the most of the song moving along the edge of the stage and meeting fans eyes while we screamed ‘PSYCHO KILLER’.

    They left and we soon started to chant for encore.

    As they came back my heart almost exploded. Because. I saw a cat. A cat. Kyo came back for encore wearing a denim jacket that was a bit longer because it had detachable part (with zips). Underneath there was a cat peeking and I saw the bottom line 'BLIND FOR LOVE’. He also wore Adidas sweatpants and kept the sneakers.

    Kyo came to the front of his stand for Behind and had us sing for him, he took out his ear monitor to hear us properly.

    He took off the jacket and I could see the kitty shirt in the full glory. A cat ♥

    Punk is not dead / GO MAD is quite fun song for shows even as the melody proves a bit hard for the usual fist pumping. But I think we surprised Kyo a bit managing to squeeze screaming his name in the song in one part ;)

    The rest of the encore was just pure energy. All band members kept traveling on the stage for Sustain, we got Kaoru’s visit again, but also Toshiya’s and Die’s (I’m sorry I was peeking what Kyo was doing on the sides xD). And for both Sustain and Utafumi we sang and sang and sang.

    Another reason to love Nagoya is how Kyo says the name of the city when he addresses the audience.


    Kyo did the cheerful 'the back, are you alive? The side? The other side? and
    AaaaaaaaaaAAaA!!!! (pointing the crowd in front of him)
    And of course we replied as soon as he just started pointing us 😆

    THE IIID EMPIRE was madness. And joy. And smiles.

    The view of Kyo as he was sitting behind his stand (after he actually fell from it), tired but you could see he was so touched and happy. It brings the tears to my eyes even now.

    (and he wore the kitty shirt 😂)

    There was a lot of happy water splashing, thank you Kyo for the water in my face, it always feel like a 'well done, here some water’.
    And when the turn for the towel came… 😭❤ thank you thank you thank you.

    We stood holding the towel and waiting as other band members trew their things (it was really not fun when someone thought my scrunchie was a sock that Shinya threw and now I have a huge mark that looks like someone tied me o.o).

    And we clapped and waved goodbye. The staff told us to leave and I think some people actually did start to leave. But most of us stayed and we kept chanting for encore. Because even as we didn’t think they will come back we wanted to show our gratitude for the tour and tonight’s show.
    They came back.
    They did come back.

    Kyo wore a black t-shirt with a face printed in the front and 'beautiful day’ printed on the sleeve. He also wore shorts with a 'love and sex’ flowery print on one leg and high socks. He had a scrape on the knee that probably came from the fall from the stand earlier. And Gucci sneakers.

    Kyo greeted us with うるせー/ you’re so loud and 遅ぇーんだよ!/ it’s late oy!
    And it was followed with Hageshisa and proving we’re alive. We sang most of the song with him.

    Then Kyo stood on the stand and had fun making fans copy him clapping and do some gestures, with 'victory fists’ and 'kitsune / horns’. There were smiles again and looking and pointing at fans again. He looked like he wanted to find some more things to throw but in the end he started sending kisses and pointing more and then he finally waved us goodbye.

    Other members were waving bye as well, but Toshiya hesitated before he left the stage. He stopped and took off his tour shirt and threw it to fans 😂

    I love Nagoya 💚

    (and the kitty shirt 😂)



  5. I swear Kyo just randomly puts words together sometimes and pretends that it's some deep and artsy stuff, when in reality it makes zero sense...

  6. Thanks to @EvilHippy, I was finally able to correct the lyrics for Ningen o kaburu and Ash. Regarding the romanisation, it's by ear, so there might still be mistakes, but without a band score for the songs, I can't do much more. Anyway, here are the lyrics:








    Blessing to lose heart




    Blessing to lose heart


    Why am I living?

    Blessing to lose heart




    Barabara no kizu o nuiawase
    Dekiagatta zōo no katamari
    Saitei saiaku no dekidaro?
    Sore wa dare?

    Fushidarana jiketsu mankai
    Dekiagatta kattingumesseeji
    Saitei saikō no dekidaro?
    Dakara ima…

    Blessing to lose heart
    Kegasare wa shinai kōfuku-kan

    Dare ga tadashii to ka dō demo ii
    Dare no rūru de iki teru?
    Dare no tame ni ikiru?
    Dare no tame ni ikiru nodarou?

    Fūdo no naka kara nozoka seta no wa
    Hawatari 30 cm no genjitsu
    Yume o mite iru omae ga shine

    Zankyō Twelve

    Blessing to lose heart
    Kegasare wa shinai kōfuku-kan

    Dare ga tadashii to ka dō demo ii
    Dare no rūru de iki teru?
    Dare no tame ni ikiru?
    Dare no tame ni ikiru nodarou?

    Why am I living?

    Kono mama-me ga samenakute mo ii
    Blessing to lose heart
    Koreijō no ikiruimi o


    Official translation:


    Stitching together the pieces of the wound
    A lump of hatred has now been made
    The worst of the worst quality, right?
    Who can that be?

    The slutty full-blown suicide
    A cutting message has now been made
    The worst greatest quality, right?
    That's why now…

    Blessing to lose heart
    The untarnishable happiness

    It doesn't matter who's right
    Whose rule do you live by?
    Who will you live for?
    Who would you live for?

    The 30cm blade of reality peeks out from the hood
    You with the dreams, die
    Sounds right, no?

    Reverberation Twelve

    Blessing to lose heart
    The untarnishable happiness

    It doesn't matter who's right
    Whose rule do you live by?
    Who will you live for?
    Who would you live for?

    Why am I living?

    I don't care if I never wake up
    Blessing to lose heart
    …more meaning to live on

























    Ukitatsu unmei ni kubi o kukuru
    Byō o yomu sono sakini
    Yami to hikari de atama haretsu
    Genjitsu to kawaranai.

    Iki o shite mo yurusarenai
    Seiron to wa nanika o gisei ni naritatsu mono?

    Shirazushirazu ashi o fumiireta
    Chiisana sono sekai
    Eirina obutsu de totemo junsui

    Kimi wa dare

    Dareka ni warawareyō to mo koko ni iru
    Watashi wa watashi

    Manekaerezaru dareka no risō ni korosareru uta
    Sonna buzamana ikikata ni kotae ga aru no ka?

    Otagai o shiranai
    Miyōmimane de dare o karu
    (Yume o minai kimi e)
    Asu wa dō ikiru?

    Ukitatsu unmei ni kubi o kukuru
    Byō o yomu sono sakini
    Yami to hikari de atama haretsu

    Ganjigarame no dobunezumi no sekai
    Ganjigarame no dobunezumi mo korosu sekai

    Dareka ni warawareyō tomo koko ni iru
    Watashi wa watashi

    Manekaerezaru dareka no risō ni korosareru uta
    Sonna buzamana ikikata ni kotae ga aru no ka?

    Otagai o shiranai
    Miyōmimane de dare o karu
    (Yume o minai kimi e)
    Asu wa dō ikiru?

    Iki o shite mo yurusarenai
    Seiron to wa nanika o gisei ni naritatsu mono?

    Futokuteitasū ni okasareru made


    Official translation:


    I hang myself on the exhilarated destiny
    At the end of counting those seconds
    My head explodes in the darkness and light
    Nothing is different from reality.

    Even breathing is unforgiven
    Do you have to sacrifice something for it to be right?

    I entered into it without knowing
    That small world
    The filth is sharp and very pure

    Who are you?

    I'm going to stay here, even if I'm laughed at
    This is who I am

    Songs killed by the ideal of the uninvited guest
    Is there an answer to living such an unworthy life?

    We don't know each other
    Who will you hunt as you mimic?
    (To the non-dreamer)
    How will you live tomorrow?

    I hang myself on the exhilarated destiny
    At the end of counting those seconds
    My head explodes in the darkness and light

    Bound hand and foot in the world of sewer rats
    Bound hand and foot in the world where even sewer rats are killed

    I'm going to stay here, even if I'm laughed at
    This is who I am

    Songs killed by the ideal of the uninvited guest
    Is there an answer to living such an unworthy life?

    We don't know each other
    Who will you hunt as you mimic?
    (To the non-dreamer)
    How will you live tomorrow?

    Even breathing is unforgiven
    Do you have to sacrifice something for it to be right?


  7. by kyotaku


    DIR EN GREY - Sendai Ginko Hall Izumity21

    00 video intro (planets, space, crown of thorns)
    01 人間を被る / Ningen wo Kaburu
    03 LOTUS

    04 禍夜想 / Magayasou
    05 腐海 / Fukai (VoS ver.)
    06 鱗 / Uroko
    07 Midwife

    08 鴉 / Karasu
    09 new song / Ranunculus
    10 てふてふ / Tefutefu

    13 Beautiful Dirt (VoS ver.)


    en14 new song / Punk is not dead
    en15 霧と繭
    en16 Sustain the Untruth
    en17 詩踏み / Utafumi
    en18 THE IIID EMPIRE (VoS ver.)





    Saying that the venue is in a quiet place - it felt like a residential area and it was indeed quite quiet ;) But venue was close from the subway station so it’s not like I could see much of the area.

    I arrived around 5:20 and got to buy a sticker from today’s show - pink one. The staff was saying something about different (new?) sizes of t-shirts, but I didn’t really checked.

    I was at so called do-kamite, but not too far. Anyway as the floor was rising in the venue with every row the view was good. And it was easy to see all the staff waiting with video cameras :3

    They keep opening with Ningen wo kaburu amd I think the song has good energy for that place in the setlist! Not sure if that was connected to the show being filmed, but I think everyone today wore the outfit from the arist photos.

    With DIFFERENT SENSE I could feel more the difference between seated show - headbanging started here ;) And Kyo who urged us to sing with him.

    Both DIFFERENT SENSE and LOTUS had videos with the footage from/connected to their MVs.

    I already wrote before that I love what they do with the lighting during Fukai, it looked as amazing from the side. And we sang here too. “Aishite imasu ~ kokoro no soko ha…’

    And there’s no chance that Uroko ever won’t be fun. And having your own little space meant that people could jump and headbang to everyone’s heart content. I love the transition from singing ‘anata no shidai de’ to slow headbanging to the super fast ending.

    Midwife brought more headbanging. I think all band members stayed at their spots for 70% of the main set, but I saw Die looking like he wanted to come to the side ;) But the 'kasanatte’ call was amazing. Kyo kept pointing at different places in the audience to get louder response. Please release this in any form!!!

    After Uroko/Midwife combo came a break to rest our necks a bit, very much needed 😂 and break felt good as Karasu was a change in the atmosphere. But headbanging was also present ;) from the visuals I loved the moment when there was a triangle with an eye on the screen amd Kyo stood with his hands lile in a prayer. And it was a good lead to Ranunculus.

    I saw some people having fun with the use of this flower name in the song. But seriously if you would have heard the song and how emotionally charged it is when Kyo sings it I don’t think there would be any jokes about it.
    叫び生きてろ 私は生きてる Ranunculus

    The more noticeable sound during the break was definitely after Ranunculus. It’s like a background music in a game when you would enter a dark room with some tiny creatures or magical insects xD

    Just a moment before they started playing VINUSHKA Kyo stood behind his stand and covered his face with the eye ring hand - creating the third eye again. I loved the gold gentle light from the sides in the beginning before song got more violent. And Kyo’s 'koko ga shinjitu da’ followed by the urging 'kakatte koi’. We gave our all. 'Vinushuka’ and falling Little Boy will always be devastating to see and hear together.

    The one point in setlist I wasn’t happy with was DISABLED coming so quickly after VINUSHKA. I mean how are you supposed to switch from one song to another? But placement in the setlist aside I love this song. And seated venue meant I could actually dance to it first time this tour ;)

    DISABLED also brought all members (well except Shinya) to move more on stage. And PSYCHO KILLER!!!

    I have to say that Die’s tights are quite impressive. Just that.

    During Beautiful Dirt Kaoru was standing with one leg on Kyo’s stand for a time, Die and Toshiya were visiting opposite stage sleeves. I noticed Toshiya who was letting people in first rows touch his hand when he was passing to the other side of the stage, that was also very sweet :)

    With the end of main set fans started clappimg and calling for encore.

    Die came wearing tour t-shirt, Kaoru had colourful stripy cardigan, Kyo had MA1 jaclet again with PUBLIC IMAGE logo and pink GUCCI shirt that he wore before. He kept the make up on.
    (Sorry I’m not sure about Shinya and Toshiya despite them coming to the right stage sleeve xD)

    I think just from seeing the song titles you can guess that encore HAD ENERGY. More headbanging, singing and shouting from us. Also more visits to the sides of the stage and sleeves during Sustain. There was calling to become one and questions if we are alive. I hope we proved it sufficiently ;)

    There were smiles when throwing goodies, as I mentioned in the previous post Kyo passed one water bottle to the toriko family in the front and threw the other one and a towel to the audience. Other band members walked all around the stage from one sleeve to the other throwing picks and drums sticks. Toshiya dropped one on the right sleeve, he crouched to picked it up and teased a fan standing the closest to see if she would like to get it. She did get it ;)

    Release, please.





  8. 54 minutes ago, Saishu said:

    Funny how it notes they played the Vestige of Scratches version of Beautiful Dirt. They barely changed it. 

    The note is mine, I found it appropriate. I'll add kyotaku's setlist and report now. :)

  9. from kyotaku:


    00 intro video (space, planets)
    01 人間を被る / Ningen wo Kaburu
    03 LOTUS
    04 滴る朦朧 / Shitataru mourou
    05 禍夜想 / Magayasou
    06 腐海 / Fukai (VoS ver.)
    07 Midwife
    08 鴉 / Karasu
    09 new song / ‘Ranunculus’
    10 てふてふ / Tefutefu
    13 Beautiful Dirt (VoS ver.)

    en14 new song / ‘Punk is not dead’
    en15 Sustain the Untruth
    en16 霧と繭 / Kiri to mayu
    en17 詩踏み / Utafumi
    en18 THE IIID EMPIRE (VoS ver.)




    Be warned this will be very Kyo-centric as I got quite close in the middle, 8~6~8th row 😝 it was close enough I could see Kyo’s stand during the performance and it was incredible especially during Ningen wo Kaburu - with the lyrics in the front (BLESSING __ LOSE HEART).

    Kyo came on stage wearing a MA-1 jacket, big SHOWBOAT logo t-shirt over an oversized white shirt, skinny damaged black pants and his black creepers (and white socks). From accessories he had a belt that was the same style as Madaraningen one, but the logo started with 'THEO~’, he had his Madaraningen necklace and ring set, 666 ring and a earring. He had a green eyeshadow and red smudged lips. His hair was not styled. The logos of the t-shirt and belt were glowing in the black light (not as much as his clothes yesterday, but I can see he enjoys playing with it), the hands in his stand were also glowing.

    For encore he wore almost plain light blue tshirt with rolled short sleeves, some print on the left sleeve and a small white star in the front. He kept the bottoms same as for the main set. No make up.

    I feel this usually happens during dir tours - they get more and more into it and Kyo’s performance is getting better each time. Some songs and moments were burnt inside my head like the whole audio-visual aspect of Fukai (loved the red light circle), Kyo who came to the front of his stand again and again to be closer to fans and have us sing, the crowd around me moving as a one being with Kyo during Vinushka, Kyo jumping from the stand after Beautiful Dirt. And I love how responsive crowd got with Ningen wo Kaburu although we’re still trying out which parts should we take for ourselves to sing ;)

    There was one more scene that was important, even as I can’t remember if it was after Ranunculus or after VINUSHKA, but Kyo stood behind his stand and slowly he placed his left hand, the one with the 'eye ring’ in front of his face (same as in a photo with Joe Yokomizo), so the ring became a third eye in a way. It was so brief and quiet, but very impactful.

    Encore was so packed with energy! I got to see more of Kaoru and Die as they moved quite a lot.

    I had to catch the last train but was so happy that I could see the show till the end and see Kyo saying his goodbyes to the fans before I had to (very literally) run. The energy just from seeing his 'rabbit / kitsune ears’ carried me from the venue to Midosuji line platform in 4 minutes (and I picked my bag from the locker on the way) 😂




  10. by kyotaku:


    2018.04.25 Namba Hatch

    00 video intro (guy dragging a shovel / murder story)
    01 人間を被る / Ningen wo Kaburu
    02 Beautiful Dirt
    04 LOTUS
    05 てふてふ / Tefutefu
    06 禍夜想 / Magayasou
    07 Midwife
    08 鴉 / Karasu
    09 DIABOLOS ( demo ver.)
    10 mew song / Ranunculus
    11 腐海 / Fukai
    14 激しさと、この胸の中で絡み付いた灼熱の闇 / Hageshisa

    en15 Behind the vacant image
    en16 new song / Punk is not dead
    en17 鱗 / Uroko
    en18 霧と繭 / Kiri to mayu
    en19 詩踏み / Utafumi



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