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Posts posted by Seelentau

  1. Didn't that girl from BABYMETAL leave because of hearing issues? Or throat issues, I'm not sure.


    Anyway, everyone probably knows of Kyo's partial deafness ever since 2000. "R TO THE CORE" from VULGAR is about this, I think.

  2. s-l1600.jpg




    For 15€... the last time I saw this for sale, it was sold for ~200€ along with Amakuchi... good way to start the year in things Dir en grey... xD


    They also sell one of the 2000 mail-order limited boxes of KAEDE ~if trans... ~, this one: https://www.discogs.com/Dir-en-grey-楓If-Trans/release/10835106

    For 40€, which is a really good price, so if anyone's interested...^^

  3. No clue, I can't read notes or scores :D But yeah, in the normal lyrics, there's nothing there. But they're not entirely accurate as well, it's all one big clusterfck.

  4. Yup, but according to the band score, he sings "hone no zui kara X X // GOD GOD GOD G-O-D", and the only other time I've seen those XX used so far is in the sheet lyrics for THE IIID EMPIRE, where they censor 魔人婦穴. So I think there might be something censored there, but well, I doubt it'll ever be revealed :D

  5. Yeah, right before the rapping part, there's some loud sound, but you can clearly hear him sing someting beneath that sound:


    "hone no zui kara" PENG (doukan?) "GOD GOD GOD G O D"

  6. yeah yeah very funny


    On a different note, in egnirys, does someone else here Kyo sing something between "Hone no zui kara" and "GOD GOD GOD G O D" (in the second to last verse)?

    To me it appears as if the word(s) were censored with a sound effect, and in the band score, it gives ✕✕ in its place...

  7. Accordion to setlist.fm, Kyo passed out during THE DEEPER VILENESS at last night's show.


    Edit, from kyotaku:


    I wasn’t at the show, but from fans report there was an accident during Deeper Vileness (middle of encore part).

    Kyo fell and was lying down in front of the drum stand. Some fans reported it was due to hitting his head while headbanging (not confirmed).

    Others noticed singing was gone and started checking on him.

    Before C Kyo stood up by himself and said he lost consciousness for a bit, but he’s fine. He finished the encore set.

  8. 10 hours ago, AimiGen7 said:

    Kaoru's first band, DIE:STERIA, was a cover band

    I think nearly everyone's first band was a cover band, except for Kyo's. And even he performed in Haijin, which was a cover band.

    So yeah, to me it seems covering other bands or copying their kind of music isn't considered as bad in Japan as it is in the West.

  9. On 4/7/2018 at 8:11 PM, Seelentau said:

    So, according to shuji:


    The VHS is not for sale and he doesn't know the contents. Looks like the only way to know is to buy it... meh ._.

    The red demo tape was the band's first. It has only one song, 月色の十字架. This contradicts both puresound and D+L's mixi community.

    The black (or blue) demo tape apparently has two versions: the puresound version with two tracks (LEAVE / White), and one owned by someone on Twitter, with three tracks (ガンジガラメ / 僕ノ中デ… / ユメノユメ). However, according to shuji, this tape was made by fans, so it's fake.

  10. A-1294578-1542553222-4596.jpeg.jpg


    In October 2018, vocalist SAIKA graduated from the band after completion of the release tour for the band's best-of album THE LEGEND.

    His replacement is SADEW, who already performed on the band's fourth album, mozaiq. The band also announced their sixth album, slated for a 2019 release and put their website under construction: http://www.bloodstainchild.com/index.html

    On their Twitter, you can find short videos of their recent live performances with SADEW: https://twitter.com/bsc_of

  11. Sound effect.


    jic your reaction means you don't trust me, from jpwiki:

    音響効果(おんきょうこうか)、サウンドエフェクト (sound effect)、略してSEともいう。音楽コンサートにおいては開演前に客席に流す音楽や歌曲もSEと呼ぶ。


    "Sound effect" is also called "SE" (from English "sound effect"). The music that plays for the audience before a concert starts is also called "SE".

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