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Posts posted by Seelentau

  1. On 1/13/2018 at 4:11 AM, Seelentau said:

    Some pre-DEG stuff:




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    Dir en greyの前身バンドLa:Sadie’sのLIVE映像です。

    ...to die
    -La:Sadie’s-TV「BREAK OUT!ランキング入り映像」-


    A live video by La:Sadie's that's not one of the "big three"? :o Also, a PV? :o:o




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    La:Sadie's versions of ZAN and Setsuna? Also mentioned here, along with 鏡死 and 刺ノ刻, whatever those songs are.




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    The famous Kuroyume cover. Don't know from which date, though. Could be the February pre-DEG concert or a later...

    This guy says that one of Kyo's earlier bands covered the song as well, and that he has a tereko of the performance, but won't share it... love the scene, really :3




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    Dir en greyの京が在籍していた月蝕のデモテープ、LIVE音源です。

    01 静寂
    02 毒殺
    03 黒白
    04 過去のない私へ
    05 月蝕


    Not sure what this is. In general, the whole Gesshoku discography is a little confusing^^




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    Dir en greyの京が在籍していたmasqueradeのデモテープ+LIVE音源です。


    03 静寂
    04 Masquerade
    05 ICE


    Allegedly, they're live tracks, but... well, no idea if they exist. Also mentioned here.


    Leaked La:Sadie's lives:

    14.08.1996 - Kumagaya Vogue (one song leaked)

    16.08.1996 - Niigata Odo-Hall

    20.08.1996 - 市川CLUB GIO (two songs leaked)

    29.08.1996 - Osaka AMhall (completely leaked, often mislabeled as LS' last live)


    Also, from DEG's Mousou~ VHS tapes and their VOS documentary, we know that most, if not all of their indies concerts were actually recorded on camera.


    I also have to correct an earlier statement regarding Kiri to Mayu and Sangeki no Yoru: The actual story is that one day before DEG began recording MISSA, Kyo was told to change the lyrics for Sangeki no Yoru. The band considered removing the song from the EP for that reason, but decided against it since Kiri to Mayu, as it was now called, was the first song the fans were to hear so it was important.


    And something y'all probably didn't know: Karma was actually supposed to be on MISSA as well, but was not included due to the same reasons. Both songs were later included on the Kaede VHS. Which brings me to another fact:

    If your Kaede Crystal Video Box has blood on its back, it's Shinya's. He cut himself while packing the boxes (which the band had to do themselves). Although it's unclear how many boxes they packed, after all, there are 10k copies^^


    Some more La:Sadie's stuff and magazines. This means that the following La:Sadie's shows have been released sometime ago:


    [the first three were allegedly sold for the first time on 20.12.1996, that could explain the different CD pictures]

    13.08.1996 - Maebashi Ratan (no pics available)

    14.08.1996 - Kumagaya Vogue (one song leaked)

    16.08.1996 - Niigata O-DO

    20.08.1996 - Ichikawa CLUB GIO (two songs leaked)

    29.08.1996 - Osaka amHall (completely leaked, often mislabeled as LS' last live)

    30.08.1996 - Osaka amHall



















    I've also added La:Sadie's to setlist.fm: https://www.setlist.fm/setlists/lasadies-7bd6c2b0.html

    Some entries even have setlists, but most are empty, of course^^

  2. On 1/19/2018 at 11:30 AM, nostalgia said:

    Oh right. I don't have any of the demos.


      Reveal hidden contents

    Dir en grey - 24個シリンダー (Live)
    Dir en grey - 304号室、白死の桜 (Live)
    DIR EN GREY - BUGABOO (A Capella)
    Dir en grey - Cage
    Dir en grey - GARDEN (Hi-SPEED Version)
    DIR EN GREY - GLASS SKIN (Instrumental)
    Dir en grey - MAGGOT
    Dir en grey - raison detre
    Dir en grey - Sea of retards
    Dir en grey - THE FATAL BELIEVER
    Dir en grey - umbrella (Live)
    Dir en grey - Unknown…Despair…a Lost (Live)
    Dir en grey - ネヴァーダイ
    Dir en grey - みかんのうた (SEX MACHINEGUNSカバー)
    Dir en grey - 予感 (Instrumental)
    Dir en grey - 予感 (Music Box)
    Dir en grey - 刹那
    Dir en grey - 残‐ZAN‐
    Dir en grey - 眠りの迷い
    Dir en grey - 菩提樹
    Dir en grey - 藍紫色
    Dir en grey - 鬼眼-kigan- (Live)



    I finally got around to double-checking this, so for those who care:

    MAGGOT, 眠りの迷い, THE FATAL BELIEVER, 菩提樹, ネヴァーダイ are from the August 1, 2006 concert.

    刹那 and 残‐ZAN‐ are from the May 31, 1997 concert. I think they're from the cassette rip, as opposed to the more common rip you can find on YouTube.

    藍紫色 is from the October 28, 1997 concert.
    raison detre and Unknown... are from the October 30, 1997 concert, the latter was actually still called 刹那 at that time.
    No clue where exactly Cage is from, but it's a live arrange version that was performed on the tour 2000>>20001 macabre.

    As for the rest, some are fake tracks, the others are live tracks from official releases, I think.


  3. kyo_official twitter 2018.10.31




    sukekiyo started rehearsal.

    When there are two days we will have a different menu (setlist?) and performance.

    Also, there won’t be a BGM, at that time we will have a video of members interviews. For each venue there will a different interview. And I’m also thinking of playing lots of songs we usually don’t in case it’s the last time.



    by kyotaku


    last time, huh

  4. Original Karma, Aoitsuki and Byou""Shin were played in 2017, the others haven't been played in a looong time. "S" was played once in 2004, the others haven't been played since 2001 and original Kiri to Mayu was only ever played in 1997, from what I know.

    From six Ugly, they played all songs in 2016, except for children in 2017 and Byou""Shin not at all.


  5. Karma was released as a digital version in 2008 or 2009, but you could only get it via the band's Utafull website, which is super-old and mobile only.

    Maybe TNP has a rip of the VHS.


    Regarding the story behind KtM and SnY, the latter's lyrics were written first, but a day before recording, Kyo was asked to change the lyrics.


    Regarding GARDEN, I'm not sure if those ar  actually two different versions. It's not like SnY and Karma, that were forced on the kaede VHS, after all. But I can tell you that the PV was recorded in May 1997 (although I can't find my source for that right now, I think it was because of the same location and outfits?).

    Oh and kaede was initially released in December 1997. :)

  6. 1 hour ago, filth_y said:

    And cringy sang to those Wtd songs? That wasnt you, right?


    1 hour ago, AwesomeNyappy said:

    Nope. was that you? :D


    No, I was right behind him. His whole demeanour was so weird, can't even really describe it. Maybe it was because of his girlfriend, but I think he absolutely wanted to appear as super cool, but only came off as condescending.

    But I met some nice people after the concert, so that cancelled each other out, I guess. :D

  7. 15 minutes ago, AwesomeNyappy said:

    Oh no, i was talking about the queue outside (which did not exist at half past 7 anymore). I was there at around six.

    Did you hear the guy who pulled out a box and played Dir en grey in the queue outside?

  8. Yeah, the twins with beards and no hair, right? They were next to me on the right, in front of me was the tall girl with red hair and left to her was the Kyokyokyo girl. While we waited for the show to start, someone sat down right behind me. And over the course of the concert, of course the crowd moved a lot, but sadly I didn't manage to get further towards the stage. Couldn't grab anything either, didn't even see Kaoru's picks due to the lighting.

  9. 1 hour ago, AwesomeNyappy said:

    @Seelentau I was on the right (Die's Side) in front of the mixer. So I was not exactly in the back, but not close to the front either. There might be some air verding underneath the mic stands and Die just decides to go there more often to wave his hair around like all of the other members. But I can't be the only one who's noticed, he seems to be quiet proud of his hair...where the air comes from, however...will forever remain a mystery, I guess ;D


    How about you? Where were you in the crowd?

    I was in front of Shinya, in the middle of the crowd. Right where two of the tallest people stood, obstructing my view lots of times.

    But you can actually see my right arm on Toshiya's instagram picture :D

  10. 25 minutes ago, AwesomeNyappy said:

    I agree with you! The set list was okay, beelzebub was a highlight though.

    I did not expect “wake”, which was a pleasant surprise!


    They did have some problems with shinya’s drums, but in general everything went quite smooth. The show was quite powerful, Kyos growls A+, and the visuals were great.


    My personal highlight: Die’s long, waving hair. (why is it that there only seems to be some air wending on his side of the stage? 😂)


    Where were you located in the crowd? I was right behind that girl who growled Kyokyokyo a couple times. In front of Shinya, in the middle of the pack. Didn't see or catch anything this time, was hoping for a second drum stick. :D

    And I wondered about Die's hair as well, how is he doing that? Are there vents in his mic stand?

  11. Yup, today was packed. Didn't see shit because of a girl that actually managed to be taller than me, which is a rare occurrence.

    The setlist was as boring as expected, but BEELZEBUB is something everyone should experience once. Also, no Sustain, yay.

    But! We had to wait 70 minutes for the band to start. 30 minutes into that, they suddenly began working around the drums, no clue why. The sound was alright, I think, but as I said, I dont have ears for that.

    In conclusion: The tour shouldve been named "Waiting to begin" and Berlin 2015 was better. Mainly because of the visuals during Rinkaku.


    Oh, but Kyo's growls are absolutely bonkers. He delivered on KtH.

  12. Munich's setlist:

    • New SE
    • 詩踏み
    • 腐海
    • Ash
    • Revelation of mankind
    • 理由
    • Devote My Life
    • 軽蔑と始まり
    • 輪郭
    • Ranunculus
    • 人間を被る
    • Values of Madness
    • Beautiful Dirt
    • 鼓動
    • Sustain the untruth
    • 羅刹国
    • Ranunculus (PV)

    So yeah... I don't expect anything special for tomorrow. The London show was the odd-one-out, it seems.

  13. Yup, but someone told me that at all previous concerts, they took 30 minutes to take the stage and 30 minutes between the main set and the encore...

    But it's fine anyway, got all problems solved ^_^

  14. How long were the concerts until now? I heard conflicting lengths, from 90 minutes to as long as 2h30m. I mean, it's just one band, so it shouldn't be much longer than 90 minutes, right? If nothing happens, of course. But this tour seems to be kinda cursed ._.

  15. 1 hour ago, Kelrya said:

    I have a few random questions.


    1. I’m guessing Seelantau may know the answer to this although I couldn’t find anything about it on his wiki, but why does the Japanese fandom call THE IIID EMPIRE “第三帝國” (which means the Third Reich or Nazi Germany in Japanese) instead of the normal name? I almost never see Japanese fans use the name THE IIID EMPIRE even though they always use English (or at least katakana) to refer to every other English-titled DEG song. Was it written this way on the Japanese release of Vulgar or something? 


    2. Where did all the demo versions of DSS songs come from? IIRC that album leaked but did it leak in a demo form instead of the finished version?


    3. I’m planning on going to the 4/4/19 concert in Fukuoka, Japan but it won’t let me buy tickets until next month after the a knot members. How fast do they usually sell out? I think it will probably sell out slower than say Tokyo but I want to be safe. Thanks to whoever can help me out.


    4. Oh and what ever happened to that Ninja Panda guy/girl? Lol. Are they okay?

    1. I think that the song's title refers to the Third Reich, but there's no official confirmation, as far as I'm aware.


    2. The two demo songs come from disc 2 of DUM SPIRO SPERO, only included with the LP box version.


    3. I think kyotaku would be the best to ask, on tumblr.


    4. I have no idea, he never got back to me either, so I guess he's over the whole DEG stuff.

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