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Status Updates posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Ah man, I have really been neglecting Deshabillz. Anyone got any other good recommendations for mid 90's Kote Kei?  It seems most of the 90's Vkei I listen to are either late 90's or early 90's lol

    1. Himeaimichu


      I've listened to them a few times and I really need to try them out more!

    2. Ikna


      Some Suggestions (though some of them may also be from early 90s): DIE-QUÄR, Media-Youth, D≒SIRE, Silver~Rose, L'yse:nore, Canary, Speed-ID, Rapture, FANATIC◇CRISIS, Maschera, Kneuklid Romance, Romance for~

      Pretty sure there's plenty others, the early to mid 90s were the best time for VK, lots of great bands as the scene exploded and reached its peak.

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Kneuklid Romance [2] (haven't listened to their major era much, but their 2nd (?) vocalist material is some of my all-time vkei favorites)

      L'yse:nore [2] (although I think they're also late-90s).

      Canary [2] (they're basically Deshabillz with better vocals)


      Penicillin (Penicillin Shock ~ Vibe albums should be what you're looking for)

      Sleep My Dear


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  2. I used to think that one R-Shitei song where Mamo's autotune has the throat length setting made to make him sound like a girl was pretty cool...
    ...but now it just feels creepy to me

    1. Bunny-Usagii


      Oml, I literally just found this band yesterday lol
      Now I'm curious heheh

      I listened to "帝都に死す", do they have more songs like that one?

    2. Himeaimichu
    3. Himeaimichu


      @Bunny-Usagii They have quite a few of them scattered through their discography

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  3. Wow facebook's new layout is fucking shit.

    Seriously, the old layout had nothing wrong with it! Why does everything got to look like a mobile app now?


    1. ki11edb1th3qu33n


      i wouldnt bother using fb since cambride analytica and cyber hackings and how info mation kept and now asking some users verify name and ID i wouldnt bother supporting the ceo or site not becux the ceo socialist or leftists but privacy not there they always get hacked 

    2. Himeaimichu


      @Enki You're right lol. The only reason I even use it is because all my friends are on there lol. If it were up to me, all of my friends would use FriendProject (a clone of old myspace with all the old HTML editing)

    3. ki11edb1th3qu33n


      or make your own site or msngr on wix chat like that because we cant trust big tech websites now adays the privacys concern right now

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  4. I want a pair of those large, round lense vintage glasses, but IDK if they'd make me look like a vintage cutie, or an Emo Chinaman xD

    1. IGM_Oficial
    2. Himeaimichu


      Yeah, basically

    3. IGM_Oficial


      Hm. I think it's cute on girls.

  5. I want to know what kind of things Grieva and GossiP are saying in their songs, if they warrant a parental advisory, but Kuroyuri doesn't xD

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      Grieva often sing about murder and suicide, Gossip have a lot of topics about nationalism/anti nationalism etc.  But yes, Kuroyuri have similar topics so they should have that parental advisory as well I guess :P

    2. Himeaimichu


      It could be that Grieva and GossiP are more blunt with their lyrics. I mean, Mei tends to put LOTS of hidden metaphors in his lyrics and such, though I'm sure Kyouki and Saku do too. 

      Or it could be the way Mei sings, since he sings in a more archaic way, using weird Kanji readings, and occasionally using obsolete phonemes such as "ye", "we" and "wi". But then again, so does Kyouki. Saku seems to sing in a slightly more modern way compared to Kyouki and Mei, but still somewhat Archaic. I have heard from a lot of people who try to translate Kuroyuri songs that Kuroyuri's lyrics tend to be really hard to understand due to Mei's grammar, because Mei is known for using the fluidity of Japanese grammar. Also, it's worth mentioning Mei slurs his vowels in different ways a LOT.  I've also heard Kyouki's lyrics are a little harder to understand, but I don't have much info on Saku's lyrics, since not a lot of GossiP's songs have translations. 

      (If only I actually spoke Japanese xD. I could tell you all about the language theory and the archaic forms of the language, but I can't even speak it xD)

      But the most likely reason is probably something so simple as "Kuroyuri doesn't use any English cursing" xD. We'll never know, probably. 

    3. Himeaimichu


      Update: I just realised only 2 GossiP releases have parental advisory, and only 2 of Grieva's. IDK what this means, but it's probably useful somehow in finding out this honestly arbitrary thing I just thought xD

  6. When I straighten my hair, don't use hairspray, my hair ironically begins to look like 90's VisualKei hair.

    The irony is, 90's Vkei hair generally requires a lot of hairspray xD. 

    Though I guess the easiest route is just do what you'd do with long "scene" hair, minus any hair product. 

    1. suji


      same, except only my hair curls up on one side 😂😂😂

    2. Ikna


      do you have thick, curly hair?
      Mine too starts to frizz when I straighten. Unfortunately it only looks bad, like I have straw on my head. If it looked better it would be cool, because of then I could easily do 80s goff hair. 

    3. Himeaimichu


      @IknaYeah, my hair often gets curly, but like messy curly xD. Straightening is the only way I can look good, and it prevents what would be a lot of frizz, at least on my hair. 

      I often use a little, but not too much hairspray on the bangs, so they won't curl out or frizz

  7. Imagine if Kyo legally changed his name to just Kyo. He'd be the VisualKei equivalent of Cher

    1. saishuu


      jesus christ


    2. Himeaimichu


      Sorry, random shower thought xD

    3. herpes


      cher is a talented legend though

  8. So Vasalla is on the "Metal Archives". I thought the two people who ran it didn't accept Vkei bands because they're all "faggots" and "not true metal". I mean, Vasalla may play speed metal, but they ain't free from the crossdressing. 

    But I thought "fag metal" was "pseudo metal", according to them.

    Ah whatever. They're hypocrites

    1. suji


      i see a lot of vk bands on that site all the time...

    2. Mamo


      Yeah they're on their sometimes. The site is incredibly ambiguous about what is metal. Dir en grey still is for some fucking reason, but Kyo from deg is dafuq?

    3. Himeaimichu


      Honestly, if you look at the discussion about Dir En Grey on that site, it's cringey. It's all a bunch of homophobia and "core isn't really metal"

  9. I wonder if Dynamite Tommy actually ever used his official soccer coaching license. 

    IDK, something tells me I wouldn't want him coaching me

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      I do recall seeing pictures/reading somewhere that he did coach a kid team at one point many years ago.

      Not 100% sure though.

    2. returnal


      it depends, do soccer teams make a good tax evasion racket?

    3. Himeaimichu


      @returnal  Omg I'm dead xD

      That made my day

  10. Despite how much sunscreen I put on, I still manage to get half my face sunburnt... 

    WTF, sun? 

    1. IGM_Oficial


      This is one of the main reasons why I hate beach, pools and such. It doesn't matter how much sunblocker you bathe in and how little is the time you stay under the sun, you will ALWAYS get sunburnt.

    2. IGM_Oficial


      (global warming?)

    3. Himeaimichu


      I was forced to go since it was a family event. Even though I hate going to pools, this one was at some person's apartment, so it wasn't dirty, plus it's an escape from the area I live in. 

  11. I just noticed the gifs are gone from my signature. Does anyone else have this issue?

    1. Himeaimichu


      Update: It shows on my phone when using data, but not with Wifi, nor does it show up on my chromebook. I am in school right now and it could be that the links to the gifs are blocked

    2. Chi


      I can see the gifs in your signature.

    3. Himeaimichu


      Yeah, it's probably just the wifi where I'm at blocks the links, since my school's wifi blocks imgur, so therefore, the images don't show. 

  12. (CW: Crappy joke incoming) Don't you just hate it when people promote themselves? By the way, have you checked out D:[ab]-e? They're formed by vocalist Akusaki, Guitarist Ryohei and their promotion slave, Aimi. We have a single called SICK. Please check it out at [insert sketchy hyperlink here]. Please support out music and help me please I am legally a slave I do not get paid for this because we do not sell our music please send money im homless isleepinshinjukustationinthewomensbathroomhelpiambeingheldforransombytheyakuzapleasegetmeawayfromyayoi

    1. Himeaimichu


      Am I doing my job correctly, @sakurakurakura? lol

    2. sakurakurakura


      *inhale* and *exhale* BABY YUUNA

    3. Himeaimichu



  13. Issei from Dimlim is like the chemical element Sodium. Just like if you put water on Sodium, if you put Issei in a meme, he'll explode on you. 

    1. Komorebi


      I'm having a blast reading his shit lmao

    2. Himeaimichu


      The irony is, it'll inspire so many people to make memes of him even more, just to make him angry. It'll be so funny to see him react to all the dankness. 

      On another note.. if we get him to drink Chlorine bleach, does that turn him into Salt? lol. I mean, he's already pretty salty already lol

      Maybe the exploding of anger is a chemical reaction that turns Issei salty (ok, make me stop with the horrible chemistry jokes lol)

    3. Komorebi


      He's DM folder on twitter is open for trolling. Let's meme him to death

  14. If I manage to get Cuartet's "Cuartet no Ura Video" VHS, I'll rip it for you guys (since the YT rip is crappy)

    1. Biopanda
    2. Himeaimichu


      That's what I was referring to lol. I'm planning to buy it for christmas ^^ 

    3. Biopanda
  15. I now know where Amano Tonbimaru got his style lol. From Kozi tumblr_okj6kfSWfg1ugsb2do1_500.gif



      i hope you're joking (or can't see difference between school uniform and military cosplay)

    2. Himeaimichu


      Half-Joking. I definitely know the difference, but there are also a lot of similarities between the looks here. Especially the hairstyle, since Amano always had that same hairstyle. 

      Don't take it all too seriously, it's just a simple observation.



      ahh it's ok if it so! i just like them both and can't understand why someone noticed similiar details..w

  16. There is this supposed (most likely fake) Kyo vs. Ruki event that apparently is going to happen in either Chile or Brazil...

    ..how are people falling for this? If it is fake that is. It looks fake as fuck. Either that, or it's not what it's making itself out to be, and it's probably some cover bands



    1. Himeaimichu


      Ok, so apparently, it's just some party some organisation is hosting, with a very misleading name (that's probably going to disappoint a bunch of newbies). 

      This is IRL clickbait. Except worse because looking at it makes you cringe

    2. suji


      literally this video


      "ok i got the headline, 'Jrock Party 2018'"

      "no no no, u gotta tickle their balls a lil bit!!"

      "uhh ok Jrock Party 2018 feat. Dir en grey & The GAZETTE?"

      "how bout this KYO VS RUKI"

      "that... doesn't make any sense..."


    3. platy


      It's most likely just one of those club nights we're they play two bands. 

  17. Does anyone know any Chinese folk metal bands other than Cthonic or Black Kirin? Also, no Mongolian themed bands. I'm not looking for those. 

    1. Laurence02
    2. Bear


      Yes, I do.

    3. diryangrey


      you probably already know 伏羲 (fu xi) right? youtube.com/watch?v=onlsbO3TmlI
      there's also 末裔 (moyi), but this one track's better than all their rest imo youtube.com/watch?v=-EDhtbHB3PI

  18. It's 2018. It's easy to make a good sounding record with drum programming, amp-sims, getting good quality mics being easier, etc. 

    With all this... why in the hell does Starwave's production still sound like utter crap? 

    It's so easy to make a good sounding record. Just put in a good amp-sim, get some good drum samples, recording vocals is not that hard. At this point, I'm convinced Kiwamu purposefully removes the bass and midrange.

    1. Wakarimashita
    2. Bear


      Maybe they just want it to sound like that? Maybe that's what they like?


      I'm in a band (and some), and while we could record everything better (you know, used 5 mics for the drums instead of 2, told the guitarist we want a clear sound, produced it better and so on), we don't want to. We have a very clear vision for what we want, and even though a "better" (aka more polished) production would probably get us a few more fans, it's not what we're after. It's not in our interest. First and foremost we want to please ourselves with the music.



      As far as programmed drums goes, it all depends on the music performed. And if you ask me (something you didn't he e he he he hrhaha heh) programmed drums really only suit a few types of music such as hip hop, different kind of industrial music, music where you don't rely on regular beats and so on. Programmed drums in regular rock, punk and metal are usually annoying as fuck no matter how good the actual samples used are.

    3. Himeaimichu


      This is Starwave Records I'mtalking about here. I doubt Kiwamu's half assed production is for artistic purpose, as he cares more about easy cash grabs and keeping his bands on a tight leash, than he is actually promoting the art of Visualkei. He's more concerned running a practical pyramid scheme than he is about furthering any art. 

  19. I'm trying to mod GTA San Andreas, and I legit actually said "WHY IS THE MOON STILL THE FUCKING MOON?" 

    1. IGM_Oficial


      It must be Batman's signal

    2. Himeaimichu


      There probably exists a mod for that. 
      If only there was an in depth guide on how to fucking install mods like that. 

      "Replace the BMP in Particle.txd" ok I did that and nothing happened

    3. IGM_Oficial


      There is, for the PS2 version

  20. Did Kimi wa Surudoku ever even release anything as Kegare? I find it weird that a band that's been around since 2002 only started releasing stuff recently. I also hate that it has to be Karuna who hasn't released anything until recently, because I'm a hoe for Gill'e Cadith 

    1. Alkaloid


      They were on the "Hysteric Media Zone III" and "Public Ego Dance 001" omnibus but I think that's it.

    2. Himeaimichu


      Ah, thanks! I'm able to find a rip of Public Ego Dance, but not Hysteric Media Zone. Do you perhaps know where one would be?

    3. Alkaloid


      Sadly I don't :c

  21. I just checked out ヘクトウ and ロマン急行 and these guys, combined with Gulu Gulu, have restored my faith in Visual Kei.

    1. Euronymous


      totally agree about ヘクトウ and ロマン急行 ,but gulu gulu i'm still not sure if they plan to become some kind of new KIZU/RSHITEI/ACME,it's not exactly something bad,but merry go round was so formulaic...i didn't expect that

    2. Himeaimichu


      Even though Merry Go Round did sound a bit formulaic, it still sounded WAY better than the similar sounding stuff from other bands. Though I'm pretty sure that's just me being a total Ai fangirl lmao

    3. Euronymous


      yeah,i got you,i feel like i'm going to support and buy whatever he may release lol

      but i really hope they go more for the ヘクトウ/ロマン急行/Inugami direction instead of those bands i mentioned above.

  22. A friend just showed me 14th Generation Toilet Hanako-Chan, and she is almost everything I strive to be.

    1. Himeaimichu


      Only, my music would be way more professional sounding, hopefully. And hopefully my screams are better lol.

    2. Ultra Silvam

      Ultra Silvam

      Oh wow she's actually amazing, thanks for mentioning her!!

    3. Himeaimichu


      You're welcome! I absolutely love her aesthetic

  23. Ok, am I crazy, or does this early MCR song almost sound like it could be Luna Sea influenced?

    Or maybe there is a band that influenced both. IDK. Maybe just a coincidence lol. I really don't listen to MCR other than their first album so I don't know much about them.


    1. Jigsaw9


      Good catch, I can hear it! They probably have similar influences, maybe '80s post-punk and post-hardcore combined or idk. This short-lived band from the '80s also comes to mind (they were one of the main inspirations for the whole emo thing).



    2. Himeaimichu


      Oh yeah, I'm semi familiar with Rites of Spring because I like a few songs from their vocalists other band, Fugazi. I actually never knew they influenced Luna Sea, but that makes a lot of sense!

    3. saishuu


      I feel like it's the vocals. I can hear some Ryuichi in Gerard's voice here. The music itself I'm not so sure it reminds me of LUNA SEA, except for that little part from 1:37-1:40 and the occasional screaming.

  24. How the hell did Ja Rule in the early 2000's get away being tone deaf and sounding like he has a cold?

    Sure, Mesmerize is catchy, but Ashanti is the only one putting any actual effort into the music lmao

    1. Manabu


      LOL I only had to read the first line of your status to know you were writing about Mesmerize

    2. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Ashanti... when hip-hop was so good... I grew up with her!

    3. Himeaimichu


      Same here. As much as I shit on Ja Rule's attempt at singing, I won't lie I actually enjoyed hearing his stuff as a child

  25. What was with Visual Kei's obsession with pinch harmonics between 1998 and 2004, and what god damn idiot was the one who decided to stop using them? lmao

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      *the bird noise*

    2. saiko


      Like in which songs?

    3. Himeaimichu


      @saiko My favourite examples would be Schwein no Isu and Zan by Dir en Grey, Kuse by Mist of Rouge, and Schizophrenia by Chateau la Tour

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