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Posts posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Sutari ex. La Cen Zhow and I had a small conversation about this one band in the early 90's that was called Dir & Gray (way before the Lareine song or the band we know today came) because he named his Dir en Grey "Copyband" Dorian Gray lol. He was really cool, but my friend, who is friends with Sutari, had to translate everything for us. 

    Also, Karuna from Kimi wa Surudoku follows my instagram, but I don't think that's too special since he seems to follow anyone who follows him. 

  2. 3 hours ago, ghata said:

    Thanks for the reply! Old school stuff mostly, I'm really behind on new stuff. Girugamesh, Dir en Grey, Malice Mizer, Gazette, Maximum the Hormone, Mucc, Gakt, Versailles

    I also mostly listen to older stuff lol. So a lot of the bands here will be inactive (and one has a member who is no longer with us) but are nontheless a must-listen. 


    For bands similar to Dir en Grey, The GazettE (assuming you like GazettE's old stuff), Mucc, and Girugamesh, I'd recommend - 

    Kagerou - They were really close to Dir en Grey and Mucc and showed a lot of mutual influence on eachother. Also a primary influence on the GazettE's early stuff.

    Cuartet - Your typical early 2000's vkei band. The vocalist was in a band with Ruki, Uruha and Reita.

    DEZERT - lots of influence from Mucc and Girugamesh

    Caligari - Is responsible for Mucc, having signed them to their record label in their early years. They don't sound a lot like Mucc, but they're a must listen.

    Kuroyuri to Kage - Lots of influence from Mucc and Dir en Grey. Also some Kagerou influence here and there. Their ex guitarist had a band with DEZERT's vocalist.

    MERRY - Has some songs with Mucc and Kagerou influence. Has a lot of jazzy songs too, not unlike the GazettE 

    12012 - Has some grade A Nu Metal like Mucc, Girugamesh, MTH and Diru did, except theirs had their own flare.

    DiSPiNA - Lots of Mucc influence

    La'Mule - Similar to early Dir en Grey

    Kuroyume - Is responsible for early Dir en Grey

    Grieva - pretty much copied early Dir en Grey but were still really good

    Gill'e Cadith - random obscure band that pretty much a lot of indie bands in the early 2000's, most notably the gazette, tried to be like. 

    Phantasmagoria - Really iconic band from Undercode productions. Bassist is basically that asshole that used to be in La:Sadie's and now is always getting his 40 something year old ass into trouble. 


    For Versailles - 
    D - Really good symphonic metal

    ACE - had an actual violinist

    Aiolin - Has an actual violinist, and is still active


    And some random bands that I personally like that you should try - 

    Guruguru Eigakan


    ZIZ (Kozi from Malice Mizer's current band)

    Gibkiy Gibkiy Gibkiy





  3. How did I not know about this band? This shit is awesome. 

    The last Vkei band to use real (not sampled) traditional Japanese instruments before this one was CrowXClass, so this is a nostalgia trip for me.

    Edit: I just realised that this is that same awesome band that used the Russian folk song Katyusha in one of their riffs. Gonna have to check out this band more. 

  4. Well, generic does sell. The most popular stuff does tend to be more or less generic, since they're usually the set standard, and if you stay close to the standard, you're more likely to be liked by fans of the others. 

    The same theory actually goes into pop music. 90% of pop music uses the same chord progression, tempo and are written by the same 2 guys because that will be more likely to sell than someone who sounds different. It eliminates business risk.

    However, I don't think Mejibray was "made" to sell, I just think they got lucky. They were applicable enough, not too niche, had live energy (Live energy being something that can make or break a band.) and just so happened to be produced by an ex member of Da'vidノ使徒:aL, meaning that they have connections to higher up people, plus the fact that Koichi and Tsuzuku were in VanessA, which had a somewhat notable following, and the fact they had good looks. 


    The fact they're generic also pretty much explains their cringey fanbase. Because they're not niche and they're popular, they become entry level Vkei, and most people who get into Vkei usually do as a teen or young adult. Not only that, but also, if we're gonna be brutally honest, in the west, teens and young adults make up the majority of Vkei fans. So the fact they're entry level, meaning a lot of their fans are "noobs" and the fact that the majority of their fans are probably in their awkward phase in life.

    So really, it's a self-feeding cycle. They're lucky enough to have every single factor in place. Change a few of those, however, and their popularity wouldn't be as big. Say instead of being produced by an ex member of Da'vidノ使徒:aL, they were produced by a relatively unknown person in the Vkei scene who is also less experienced. That would affect the reach of their promotion and how many connections to higher up people. Say they were a bit more niche. That'd affect how many entry level fans they have. Now, imagine if they were less attractive. That'd also put a big damper on things. 


    tl;dr: They just have all the right factors in place. 

  5. I recommend you sing along while reading the Romaji and take note of every word. And always practice without Romaji when you find a chance. I often sing along to the music I play while driving, so if you're able to drive places (IDK about your situation so I'm not going to assume anything) you could try practicing while driving. 

    I also recommend practicing at home pretending as if you were actually preforming. It may be awkward at first but it's pretty fun and helps a lot

  6. 12 hours ago, karai · ebi said:

    Yeah, it's just like those song review deals. his favorite parts in lyric and melody etc.

    Ah. Speaking of lyrics, anyone tried to figure out the lyrics to Hakkyou no Karte?

    I mean, it's easy to figure out the speaking parts, but for the chorus, the only part I can make out is the name of the song. Anyone got any ideas?

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