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Posts posted by Himeaimichu

  1. 1 minute ago, Reikatsumi said:

    Only because they wear a little makeup this time...? Maybe this just goes well with clothes they have chosen for this single?

    And I don't get why you call that song mainstream, vocal parts are really demanding and the guitars sound amazing.

    In my opinion it is gonna be way way better than the last single, since it sounds reallyy unique

    IDK, I guess my standards are kinda really high for Kiryu, and having seen other bands go the route of "little to no makeup with regular sounding music" (An example would be Pierrot), part of me gets sorta worried when other bands seem to even sound like they're going that route. Obviously, not every band that gets really popular does that. The GazettE and Dir en Grey are examples. (and is probably the reason they managed to stay around so long).  Also, I'm too used to Kiryu's darker stuff, their experimental stuff, or their stuff that has influences from early 2000's vkei.

    To put it simply, I'm just picky, and paranoid. But that's just me and my weird opinions, which you don't have to like or agree with. 

  2. Song sounds REALLY ehhhh, 

    and I had to look twice to see if they were actually wearing any makeup.. which scares me. Minimal makeup, and a song that sounds "mainstream" (gah that sounds so hipsterish to say). 

    It seems far fetched, but there is  a possibility they're slowly abandoning VisualKei. Which I really hope doesn't happen, since we pretty much have only them and Orochi left doing the traditional Japanese mixed with vkei thing (at least that I can think of off the top of my head). But idk.

    I'm hoping the B-Sides convince me otherwise. Kiryu's B-Sides never really fail to impress

  3. 20 minutes ago, Manji 卍 said:

    i've been really into grieva these past two weeks,and i just realized how essential this band was for the current vk scene

    kyouki's vocals plus the late 90's visual kei atmosphere,you can't find this in any active vk band nowadays

    i hope some new band can replaced this empty space left by Grieva,with the same refreshing music style


    Well, there is La'Veil Mizeria, whose theme is basically that late-90's early 2000's Matina sound, but they're on Starwave, so their recent stuff has really bad sound quality.

    There is also Crucifixion, which is practically a Madeth Gray'll tribute band, but with a very good vocalist lol

  4. 56 minutes ago, Aferni said:

    Why without Kuro though? His composing and Mei's voice are bread and butter.

    There is this rumor going around that Kuro and K are bullying Mei. Though it's not confirmed, and a few people I know have met them, all say different things. 

    Whether you believe it or not, is really your choice, since it's not confirmed 

  5. My opinion is the same as on the other kinds of modern pop music. No thanks. 

    The sound is simply not my thing, and I don't like the corporatism involved. The only Kpop artist I really like (Though I don't listen to his stuff often) is Psy, because of how satirical his music can be. Though, he sorta doesn't count because he was originally intended just to be a hip-hop artist. IDK if Koreans think of him as Kpop or not, so I'm not sure whether he counts as such or not. 

    Though I really don't like how it's often forced on other people. I remember I used to hang out online with this group of people who were fellow Asian Americans, and they worshipped the hell out of Kpop, to where if you didn't like it, you'd be considered "too white" for them. IDK if anyone has had similar experiences with groups like that. 

  6. Here are the lyrics to Ogre by Cuartet along with what I think the structure is.


    Are you reaching cry of people 「Burst city」 you made is about to collapse

    be upset of all!!

    you made 「Burst city」 in these state

    foolish people do disturb of order (an atrocious crime)

    pretend ignorance is 「Burst city」 (a prosperity city)

    disregard of law is useless social

    「Tell me your opinion of you!!」


    note: at the bottom is a square, x, triangle, a komejirushi (※) and a circle, all of which are in between two hyphens. I have no idea what any of this means. Perhaps it's some weird symbolism? Or it's probably there for A E S T H E T I C

    Interestingly enough, there is a note at the bottom. 〜全英訳、咲〜, which basically says Saki wrote all the English himself. Yeah, that's kinda obvious.


    So determining the structure for this song is hard, because Saki gives even Ruki a run for his money on how badly they pronounce English. The first lyric really is "Be upset of all", then after the main riff ends, the first line is sung, 4 times. Only, he seems to end the first 3 ones at "made" (which he pronounces like mah-deh). Only the 4th repetition is sung fully. The words in <> are most likely the growling behind his singing. 

    Then he says "Be upset of all" again.

    Now, the next lines are extremely hard to pinpoint. The line "you made 「Burst city」 in these state" is most likely what he's repeating 4 times in this part, until the growling kicks in. Then, "foolish people do disturb of order (an atrocious crime)" is growled 4 times. I don't think "An atrocious crime" is actually said though. But I could be wrong. 

    Ditto with the line under it.

    Then finally, he screams "disregard of law is useless social". 

    The final line, may be what the high pitched voice is trying to say, or the voice is just random, and the lyric is not actually said. 


    IDK, I want to see if anyone has a different interpretation. Saki's grammar isn't as bad as some of the Vocalists from then, but his pronunciation is very lazy. I'll post the other lyrics I have sometime later

  7. 8 minutes ago, chemicalpictures said:


    I think early An Cafe and aicle are more linked to oshare, buy you may be right, things were definitely blurry enough.


    Lolita23q's Suiren no Heya and ayabie's Saishuu Hentai Page/Gothic Party definitely shows a clearer picture, imo

    Yeah, I've heard that really old OshareKei was "heavier" compared to the modern stuff. I'm not a huge OshareKei fan though so I'm not entirely sure on the whole thing, but I've heard a lot old Oshare songs that do blur the lines. The only one I can think of off the top of my head though (and it's probably a bad example, but idk) is Touhi Kairo from An Cafe. 

    There was one Oshare band I know of that even went into Rap Metal. Parfait. But they weren't any good, but Maximum the Hormone thought they were good enough to have them parody 90's Visualkei in the Zetsubou Billy PV.

  8. 9 minutes ago, saishuu said:

    I mean no disrespect to the OP, but why are you using Cuartet of all bands as a reference for anything in the scene? They were never relevant in any way whatsoever.



    I just mentioned them because I really like them. It doesn't matter how relevant they were tbh. This thread is just a discussion for those kinds of bands that were in the transition from old school VisualKei to Modern VisualKei, and Cuartet was one of those bands, even if their influence is very little. 


  9. 21 minutes ago, Mamo said:

    I'm planning to binge listen Panic Channel. Thank you @AimiGen7 I want to check out as many bands of this sort as I can. Let me know if you discover more and I'll do the same. I'm about to start digging deep into 2000-2009 bands so I can try to find more.

    Ok! Oh, also, I'd have to recommend 2002-2005 GazettE, and visage (the latter's vocalist is now in Verxina)

  10. 13 minutes ago, Mamo said:

    I like this sound a lot what are some other bands like this? I don't really know any do you have any recommendations? @AimiGen7

    I'd recommend both bands I mentioned earlier, as well as Kagerou, Etcetera, MADARA (ex band of Mahiro from Kiryu. Early Kiryu also has some good transition-Kei stuff), most of Yuuga's bands (Kar'Maria, Devil Kitty), and Panic Channel are pretty good examples.

  11. The album doesn't even feel like GossiP. The last one still showed some of the unpredictability of them, but this... it's just stripped to the barebones.

    Like, where is the random screaming? Where are the unconventional compositions?

    This thing is trying to be catchy and conventional, and that's not the GossiP I know. It's boring and formulaic. Yukika has definitely taken the reigns on this one.

    Like... I get it, you want too make a lot of money, so you take the entire band's musical direction in your hands. 

    At least give us something that isn't half-assed. At least make it sound like GossiP.



    Oh, btw, nice attempt at a cover of "Ame Kozo". It wasn't simple enough to have them do a legit cover?

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