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Posts posted by Himeaimichu

  1. I personally think there are quite a lot of boring/generic bands in both the Japanese and Western Vkei scenes. The main difference is that the Japanese ones tend to sound like other Japanese bands, and the western ones just sound like other western ones. 

    I guess essentially, I view both scenes similarly. There are some good bands, but there are a bunch of generic ones out there too. 

  2. Wasn't Yuuga notorious for this with his project Gokiburi, where he just literally decided to remake various Devil Kitty and Kar'Maria songs?


    I think some bands though are just willing to fill a B-Side. After all, you want the single to sell, and hence why you normally don't put all the B-sides on the album or else people will just wait to buy the album (unless you rerecord the singles on the album). But some bands are just too lazy to write new songs for a B-Side, so they just either rerecord an old one, have a "live version" of it, or remix it.

    In fact, Dir en Grey, before they were doing self-covers, were having people do remixes. IDK if anyone ever actually pays attention to the remixes though, because I know I don't.


    This whole thing though kind of reminds me of how Hip-Hop artists would go and make "remixes" of their songs.... AKA reuse the beat and the chorus, but change the verses. Sometimes, it'd actually end up really good, like Busta Rhymes' remix of "Woo-hah, got you all in check", featuring ODB, which btw is pure insanity, but 90% of the time, since this was really big in the mid to late 2000's when mc's figured out they didn't have to make good lyrics for people to eat crap up, it was usually shitty. But hey, you gotta sell something

  3. I don't generally mind them but none of them really spark my interest. Most just sound like generic western metalcore.

    The only one I "like" is Bataar, but even then, they're pretty generic.

    Like, I don't mind metalcore, but 90% of the western ones all sound like Asking Alexandria or BMTH, neither of which personally tickle my fancy (but I'm more of a Thrash Metal, Alternative Metal, Nu Metal and Groove Metal kind of person)

  4. 2 minutes ago, Vercingetorix said:

    They've definitely become Avex's new cash cow, but I think bands this size like to keep busy just to maximize income.

    Considering however much yen is left once management's taken its cut is split 8 ways, I can understand why they're following the idol release model.

    Also, I'm told everyone but Wasabi and Beni are songwriters, so they've always got an excess of material to fill an album with. 

    Part of me is wondering if they even gain any of the money their stuff makes, because Avex is quite known for not paying their bands. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Komorebi said:

    I'd say it's really surprising to see him shift from one band to another within the same company so openly... we all know bands nowadays are put together by management, but this openly... (assuming it is permanent)

    Well, we still don't know if it's one time or permanent. IDK why they'd get a new guitarist when they don't even have an official drummer anymore. 

  6. So since I'm planning to start my music project later this year, I want to make a thread for us broke musicians to discuss recording on a budget, and how we go about it, or plan to go about it. I'm pretty new to recording, so these at the moments are my plans. If anyone has tips, I'll gladly take them. Anything that sounds good, and saves money. 
    Basically, if you need advice, like I do, or you just want to share how you do everything, this is the place.


    I've seen around really good mics for recording, and my current plan is to get the Pyle PDMIC 78, which is essentially a cheap Chinese clone of an SM57. Good sound quality, from all the reviews I've seen, but apparently, the build quality isn't the best (but, they're cheap to replace, unlike a real SM57). 


    As for studio, I'm probably going to have to record in my college dorm, but I'm currently researching ways to make a room sound better for recording on a budget. I hear that putting those memory foam pads people put on mattresses on the wall is a good way, but then again, I haven't tried it. It's something I need to put deeper research into. 


    For mixing, I'm probably going to pirate some kind of software. Someone recommended to me FL, so I may use that. I've used FL studio in the past for playing around with Midis, so if I feel my shit sounds good enough for Japanese instruments, I could implement those


    I may also need guitar mixing software, in case I end up with a guitarist that decides to scoop all his mids. Something I can put a non-distorted guitar track into, and put on the distortion and effects myself. Though, should I really even trust a guitarist who scoops mids? Though this is just theoretical worst-case scenario, as I have pretty high standards.


    Anyway, those are my plans. If anyone has anything to add, or sees that I'm planning a big mistake and need to change everything, then please do share. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Cantavanda said:

    Oooh thank you everyone for your warm welcome! MM Goddess, LOL love that title xD, and I love cat pictures!

    Does anyone know how to post a status update by the way? Or can't I do it because I'm a new member?


    Are you sure only from there? ;) I once sent you a friend request on FB but you never accepted haha. I regularly talk with your girlfriend too.


    Also, I'm working on a huge LAREINE related project! Not gonna tell yet though! It'll be for this summer, and please the fans a lot.... if there are any left... It saddens me that LAREINE really doesn't have much popularity at all anymore. But that's a discussion for another day/topic haha.

    Oh, I forgot you sent me the request lol. I often forget to respond to those kinds of things

  8. I'd also recommend Reaper. 

    Oh, also, if you want a good, cheap Mic. Check out Pyle mics. They have these really good SM57 clones that cost 12 USD (I believe that's 8 pounds) and they're known to be really good for the price. The build quality isn't the best, but the sound quality is pretty good. 

    It's the Pyle PDMIC 78


  9. Welcome to the forum! I know you from your youtube channel. Thank you for the incredibly high quality uploads.

    Oh, also, don't worry about not being able to get into popular bands. This community is like one of the few Vkei communities I've seen that aren't 90% "Filth in the Beauty" lol. 

    We got obscure bois covered. 

  10. GossiP, in addition to their GazettE stuff, has used song concepts from their old band JyuLie in the past. 

    夕暮れにリストカット sounds quite similar to お仕置の時間.

    Also, the riff of いじめぼっちの鬼ごっこ is basically the intro to 19歳の春 transposed into a higher key (neither are on youtube.)




    Early GossiP in general was basically just JyuLie without the traditional Japanese influence. I've seen many assume there was a big shift between JyuLie and GossiP, when they see what JyuLie used to look like, but by 2012, they started wearing Kimono less and looked more like the GossiP we know today. 

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