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Posts posted by Himeaimichu

  1. 2 minutes ago, seikun said:

    I have a question, do Japanese people understand the meaning of 葬 in 薄紅ノ葬 just by hearing it telling it apart from any other sou-sounding word?

    Japanese tends to be very context specific, so it really depends on the context. 

    There is also pitch accent, which can help differentiate words that normally sound the same, but that really varies based on dialect. 

  2. 15 minutes ago, Peace Heavy mk II said:

    For me, it's the mixing that's keeping me from being super hyped up. The vocals always sound the same: there's no change in dynamic or delivery and that makes it feel flat. 

    I agree so much. Though, I feel the mixing on this is much better than the mixing on 悲哀囀ル調べ (or at least the mixing on the song Farwell, as I haven't checked out the other songs on it). The mixing on Farewell was 90% treble. Like... I know Kiwamu isn't the best producer, but I at least expect him to eq some midrange and/or bass 

  3. All of Saki's bands (Cuartet, Ivys, The actless theatre, definitely Outrage as that lasted like only 6 months? Hell, even Kar+te=zyanose)



    Missalina Rei

    Gill'e Cadith, although they weren't THAT short lived. 
    And Daisuke to Kuro Injatachi... yeah that's probably the saddest example


  4. Yeah, Mei with more traditional instruments would be fucking amazing.

    He should channel more of the early 2000's Vkei influences we've been seeing in Kuroyuri's recent content. The "whine vocals" he sometimes does really reminds me of Daisuke from Kagerou, and the speaking in the song Hakkyou no Karte remind me of what Karuna from Gill'e Cadith would do. 

  5. I'm the odd one out, I actually really like this song. Yeah, the structure isn't as good as their others, but the pauses in the riff are so unexpected, and the chromatic tapping during the verses really give this a crazy sound. Also, the melody in the chorus is quite catchy. 

    I'm waiting to be able to hear the B-sides to this. Just by the names, I'm sorta excited. 

  6. I feel as if piracy is a necessary evil, and honestly keeps a scene full of mostly underground bands supported by such a large foreign fanbase. 

    Especially for those like me who prefer bands who by coincidence, are hard to find the music of.

    Also, as someone who cares about the preservation of the history and stuff, I feel as if piracy does help preserve a lot of stuff that would otherwise be lost to time.

    And some bands, I can't support directly anyway, since a lot of them release 90% of their stuff as a live distro. If I lived in Japan, I'd probably pirate less because I'd have larger, easier access to stuff. 

  7. 5 hours ago, karai · ebi said:

    Thanks ( : awesome...I hope all our fan love will bring them back from the inescapable disbandment bandoman death void. (Or at least Mei will start something new, I can dream 8))

    I'm confident Mei and Yohan will do something new. Not too sure about Kuro though since he posted that instagram rant about being tired of music.

    They're really such skilled musicians and deserved much better than the BS Ains got them. 

  8. Here is the Korean band I mentioned earlier. I don't know if they have any connections to VisualKei, or if they really count in this case, since they're Korean, and I'm not entirely sure how relevant other East Asian bands are to this. But if anyone wants to check them out, they're pretty cool. Pretty good if you like Lamb of God




    There is also a Darkwave duo out there called Drab Majesty, and while they're definitely not VisualKei, they *may* have some Vkei influence, since they used to use a lot of Japanese aesthetics, and the lead vocalist Deb Demure's makeup does resemble 90's VisualKei makeup, such as Közi's (But at the same time, other influential artists have used similar makeup, so). My GF actually got to see them in New Orleans, and even got to talk to the vocalist after the show, but she didn't have enough time to ask if he knew about Vkei

  9. 1 minute ago, suji said:

    Are you talking about dARI? I remember liking them a while back, but then I lost interest when they started doing more pop music and wore less makeup.

    I don't think so. The band I knew of was an indie one whose bassist followed me on instagram a long while back. They're probably no longer active anyway. I'll check through my followers and see if I can find it again

  10. 11 minutes ago, suji said:

    Name 5 (five) Western vk bands that are actually good and can be taken seriously...


    I'll wait.

    The only good "non-Japanese" Vkei band I really know/interests me isn't really VisualKei, and isn't really Western, they're just a Korean heavy metal band that wears Vkei-looking makeup and all. 

    When I said there are some good western Vkei bands out there, that was more of just a general statement, because there are some western Vkei bands that aren't as well known that were pretty good. There is one Italian one I knew of that was skilled, and not cringey, but I can't remember their name because I never took much interest in them. 

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