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Posts posted by Himeaimichu

  1. 7 minutes ago, Crimson Gates said:

    The problem with .vob and the reason most people shy away from them is they are very big files. An average movie will come out between 3 and 5GB depending on the movie because it is essentially a direct ripped copy of the raw data on a DVD. In this case a lot of people choose to convert to .mkv because the converted file can be compressed and will come out considerably smaller with minimal loss of quality. Personally, I stick with .vob because I don't like any loss of quality but I'm just picky.

    My computer can easily handle gigabyte size files, so if the file is in vob (which most Memento Mori stuff is, since I'm planning to rip their last live DVD), that'd be best anyway

  2. So I have a PC that has the processing power to actually rip large DVDs. Only problem is, it's a laptop without a DVD port. 

    Is it possible to just connect a DVD player to the laptop to rip the DVD? Or do I have to get an external DVD drive?

  3. Aeternam is a really good Arabic folk metal band from Canada. Depending on who you hear it from, the vocalist is either of Moroccan or Iraqi descent. Their theme is ancient civilisations, particularly Mesopotamia and Egypt. Their latest album deals with leaders throughout history. They often use Arabic instruments such as the Oud, or the Saz. The vocalist often alternates between English and Arabic



    And of course there is just full on Arabic music. I think people who have heard Jay Z will recognise this Egyptian piece (and the controversy behind the sampling of it)




  4. I've been starting to get into Hip Hop again after years of not listening to a thing rap-wise. Mostly old school West Coast stuff, like Ice-T, E40, MC Eiht, Tupac, and Eazy E. Also some of the east coast stuff like Mobb Deep, Wu Tang Clan and Biggie.

    Have also been listening to some current artists. Usually ones with some connection to old school artists, such as Lil Eazy E. Also this one Korean-American Rap Duo called Year of the Ox, which have amazing lyrics and flow. Seriously, they deserve to be bigger. 

  5. I like this revival of sorts, but at the same time, I feel like it's way too focused on Diru's sound, as well as the Soleil and Matina sounds. It'd be cool if we got some Zi:Kill or Justy Nasty worship. Or even a Shazna inspired band, idk. Ever since Grieva disbanded, I've for some reason kept up less with the others, such as Crucifixion. 

    I'd really like to see an Early 2000's revival scene. The only band like that we have is GossiP, and they're too GazettE based, imo. They definitely have the ability to branch out, but they don't. I'd like to see more Kagerou, Gill'e Cadith, and Panic Channel worship out there. But that's just me and my taste

  6. I feel like they're trying to go for a regal European look... by using white versions of the Kimono that Gidayu musicians wear (check hidden contents for reference). This is not a good look, guys. The fabrics are cheap, the styles clash, Mitsuki take off that fucking wig. 

    Only Hiyori's outfit really looks somewhat good and even then, it's a stretch. 




    Tbh, these guys need a break though. They're overworking theirselves and Mahiro's eye condition is only getting worse. They should take hiatus to get shit together. 

  7. I don't particularly mind Rap Metal/Rapping Nu Metal (I mean, Cuartet did it pretty well for those 3 songs they did) but this..

    Mei, don't do this to yourself. Rap Metal just doesn't fit you. Not unless you can make it like really dark, like Dir en Grey did with some of their Nu Metal songs 

    (In fact, I'd like to see more Diru vulgar era worship from him. Like the Memento Mori song MERRY CHAINSAW, which is a tribute to IIID Empire by Dir en Grey)

  8. Haruka returned for Mei's birthday live. Also, he posted something on twitter that according to google's crappy translation, he's in an exprimental studio with  some different friends' band? 

    Here is the original tweet and picture. 





  9. I feel you a lot. I can't connect well with people where I live, since I'm in a tiny town where a lot of people don't share my interests. And even though I have some best friends, a sort-of spiritual brother who cares about me, and a loving girlfriend, I also feel alone and find people hard to talk to or approach. And family? They're toxic and abusive so I don't even bother with them. 

    Life can be pretty hard when the only people who care for you are so far. A lot of the time, all we can do is just look out for ourselves. 

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