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Posts posted by Himeaimichu

  1. I haven't listened to 14 yet, and I haven't listened to much of their newer stuff, but I totally love their old stuff. Especially Dai 7 Jikkenshitsu. That's my favourite album of all time from them

  2. Harpsichords have been somewhat of a thing in Visual Kei since the origin of TanbiKei (Vkei bands that have European themes like Malice Mizer or Versailles).

    Malice Mizer was pretty well known for using harpsichords and other European instruments in order to fit with their Baroque theme (GackT era) or Victorian theme (Klaha era).


    I wouldn't say it's a trend but more of a recurring theme that pops up every so often, since lots of bands today are still heavilly inspired by Malice Mizer, Versailles, Lareine, Moi dix Mois, etc.

    My favourite example would be it's use in Vasalla's Yurikago.


    However, the band most notable for Harpsichords is Moi dix Mois. Almost every song they make uses an organ, orchestra, or harpsichord.


  3. For classic heavy metal: Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Ozzy Osbourne, Iron Maiden

    For Thrash Metal (Stuff that inspired 90's Visual Kei) - Pre-Black Album Metallica (I recommend listening to the album "And Justice for All" with the bass parts restored, btw. Long story, but the bass parts were taken out), Exodus, Slayer, Megadeth, Venom

    For Death Metal: Cannibal Corpse, Post Mortem, Death, some of Fear Factory's early stuff

    And if you want cool industrial stuff, also check out Fear Factory because honestly, all they make is JAMS. 

  4. They've been around pretty long, and they have big industry people promoting them. They have huge budget production, long albums, and because of promotion from major labels, alongside their releases and how long they've been around, they're a pretty big household name in the Vkei scene.

    In a way, it's the same reason any popular Vkei band is popular. It's the promotion. Only, on a larger scale. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Duwang said:

    Well he's close with the Pingame guys and a bunch of other indiefags he plays with.

    He's also still close with the other Avanchick guys, mostly Hyuga. Hyuga did drums for Noah Project pretty much the entire time so I'm kinda surprised he's not in on this.

    Makes sense. Never heard of the Pingame guys. Just shows how out of the loop I've been with current Vkei lol. 

    Thanks for informing me. I mean it lol

  6. Just now, Duwang said:

    What does not getting a following in the US have anything to do with what Noah does in Japan? lmfao.

    I haven't been following the ex-Avanchick guys very closely but I've seen Noah Project play with Amai Bouryoku and Gosan a few times in the past year (maybe late 2017, early 2018?).


    I know Noah has a lot of haters and I don't particularly like or dislike him but he hasn't fucked with any yakuza as far as I know so I doubt he's blacklisted.

    Even if he was that doesn't really matter cause he's pretty much the co-owner of Club Science. He could just keep playing there.

    I was more using the term "blacklisted" jokingly, as in, I was told that nobody in the Vkei scene wanted to work with him, so he had to go to other means lol. 

    Sorry, I done goofed. 

  7. Just now, Duwang said:

    What. No. lol

    He's had his own project (NOAH Project) and has been doing sessions with other bandmen for the past year.

    Really? I heard he turned Non-Vkei after failing to get a following in the US. 


  8. 1 hour ago, nekkichi said:

    - new ains band is an an cafe worship act; begins a sub-label for imitation resistar records nobodies;



    Haha if only. Yukika probably has negative money and is in debt. Let the washed up Etosetora vocalist be.

  9. Current GazettE. They literally sound like the whitest vkei band I've ever heard. I come to Japanese music because I want to hear something other than stereotypical American Metalcore. 

    However, 2002 to 2010 gazette is much more enjoyable. Especially their 2002 to 2006 era.


    Most of the wafuukei bands in the scene right now. I normally love traditional Japanese aesthetics, but most of the ones trying to do it now sound just like every other Vkei band but with bad Koto and Shakuhachi samples. I think if you're gonna do it, at least include some Japanese music theory or traditional Japanese vocals. 

    Basically, I ain't saying you got to, but try being Kiryu, Guruguru Eigakan, Memento Mori, or Kagrra.


    Not really a band, but the newer Dir en Grey fanbase that came in because of Uroboros and Dum Spiro Spero who think it's cool to hate on Vkei and say shit like "Wow, early Dir en Grey sucks and so does all of Visual Kei just because they wear makeup"

  10. 1 hour ago, nekkichi said:

    photo.jpgNice analysis of vk music you've got there!


    I've recently started to write down some ideas I've had about the genre, putting them togheter and starting to make conclusions about it's story and development as a whole scene.


    Would you like to share your thoughts with me?

    Lol. Still haven't shared my thoughts with that dude.

    Probably don't ever plan to.

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