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Posts posted by Himeaimichu

  1. 1 hour ago, kuyashii said:

    I suppose the band name is a japanese onomatopoeia (probably for something edgy like fellatio) but I can't help but think of turkeys everytime I see their name lol


    PV song is kinda all over the place but they have potential. Glad to see Kazari still being active in the scene.

    It's from "Guru Guru", which means revolving or spinning.

  2. Another drum cam with Ai's vocals more easily heard. The third song sounds like the band's version of Misui, so no need to worry about nothing sounding like Kuroyuri.


  3. To me, even though it sounds different, and definitely R-Shitei influenced, I can still hear Kuroyuri in the riffing, with the Korn influenced dissonant chords. Memento Mori had some influence from R-Shitei here and there, so in a way, it's sort of a return to roots for Ai. I like how the vocal melody feels like a Japanese Children's song. The screams during the chorus are tolerable for me. Listening to stuff like Cuartet and Devil Kitty has desensitized me to bad screams lmao

  4. 2 minutes ago, suji said:

    not to necropost here but it's really stupid to have to be a programming expert just to download a video ; w ;


    I've looked at this site and I still don't know what the fuck to do. I give up on recording Nico videos...

    I just use a chrome extension for downloading from Niconico.

    This extension is mainly for downloading audio, but it has the ability to download video too.


  5. 1 minute ago, kuyashii said:

    Didn't Yukimura Hirano himself used to be in a VK band called XI-sai as "Yuki"?

    Yeah, they changed their name to Raddock at one point, and their drummer was the same guy who would later play support for Memento Mori, and with the ex. Memento Mori members, form Kuroyuri to Kage.
    Both XI-Sai, Raddock, and Memento Mori were signed to Dear Dolce Records/Akasaka Kougyou, which is owned by Shinjou Kasumi of Gekijou Tenor.


  6. 1 hour ago, IGM_Oficial said:

    So, they came to a point that they have to recycle not only music, but lyrics. Did anyone notice that they reuse some pieces of lyrics from older songs on the new ones? It's not the repetition of common words, but, sometimes, big pieces of text. It annoys me a little, but it's nothing that bad.

    Mahiro in general likes to reuse lyrics. So many songs of his use the lyrics "Saite Saite".  I think it may come from some sort of traditional Japanese poem or folk song, since I've seen a Yukika band use the lyrics "Saite Saite, Sakimidare".


  7. I think the rest of the single is definitely better than the title track. 

    I don't personally mind the Mi'ze:lia recycle, and for the most part, I actually like it, but I can see why some people wouldn't like it, and Senkou isn't nearly as strong as the other tracks. Hell, even the original Mi'ze:lia song is stronger. 

    I love the Yuukaku rerecording. Even if it does sound different, it's still a nostalgia trip, since that song was my favourite when I was 14.

  8. 25 minutes ago, yomii said:

    type a and b artworks are so so beautiful * ^ * im not that much into kiryu, and i like some songs from the last album so dunno the reason u guys are so sceptical about them but that artworks make me want to listen to the new single☯

    It's mostly because as of recently, Kiryu's had a very rigorous release schedule, and it's sorta been showing in their music after Hyakki Yakou, which wasn't a bad album, but not nearly as good as Kyouka Suigetsu or Shuka Ensen

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