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Posts posted by Himeaimichu

  1. 15 minutes ago, libertine said:

    I found this thread about your guy. It does seem like he's very much into label shenanigans, but I'm not seeing much connecting him to Speed-Disk.

    Yeah, and he seems to be too small time for something as successful as Speed Disk. 

    I mean, it's not too far of a stretch that two people would both have the stage name "Snow Flower" lol

  2. 18 hours ago, libertine said:

      Found it. Just had to look at a later capture. So based on that and the whole report, it's most likely that there's a feudal vassal kind of relationship, but perhaps no actual corporate ownership?

    That site says a dude named Yukika ran Speed Disk. Is that the same Yukika from Etcetera and Clutch, or some dude with the same name?

  3. 1 minute ago, Crimson said:

    I know. I remember browsing vk .gy and saw the name BY-SEXUAL and thought "What a name for a band. Definitely gonna check it out."
    As for Neil, I remember someone recommending it to me.

    I found NeiL while looking through youtube. By-sexual was one of the first Vkei bands I ever heard of, because when I first found out about vkei, I did some basic research on it lol

  4. Yeah. Kuro and Yohan were honestly done with the Vkei scene and I can see why, after the way Yukika treated them, having to deal with all the drama, etc. 

    I'd really like Mei to go full fledged Angura Kei and do a band like Kalavinka, but I know that will never happen lol

  5. I'd personally like to see him do more traditional Japanese stuff like he did in Memento Mori. I feel he wanted to sort of do that in Kuroyuri (the lyrics of Tokage for example), but never was able to do much with it. I loved Child Mother though. That song had a lot of Ryukoka vibes. 

    I have a feeling though anything new he makes will have more Dir en Grey vibes than they used to. Let's just hope that if he does anything with Tetsuco, that it isn't the scene-kid mess Peanuts for a Party Boy was. 

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