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Posts posted by Himeaimichu

  1. 1 hour ago, WhirlingBlack said:


    It was a band made up of Zi:Kill roadies if my memory serves me right.


    Yeah, the guitarist was a Zi:Kill Roadie and their vocalist was also a part of Kneuklid Romance.

    3 hours ago, Seelentau said:

    Yeah, about that... I looked them up, found literally nothing. Not on discogs, nowhere...

    They were also known as Quasi D'Orsay and one of their demos is on Niconico Douga. 

  2. On 3/22/2018 at 1:37 AM, ぺるしゃ猫 said:

    Also confused. Dispina still has lives, they are supposed to play in April (so they better still play at that show or else I'll flip out lol) I think I saw Jigsaw's shows on eplus though... What's going on fam

    I'm guessing it's a side project. I mean, from what I've heard, Jigsaw's sound is much more early 2000's sounding than DiSPiNA (though DiSPiNA is pretty early 2000's sounding in their own right)

  3. Oh, another one is the now largely forgotten Crow×Class~黒鴉組~. Combining the X, the tilde, and the unnecessary, unpronounced subtitle. I always pronounced the X in their name and still do. 

    The name, quite obviously if anyone takes a second to read the subtitle (or put it in google translate) is a pun on "Kuro Karasu", Black Crow. 

    So it's Black Crow ~Black Crow Group~.  Despite the fact that they were all professional Traditional Japanese musicians (their Shamisen player actually being the one who played the Shamisen parts in the Naruto soundtrack) before becoming Vkei, they knew how to name their band like a vkei band.

  4. 18 minutes ago, merchenticneurosis said:

    Lamiel is such a pioneer for bands few years after, not sure if someone posted this earlier already? 




    I notice a lot of other bands tend to use that basic melody, such as DEZERT in the song "Sister" and that one band signed to God Child Records had a song with that melody too (I forgot the name). 

    Lamiel in general were pretty ahead of their time, sorta going into sounds that other Vkei bands wouldn't start doing until around 2002, sorta-almost going into Nu Metal and stuff. 

  5. Not the first time DEZERT took inspiration from something, but definitely an interesting case. Rather than sticking to the general Dir en Grey, Girugamesh, Mucc and GazettE inspiration, they decided to go with Guruguru Eigakan for ここにラブソングを。, taking the main verses from どん詰まりの唄, and the little part in between from 14歳の斜陽. I wish they did more Guruguru inspired songs because ここにラブソングを is a really addictive piece




  6. I say it really depends. Do you mean in general, or within the Vkei scene?


    In general, Dir en Grey definitely ranks highest, having combined popularity within the Vkei scene and within the general heavy metal scene. There are surprisingly a ton of edgelords who like Dir en Grey, but think all Vkei is trash (and therefore refuse to listen to any Dir en Grey album made before Uroboros)


    But within Vkei, the GazettE definitely outranks Dir en Grey. You can go quite a bit in a vkei community without hearing about Dir en Grey, but not 5 seconds without even hearing about The GazettE. 


    Now Mucc is a pretty interesting case. I say Mucc definitely ranks somewhat on the top 10 most popular VisualKei bands list, but they have a specific part in the Vkei scene where they rank supreme, only behind one other band: MisshitsuKei. MisshitsuKei is one of those vkei forms that fall under the umbrella term "erogurokei", and it comes from the name of Caligari's record label, Misshitsu Neurose, which Mucc used to be signed to. Though MisshitsuKei is now a rarely used term, go on a few dead Eroguro-AnguraKei communities, and look at discussions of favourite bands, and you'll see a few common trends. Mostly people talking about Caligari and Mucc, with Guruguru Eigakan, Inugami Circus Dan and Metronome ranking just behind. Modern Mucc can't really be described as MisshitsuKei however, since they have expanded since signing to Universal and Danger Crue. Also, the most popular band in the confusing sea that is the Eroguro-Angura scene (Which I for years erroneously considered bands like Kuroyuri to Kage to be a part of), they're still outranked by Caligari and maybe Guruguru Eigakan. Their influence on other influential bands, such as Kagerou and Girugamesh, though, can't be denied. But among all these 3, I say they're the least popular. 

  7. Some pics of Amano Tonbimaru (Guruguru Eigakan, now deceased) without makeup/without white makeup. He looks a lot younger in full makeup, but I guess he was proof that you're never too old for VisualKei. He lived young, and he died young. I wish he stayed around though, so I could actually experience his music while he's alive.




  8. 2 hours ago, Muskito said:

    I remember that in 2010, here in Brazil, people make joke of Yune (MORE, ex. Gazette) saying that Kai (the GazettE) killed him and replaced him. This is sick!

    I remember being in a group chat with some Gaze fans who were talking shit about Yune and Saki (Vocalist/Drummer of Kar+te=zyanose), but it all boiled down to "Haha, The GazettE is more popular than MORE and Cuartet" and insulting their appearances. 

    I left soon after that. I didn't even know who invited me to it

  9. 37 minutes ago, VkBrutaliaN said:

    srsly wondering if it is someone else or REALLY DiSPiИA vocalist in a 2nd band... cuz the singing and even the screaming vocal style/sound is 100% the same! Oo

    Both in general sound quite inspired by Tatsurou from Mucc vocal-wise, so it could go either way. 

    Though it would be interesting if this was a side project of Hiduki's. 

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