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Posts posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Since I'm really stanning these kinds of bands right now, I thought I'd make a topic for what I like to call "transition-kei". Basically, a made up term for those bands in the early 2000's that were in between old school and modern. 

    Personally, my favourite at the moment is Cuartet. They were like The GazettE (which Saki is part of a proto-band of) and Gill'e Cadith, but much heavier. They also had more Nu-Metal influences. The combining of the old school Thrash Metal influences with Nu Metal in a way, sometimes resulted in groove metal-like songs, often reminding me of American bands like Machinehead (though IDK whether they have actual Machinehead influence). Saki wasn't the best vocalist, but he knew how to work with what little he had, and didn't try anything outside of his ability for the most part (unlike some of the vocalists from that era...)




    Another favourite of mine is Gill'e Cadith. I briefly introduced them to @suji, @CAT5 and @plastic_rainbow on New Years Eve on Plug.dj, and I've been meaning to go more in depth here on the forum to give more insight (even though there are much more qualified people to do so. Rarezhut's YT channel has a really good video on them). In short, Gill'e Cadith was this really quirky band formed in 2000, out of the ashes of the already popular (in the indie scene) Cradle. They had really odd sounding music, and was sort of a split from the post-punk influenced music that defined the 90's. The vocalist, Karuna, was realtively new to the scene at the time, but fans of Deshabillz and Canary saw some familiar faces, as their bassist also played in Canary, and was in Deshabillz and one of their ex guitarists was also in Canary. 

    They were also somewhat influential, as their quirky style caught on with other bands pretty early, such as The GazettE and Cuartet, especially Karuna's signature glasses-look. (though I'm not sure if he started it). Basically, they were one of these once really popular, but now forgotten bands.

    Karuna to this day is still active, as one of the vocalists for the band 君は鋭く, and was also the first vocalist for the super-group Number Mouse, for the really short era where they were Vkei. 

    However, for more in depth, I do recommend you check out Rarezhut's video, and Shattered Tranquility's article on them.


    Anyways, anyone else got some good transition bands they want to share?

  2. 8 minutes ago, emmny said:

    @Peace Heavy mk IIi spoke this kaisan into existence HOURS before it happened...i am coming for ur oracle crown and crystal ball!


    anyone with ears could have predicted this but still let me enjoy this

    My GF literally dreamed about seeing them live last night. 

    IDK what kind of occult magic Mei is involved in, but he must be trolling us all lol

  3. 59 minutes ago, Shir0 said:

    really?? like what cuz I didnt see this coming at allll D:

    this is frustating I just hope they'll find new projects asap

    I sorta saw it coming, with Kuro's dependency on prescription sleeping pills, and the name of their tour, which translated to dissolution. 

    Also, their claims of announcements that they didn't deliver on

  4. They've just announced Mei's birthday live. The fact they're planning that far gives me hope, but the fact that they're only announcing lives is killing me. 

    Though they usually always release something around April and May. If it's a last single (or maybe even a last EP), it'll most likely come out around then

  5. I'm interested in the label BLOOM at the moment. DiSPINA seems like a good band, and XIII-Destructive Agent of Jap is awesome as hell. I think we'll get some good releases from DiSPINA, but IDK about XIII, since they seem to be slow on stuff. 

    Kuroyuri will sadly go.. and Kuro is probably going to retire his ass. (Hopefully K and Mei will go on. Especially Mei, we need him)

    RANDS finally does something. 

    Some bandman dies

    GossiP will eventually disband. And well.. yeah AINS will have only one band by then, unless Yukika manages to get some bands. 


  6. 19 minutes ago, suji said:



    does this band even have a band pic? :o

    IDK. You'll have to ask our vocalist. He controls the executive decisions. We're pretty low budget though, so forgive us if the sound quality of the single is sub-par. 

    There aren't any set "looks" at the moment, but the vocalist does have a twitter. @vo_akusaki 

    We're also small and indie, but are slowly working our way up. 

  7. @sakurakurakura's band D:[ab]-e will release a new EP "Mystosis". 

    It will have 4 songs:

    1. 心中 (Shinjū)

    2. リスカ狂愛者 (RISK kyō ai-Sha)

    3. kurage

    4. 赤い糸 (Akai Ito)


    We've also created a label to release our music under. Hellencöre Records. 


    We're still working on the release date and will keep you guys updated. 




    惡殺鬼 歪 (Akusaki Hizumi. @sakurakurakura) - Vocals 
    霊病 (Ryohei) - Guitars
    幽儺 (Yuna) - Doll

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