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Posts posted by Himeaimichu

  1. 6 minutes ago, Seileen said:

    OMG I can't believe that, it's just madness xD

    I wonder how many people were left in critical conditions after seeing their concert

    I'm pretty sure more people attended Byakura's last live, 

    which so few attended, they just decided to call quits afterward lol

  2. 9 minutes ago, Seileen said:

    the story is hilarious! x'D

    But I am now very distressed by discovering the existence of this Yayoi guy. My ears are bleeding, I thought only Maria Cross had this kind of power... Yayoi truly is a horseman to be feared D:

    He actually did a tour with Maria Cross once (I'm not kidding, this shit actually happened).

    Hide yo kids, 

    Hide yo wives,

    and hide yo bandmen,

    because they're earraping everyone out there

  3. I actually thought about this just recently. I know the websites that mention the proto bands to my favourite band, Kuroyuri to Kage, still exist, but I know they won't forever, so I saved the images, and actually added them to last fm pages involving those bands, as well as putting information about them. (as well as filling in some of the blanks, and fixing the member history of Kuro and Koyomi, since it seems as if no one has cared to fix the mistake that they were completely switched around).

    Though I know last fm won't be forever, it will last longer than some of these official sites. 

    I'm also thinking of archiving rare vkei sites I come across in the wayback machine. 

    I believe when it comes to VisualKei, everything needs to be preserved in some form, because it has such a complex history that any missing elements can completely change the story. Also, the discovery of elements changes the story just as much. Like the time @Biopanda told me about an early 90's band called Dir&Gray. Through that, we found out that they were also called Quai d'Orsay, had Yukino from Kneuklid Romance on vocals and Show, a Zi:Kill roadie, on guitar, and pretty much contributed to the name of the Lareine song and the band we all know and love, Dir en Grey. Of course, there is some missing puzzle pieces still, and it seems obscure, but in the grand scheme, it's very important. 

  4. For the most epic Angura/Chikashitsu lineup ever, 

    Guitar + Vocals: Amano Tonbimaru from Guruguru Eigakan

    Vocals + Occasional Accordion (Theoretically if he can play it): Karasuna Mei from Kuroyuri (Not exactly Angura or Chikashitsu, but deserves to be up there for his craziness)

    Bass: Either Junro from Sex Android, or Yoshikawa from Taiheiyou Belt. If Yoshikawa, he can also do vocals 

    Guitar: Ao Sakurai from Caligari

    Drums: Masayoshi from Tokyo Heroes
    They would all just do Showa-pop, Punk, and whatever random shit comes to their minds xD

  5. I liked it for the most part, but I'm ehh on the Namumyouhou Rengekyou rerecording. 

    Ritsu's drumming just does not compare to Hayate/Tetsurou's drumming on the original. Or on any song for that matter. 

    And this is not to say Ritsu's a bad drummer, no. He can play, but his style is run of the mill. Hayate was a classically trained drummer (He actually teaches at a university, plays support for some Vkei bands, and teaches Vkei drummers, if you don't know. His ameblo as "Tetsurou" shows all his work, and every GossiP release up until their best album) with more years of experience, and played in traditional grip, which fits the themes of many of GossiP's songs. That, combined with his ability to really fast switch around different drums and cymbals, and often including smaller cymbals in his tom rolls, and you have a pretty recognisable sound that stands out.


    Ritsu simply does not even try to improve among the original Namumyouhou Rengekyou. He just feels like he's there. He doesn't stand out in any way, or even add a creative flare. He just plays it the way a normal drummer would, instead of at least trying to do the original. 


    I'm probably preaching to the choir though. Hayate will never come back because he has his own stuff, so I guess I'll just have to get used to Ritsu, even though it's been over a year since he's joined. Hayate set my standards high, and Ritsu disappointed me. 

  6. I'm sad to see these guys go. Even though I couldn't get into them much, I liked a few songs, and Izumi is plain awesome and full of life. I can't help but smile when I see him because he's so energetic and seems so happy. Also, they're close with Kuroyuri to Kage, especially Mei and Izumi.

    On another note though, knowing Shimizuya records, but also knowing the band... which Izumi do we say fuck you to this time? xD

    Not to start any speculation, but I always get suspicious when a Shimizuya band disbands...

  7. So on Twitter, our little blue-purple haired Mei tweeted out a new outfit of his, and the links to buy the two main parts to it. Now, I can't link the tweet, because it's a private tweet. HOWEVER, I can link the links to where one in Japan can buy the outfit parts, the pictures of Mei-chan in the outfit.

    Hat: https://www.galaxybroadshop.com/products/detail.php?product_id=748

    Dress: https://www.galaxybroadshop.com/products/detail.php?product_id=945

    Our cute creep in the outfits:





  8. 12 minutes ago, Kiryu999 said:

    Was he ? I watched that live but he didn't seem to be drunk to me, but yeah as soon as the final song ended he was like "ok bye" and left the stage lmao

    Well, he wasn't as energetic compared to other lives, and he lyrics weren't as clear. Even though he's not a good singer in general, he's at least clear during most lives


  9. 4 minutes ago, platy said:

    But are we talking about the lyrics of the songs or is he actually a suicidal character? 

    Guess I'll finally check them out and see what the hype is about. 

    Both. Almost on the level of Kon from La'Mule.

    He was drunk as fuck during AvelCain's final live and you could tell he wanted shit to end. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, Mihi said:

    @chemicalpicturesI was the same way, so I attempted to give them another try and finally found a handful of songs I can get behind. Maybe you'll like the ones I liked. They were: 





    PSYCHO -サイコ-




    病 is also a really good song. It actually seems to be inspired by 是空 by Lamiel, which I personally find interesting since both bands are from Nagoya, but AvelCain isn't really NagoyaKei. But the song is kinda like a modern take on the Lamiel one

    Oh, 紅 is also a good song, reminding me a lot of La'Mule's "Lepra". 

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