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Posts posted by Himeaimichu

  1. 34 minutes ago, RoseOfHizaki said:

    I was going to join then i remembered that Anthem, Saber Tiger & loudness etc  dont fall into the visual kei category ;p

    By Saber Tiger, do you mean like Yokosuka Saver Tiger/Saber Tiger, or the band from Sapporo? I'm pretty open to what I consider Vkei, even including bands like Ningen Isu and Mephistopheles (been meaning to make a post about the latter, because they have an interesting story) so I don't really mind what people post on my club, as long as someone could make the argument that they're old school and Vkei xD. 

  2. So I thought here we should contribute to a list of starter bands for those who are wanting to get into old Vkei. 

    So first, let me get an unpopular opinion out of the way: Dir en Grey and X Japan aren't good starters. You won't find many other bands through them, and in the case of Dir en Grey, only the first 3 albums are "old school". 

    Rather, I'd seperate things into specific kinds of old school bands. The 80's, and 90's. Usually we just lump these all into old school, but there are major differences. 

    What I generally feel to be a good starter band is one that will introduce you to the scene, but also get you to try other bands within it. Generally with X Japan... you'll just find more X Japan. 


    First, if I were to introduce someone to 80's/early 90's Vkei, I'd go with D'erlanger. They were one of the earliest Vkei bands to get popular.  Aion is also a good choice to introduce someone to the Thrash Metal that defined the era. 

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NF8UlkpF5iI (video won't embed but it's La Vie en Rose by D'erlanger)


    However, if I were going to introduce someone to mid to late 90's vkei, it'd definitely be a Soleil band. Literally any will work. La'Mule, S, With Sexy, etc. 


    So what are your thoughts? How do you introduce people to old school Vkei?

  3. @sakurakurakura I feel you on everything there! And yeah, Noi'x had some pretty good PVs. Sometimes, all you need is a small budget and some creativity~

    @sheepprincessgara Nice. Didn't  Da'vidノ使徒:aL have a female drummer? I heard something about their drummer being one of the few females in Vkei

    @Takadanobabaalien I feel you on the Yayoi thing. Even though he's an idiot and kinda an ass, he's a creative musician. I especially liked how Angel Dust had a slight bit of Reggae influence in some songs, and how high quality the Vice Risk demos sound. I think he could come back if he wanted to. Despite being old and fat, he still looks somewhat good in the old makeup from what I've seen in videos of the Angel Dust revival


  4. Does Ningen Isu count in this case? Because even though they're more associated with the progressive Metal scene, they were the first to do what Angura bands today do, and they're still going strong to this day, having released an Album last year. 

    Also, I know you're all sick of me talking about these guys, but I'd like to ask if Kuroyuri to Kage counts too because even though they don't seem associated with the scene at first, they do show Angura influence once you go deeper into their lyrics and they even preformed with Inugami Circus Dan once (back in the Memento Mori days)

  5. 7 hours ago, Ikna said:

    way too many. def those you posted too, @AimiGen7. Gauze is a great album, Tsumi to Batsu is an absolute fav, as well as the other famous classics, like raison d'etre, ZAN, Schwein no isu and of course Mazohyst of decadence. Will forever be my fav Dir en grey album (and I will forever not get used to their remakes, except maybe for the new ZAN, since it does sound at least like the original)


    Also seconding La'Mule. I prefer inspire and Sterilization over Curse though.



    That PV too. Classic 2edgy 90s/early 00s cheese.


    Madeth too had such amazing songs. For some reason i do not stan missantroop or Lucifer as much (as most other people do), instead I luv their album opener (+ the intro, because scary baby screams are the best in VK)



    I generally have big soft spot for matina bands. Usually the dark and edgy stuff, but Syndrome delivered some good melodic tunes as well:




    Do we also count the early 00s and newer (or recently formed) kote bands as oldschool? Like Shulla,Etcetera, Metis Gretel, La'veil Mizeria, etc.?



    Same. The only remakes I like are of Karma, because it's just the original with death growls and low tuned guitars (gladly it still has the clean vocals) and Kiri to Mayu because in one part, Kyo starts singing the melody of the original. 

    Also yus! Sterilization is an AMAZING piece and is pretty heavy as fuck (for La'Mule that is xD).

    Also, I love Matina bands too. Madeth Gray'll, Syndrome, Vice Risk. All of them xD. 


    Also yes! Any band one can call old school counts!~

  6. I feel you there on Hesonoo ^^. I like the how the chorus effect on Koyomi's guitar is used. It's set so you kinda hear a wavering sound. Normally in Vkei, the chorus effect on guitars are set to where there is no waver. Also the pitch bends Kuro does really give a unique feel. Most Vkei guitarist only bend to get different notes, but Kuro does it to give vibrato. 

    The overall feel of the song makes me nostalgiac. There is a french word for this feeling you get when listening to nostalgiac music. Frisson. Every element of this song, from the guitars, to Mei's amazing vocals, really trigger this effect. 

  7. So I thought I should start off with another post like this on my Kuroyuri club. 



    So first is Sakurabi, Awaki Samidare Ni. There are two versions of this song and I like them for different reasons. However, let's go with what both have in common: Both are heavy metalcore songs with a traditional feel, and were recorded* with their old drummer, Carua. No one knows why Carua left, but their are rumours that he did to finish high school. 

    The old version was originally released as a single, and had a low budget. Shinjou Kasumi bands in general at the time didn't have high budgets, but this kinda takes the cake. However, it's still pretty impressive. Mei's vocals aren't the best (He wouldn't improve until they recorded the first album) but for a band's second single, they're pretty good. The instrument used in this one is a Taishogoto, a kind of harp with typewriter keys, made in the Taisho period. They're also heard on Ningen Isu songs, Sukekiyo songs (played with a bow) and on The Final by Dir en Grey. 

    The album version has a better production quality, and shows off Mei's improved vocals. Also what has changed is the instruments, as this time, it just uses a regular Koto. What's interesting is that the studio version uses a Piano in the intro, but the live version uses a Shamisen. Why this is? IDK

    *Carua left right before the release of the first album. However, Yue didn't join until the album was released. So it's safe to say Carua was involved in the recording. 



    Next is Kinou no Kowai Yume. This is Kuroyuri's newest song, and it shows a definite improvement from their previous releases. This was the first Kuroyuri song to truly impress me since their only full length album. Mei's vocals definitely impressed me on this one, and the song structure isn't as formulaic. If I were to introduce someone to Kuroyuri, I'd use this song.


    Anyways, what are your favourite Kuroyuri songs? I'm curious.

  8. So I thought I should start off something here, and I thought that this would be a good way. So what are your favourite old school songs? 

    First off, I'd have to choose Bad Man by Zi:Kill. High energy Punk Rock with Funk influence? Oh yeah, count me in, baby. I also always liked how goofy the music video was. The members are literally riding on top of a truck, ducking under bridges, in London. In fact, about half of the music videos for their last album was filmed in London. It's sad these guys barely get any recognition anymore though. They, along with Kuroyume, helped create the 90's VisualKei scene.

     Secondly, I'd have to go with Curse by La'Mule. This was the first 90's band I really ever got into, and this song helped me get into it. It's catchy without being poppy, to say the least. The song's lyrics and PV are pretty dark, but the music itself is light enough to play at a party and no one who doesn't speak Japanese would really care.

    Finally I have to go with Tsumi to Batsu by Dir en Grey. This was the first Dir en Grey song that really caught my eye. It's just pure metal here, and one of the best songs on Gauze. The odd time signatures, the changing of key in the chorus like most 90's bands, and Kyo's insane sounding (Even if unskilled) vocals really set the tone. It's one of those songs from the late 90's that takes the 90's sound, but goes outside the sound a bit, which would be further seen in the early 2000's.

  9. My favourite Undercode bands were Phantasmagoria and Nega.

    I always loved how Phantasmagoria kinda walked the line between old school and modern (For the time). Jun and Iori were really great guitarists and even though at the time, Riku wasn't as good of a vocalist, his passion and energy made up for it. I always joked how Phantasmagoria was basically progressive kotekei, but it is kinda true in a sense.  I'm also not generally big on synths, but I feel like Phantasmagoria pulled it off pretty well. They don't feel like they're taking over the song, but are a simple part of it. 

    Then there is Nega. The first undercode band I got into. I was authentically surprised when I found them. Jin isn't the best vocalist (As is with most Undercode bands, for some reason) but younger me was able to look past it. But damn, these guys were HEAVY as fuck. One of the earliest Vkei bands to go into Metalcore and Deathcore, and one of the few to go into true Death Metal a few times. But it never felt generic. However, they also made some good ballad songs, like REMINISCENCE. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, sakurakurakura said:


    hoooo boiiiii, that's a good point.

    so you mean, then he was sorry for the baby???

    I think he's sorry for both girls, and the baby. I mean, if I were in that situation, I'd be going "I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY!!!". Knowing though he specifically says "that girl", though, I think he mostly means the girl he cheated on

  11. Well, it's generally believed that the Apple is the forbidden fruit (but when the bible was translated into English, Apple referred to any fruit, but that's just an irrelevant fact) but also, fruits in general have symbolism of fertility. 

    To "bear fruit" means to be pregnant. 

    However, he is eating the fruit. Which could lead to a more, um, controversial topic, if you know what I mean. 

    So we could go as far to say as he got her pregnant, and she got rid of the baby, which really turns the story on its head. 

    The crime he spoke of could also be adultry, since that's considered a crime in many parts of the world. 

    The fact he's in a bed with a mannequin also denotes some symbolism. Mannequins are known for being lifeless, having no purpose. Kinda similar to how prostitutes are seen. Perhaps he could have slept with a prostitute? Not only that, but traditionally, in Japan, if a prostitute does get pregnant, they usually get rid of the baby. 

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