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Posts posted by Himeaimichu

  1. (Just a fun little joke I decided to come up with along with two of my friends. If anyone else wants to contribute, please do xD)

    My brothers and sisters, we're living in the last days. The VisualKei apocalypse is about to come!! The prophets of the 90's predicted it. Recently, while attending a NigthingeiL revival performance, Kon came up to me, and gave me a scripture. Judgement day from Lord Hide and Lord Daisuke and the other Vkei gods is coming. Anyone involved in Vkei will be affected. That's why Dir en Grey says "WE'RE NO LONGER VKEI! SHUT UP! THAT WAS PHOTOSHOP!!". Little do they know that even if you dabbled in Vkei, no matter what, you're still affected and you can't deny it. Prophet Kon formed NightingeiL to tell the truth, and now he's back to take you mofos to church. The scripture says that we're doomed, and that we're not gonna be judged immediately. Rather, we're going to have to experience thermonuclear war, and those who survive either have to live on the wastelands, or in a vault. Only if you die will you be judged. 

    There will be 4 horsemen to this apocalypse:

    1. Maria Cross.

    We all know who he is, so I don't need to say much. He used to preform on the streets of Harajuku, did gay porn, got arrested. Yeah we get the drill. He represents the stereotypes about Vkei. 

    2. GackT.

    We all know who he is. He's tacky as fuck, he makes pretty shitty music, he's arrogant and all. He represents the lack of appreciation former Vkei guys have on the scene. 

    3. Kiwamu

    We also all know who he is. He's an ass, he keeps his bands on a tight leash. He represents the edgelords in the Vkei fanbase, along with some of the more controlling labels. *Cough* Starwave *Cough* Shimizuya *Cough*

    4. Yayoi. 

    No, not the La'Miss fairy one, nor the Mirage one (though the former will be important later). No, this guy... he is the absolute worst. He is the lesser known, and the most dangerous. 

    Just watch this video, it has all you need:


    You may be thinking: "Aimi, I have better things to worry about, like world hunger, and Donald Trump. What does Vkei drama have to do with me?". But you see, those problems are directly related to this. Each horseman will be controlling a different part of the world involved. Kiwamu will control Donald Trump, Maria Cross will control Shinzou Abe, GackT will control Putin, and Yayoi.. well, it's currently unknown. The old texts say that they will meet their armies in Japan, and get ready for Thermonuclear war.  

    Don't fear, my friends! The least expected guy to help out has a plan! Kisaki is shitty as a person, let's be honest, but for once, he's done the best thing he's ever done since forming Phantasmagoria. He is turning all the former Matina and Undercode studios into thermonuclear vaults. They will be scattered around Japan. At the moment, I have only information on the Eternal-Matina vault. Each Vault will have an overseer though, so choose wisely.

    Just like the real Eternal-Matina, it will be headed by Yayoi (Ex. Vice Risk and La'Miss fairy.). It will be the simplest, but whatever you do, follow the overseer's orders. 

    Or you get beaten. (Just like actual Eternal-Matina bands)


    (Ok, that's all I have now. Feel free to contribute!)

  2. So a friend of mine on facebook is selling 3 seperate editions of GossiP's single, Psychopass. They are in mint condition, and have never been opened. He worked as volunteer with GossiP before, so that's how he got the CDs. 


    https://www.facebook.com/negative0ne Here is his facebook for contact if anyone's interested.

  3. 3 minutes ago, zaa_zaa said:

    Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything about his first band, which is Lunatic Park.
    And nothing about icecream either.

    I found a lastfm page for Rose Valley, though, and it features quite a line-up - a guy from Decay, Lunaria and etc.

    Didn't know about Kasumi, tho.

    I posted a pic of ice cream preforming in the thread, but I'm sure you've seen it xD. The same blog had some of the other proto-bands. I wonder if any songs from Yukiline can be found. 

    The lastfm page for Rose Valley has a song, but it's a different song from a different band: An American country band xD. 

    3 minutes ago, zaa_zaa said:

    Doesn't Yuki also play for 妖精帝國?

    IDK. I've never heard of them. 

  4. DDeUfmEUIAAcSJk.jpg


    Kuroyuri has some new T-shirt designs. And we get some wonderful pictures of Mei-Chan. 

    Kuroyuri seems to be getting themselves hooked up now. They also changed their twitter's official profile pic to have the members in masks. 

    They also have been preforming a lot with Gibkiy Gibkiy Gibkiy, which we all know has ex members from many influential Vkei bands, such as Lamiel, Kagerou and L'arc en Ciel. (It'd be so cool to see Kuroyuri release a single with Gibkiy).

    I think they may have something big planned within the near future so keep your eyes peeled (Hopefully an album!! Give us one!!)

  5. You can get a mic that attaches to your phone. I'd recommend you get a mic that allows louder sounds, so the audio won't clip. You'll also get a clearer sound compared to the phone's regular mic. 

    It also helps if you don't stand close to the speakers. But that can't always be helped. 

    Be sure to look up reviews on the equipment you get though. Some mics are just crappy and only give you high end, whereas others will only give you lower end. You want something that gives you in between, and a wide range of frequencies.

  6. 10 hours ago, Manji 卍 said:

    (does anyone have lyrics for their 2 singles toshabutsu and kinou no kowai yume?)


    I found a translation of Kinou no Kowai Yume on Tumblr, and put them on Jpopasia (of course I credited the original post, so don't worry xD), but I haven't found the exact lyrics. 

    Apparently, the lyrics for Toshabutsu are written in such a weird way, no one has cared to post them yet

  7. Anyone remember this old Memento Mori video? I think the part where they rehearse Sakurabi, Awaki Samidare Ni really shows Mei's vocal skills. It was back before Mei developed his stage persona. I always wondered though, why does the studio version have a piano and the live version a Shamisen? I'd personally love to hear the Shamisen in the studio version. 


  8. 31 minutes ago, Takadanobabaalien said:

    They left/got kicked off ains, koyomi left, mutsuki left, despite looking for a drummer for some months they still haven't managed to find one.


    I wonder if they're hard to work with? I recall something like that being written on tanuki a while back, and that they're not going to find someone who wants to join them as a drummer. Who knows though, they seem to have money to pay for a support drummer for the time being anyway so.


    Btw, some fans at tanuki are having fun over Mei saying:


    (I've got no girlfriend at the moment, so please write that I'm looking for one in the interview)

    in the interview lmao

    I think it's because of their honestly shitty history with drummers. I mean, Memento Mori went through 3 drummers, including Mutsuki.

    Originally, they had a drummer named Carua, but he left for unknown reasons (though it was rumoured that it was so he could finish highschool, but no one really knows)

    Then Yue, who left because of back problems. 

    I've heard multiple rumours about the band's state, even as far as for Sibilebashir to join their label (Though knowing how anal Shimizuya is, that's unlikely xD) but I think they're preferring the use of support members because it's probably just cheaper for them, and like I said, they have a shitty drummer history. 

    Recording drums to sound good is EXPENSIVE, and takes a lot of mics. 2 mics for the kick drums, one for the snare, and depending on the number of toms, one can have up to 10 mics for the toms. Not to mention it's a nightmare to mix if you're not experienced. Their financial situation means that basically, using samples is best.

    This isn't the first time they used samples though, they used them on Memento Mori's last two singles before disbanding.

  9. 10 minutes ago, Takadanobabaalien said:

    I'll translate the interview as soon as I have time. Mei mentions that he's an alcoholic in it. I wonder if he's serious or not.

    I know in some pictures from the days of Memento Mori (back when he had an Ameblo and posted selfies), there were quite a few pics of him with Yebisu brand beer (Of course Mei would drink a brand named for Japanese mythology xD)

    Most Vkei guys are alcoholics though, so I'm not surprised.

    Musicians, whether they're young, rebellious rock n' rollers, or experienced virtuosos, are always going to get into vices, because music is a stressful job, and Vkei is especially known to be stressful, because of how frequently bands tour. So alcoholism is generally big in Vkei, but this is just common knowledge I'm spewing off here.

    Also, Kuro, K and Mei often go out drinking a lot, anyway.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Manji 卍 said:

    full album....please.

    more angura kei and less korn...

    Why not both? xD


    Speaking of which, Kuro actually does play the Sanshin (a 3 string instrument from Okinawa related to the Shamisen) according to a picture he posted on Twitter, so maybe they'll include that in one of their songs?

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