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Posts posted by Himeaimichu

  1. 2 minutes ago, Peace Heavy mk II said:


    This reminds me of on this one indie band's pv spot or something, someone commented "They have a faggy exterior but sound heavy. I guess in the commericallised Japanese pop industry, you gotta mutilate yourself with makeup and plastic surgery"


  2. 2 minutes ago, Platy said:



    Sorry for basically a double post, but I found this super old screenshot I took from gazette's Remember the Urge PV. Another bunch of relevant material on it.

    "We haven't lost the GazettE we fell in love with"
    Yeah, if you fell in love with them in 2010 xD

  3. Recently got myself a Hatsune Miku poster at FYE for literally just a penny. I don't listen to a whole ton of vocaloid anymore, but it has played a HUGE role in my current music tastes, being the thing that introduced me to VisualKei. Basically, it went from Traditional Japanese Music and Vocaloid, to Wagakki Band, to CrowXClass (my first Vkei band)  and then it was just all Vkei from then and there. 


  4. Oh my... This doesn't look good for them. If I were in their shoes, I'd end the whole project, find some new guys, and start a new one. This is one of those "STOP WHATEVER THE HELL YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING AND THINK!" situations. 

    Bands where there are only one or two original members left don't really feel like bands. I mean, The Cure doesn't feel like a band, it feels like just Robert Smith. These guys are just small in the indie scene, so they should take the chance to start over, while they can. 

  5. Currently playing Fallout 3, which my girlfriend gave me a download code for. I had it for PS3, but decided to play it on my Xbox one again through the download code. 

    I also play a lot of Battlefield One and am planning to get the They Shall Not Pass DLC. 

    I love historical games, especially WW1 and WW2 games, and even though I've had an intense grudge against CoD after MW3, I'm going to get CoD WW2 as it looks interesting. 

    I also have Verdun but I don't play it much because it's ded on Xbox one. 

    The game I've put most time into is GTA Online. And yet I'm still broke and can't afford the fun shit. Kinda makes those fan theories about the game being dystopian seem true. 

  6. The vocals are only on one audio channel, which is kinda sad because this single actually would sound kinda promising. It kinda feels a bit Smooth Jazzy in the beginning. But, that's nothing a little audio editing on my side can't help with (if I still had my laptop. RIP Dell Inspirion, 2014-2017)

    So far on looks, I honestly don't care if he looks like Karma, because literally everyone in the 90's did the same with Kiyoharu's look. Sound wise, they actually sounded pretty good before this. They had pretty good production. 

    My guess is either:

    A. They're on a limited budget and spent more on the video

    B. They had an error when processing the video and it went unnoticed 

    C. They have no idea what the fuck they're doing

    It's most likely going to be C, but I'm going to be carefully optimistic and hope it's B. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, sakurakurakura said:

    I'm pretty sure that's not from Maruo, but Kaneko Atsushi

    Ah. The style looked a lot like Maruo's work.

    Edit: You're right, it's Kaneko Atsushi xD. 

    Still, the guy has good taste in Eroguro~

  8. 2 minutes ago, sheepprincessgara said:

    what the fuck is djent??? screamo music with a layer of diarrhea on it???

    Djent is supposed to be a form of progressive metal based on rhythm, but is mostly joked about for having "000000000000" notes. Some Djent bands can get pretty shitty, but some, such as Animals as Leaders, which has Jazz influence, are actually pretty good.

    I should know, my girlfriend is an AAL and Messhuggah fan

  9. 4 minutes ago, IGM_Oficial said:

    Hanafugetsu is better than Wagakki band.

    YES! So is CrowXClass (Kurona's old band, which actually presented themselves as an actual Vkei band)

    I also notice Yuko sounds way better in Hanafugetsu. Probably because it's an indie project, and so they don't put the insane amount of production on her vocals, so you hear a more natural voice. I mean, in Wagakki band, they give her more production than I've seen on some Jpop Idols, and that says a lot

  10. Does anyone ever feel like the world is in a mess, and are fucking mad as hell because they aren't in any position to fix it?

    Like, with all the political BS going on involving Trump, CNN, the Koreas, Saudi Arabia, etc. 

    And the solutions people are proposing, the left side and the right side, only seem to push people further apart. 

    I'd like for everything in the world to be solved, but I'm not in any position to change the world. 
    I don't even like politics anymore, I'm just a musician who just wants to make music and ignore the rest of the world. I used to be way more political, and I keep myself informed on politics because you pretty much have to since that's all people talk about these days. 

    I mean, I could change the world with music, but it's not like I'm a political musician. It's not like Eroguro music about licking eyeballs and shit is going to change the world, is it? Even then, I'd be in a mostly indie scene and I would probably reject major label deals. 

    Let's be honest, the whole world is a fucking mess, and people are being torn apart. I'm gonna sound hippie as fuck, but we all need to just let in a little love. Love solves more than violence, but violence is human nature. 


    IDK anymore, I'm just frustrated with the current state of the world but it's not like it's something I can ignore because it's being shoved in my face 24/7.

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