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Posts posted by Himeaimichu

  1. I found an English Translation for Yuugure no Shazai, but the only one I could find was of the DOG in the PWO cover, so, IDK how accurate to the original it is, but:


    Red deep red red deep red RED
    Red red the sun goes down
    That kid THAT kid that kid THAT kid that kid that kid Convey it to that kid
    Sorry SORRY sorry I'm sorry
    Sorry sorry, please forgive me
    The crime I commited [1]

    I told one lie to the you whom I love

    The sky has begun to be dyed in orange
    Why has this become a sad feeling ?
    I want to meet the gentle you but
    The present me cannot embrace you

    Red deep red red deep red RED
    Red red the sun goes down
    That kid THAT kid that kid THAT kid that kid that kid Convey it to that kid
    Sorry SORRY sorry I'm sorry
    Sorry sorry, please forgive me
    The crime I commited [1]

    I told one lie to the you whom I love

    I hate you I hate you I hate you I HATE YOU
    I hate you I hate you  I cannot help that, too ah~

    The sky has begun to be dyed in orange
    Why has this become a sad feeling ?
    I want to meet the gentle you but
    The present me cannot embrace you
    At least in the end, please,
    Listen to my poor song one more time
    At the Shinjuku station where I always waited
    If you are not here I cannot see the light


  2. So here are some rules. Please abide by them.

    1. Please be nice to eachother. 

    Don't insult eachother, or be mean to eachother. I don't ask you act in any specific manner, just be sweet to eachother. 

    2. Be respectful to the bands.

    Don't say mean stuff about the bands, don't post nudes of the bandmen. You can give a negative opinion, but don't say it in a condescending way.

    i.e "I personally don't like Sleep my Dear and I feel they're generic."

    rather than "I fucking hate Sleep my Dear. Anyone who doesn't agree is just a fucking fag."

    3. Any posts made should have [CLUB] in the title. 

    i.e "[CLUB] La'mule"

    4. Don't be a snob. You are free to express your opinion, but don't put someone down because you don't agree with them. Not everyone likes Baiser. 

    5. If you have any questions, ask @AimiGen7 or @sakurakurakura

  3. Here are some basic ground rules. We don't ask of much, since we trust you to have basic courtesy.

    1. Please be nice to eachother!

    I don't ask that you act in a specific way, but no insulting others, or any toxic behavior. Please be respectful to the other club-members, and especially the owners. 

    2. Be respectful to the band.

    Don't post member's home addresses, or nude photos or shit like that. Especially don't post pictures of the band members that you wouldn't want posted if you were in their place. 

    3. If you have any questions, ask @AimiGen7 or @sakurakurakura

    You can ask here in the thread, or by private message, or on the spot in a post. It doesn't matter. We are willing to answer any question you have!

    4. No Elitism.

    You can express a negative opinion, but don't insult anyone for having a different opinion. However, if there is anything you don't like about the band, feel free to say it! We don't judge

    5. Any posts made in the club must have [CLUB] in the title. If you forget, don't worry, the mods will handle it. 


    Rules will be updated when needed.

  4. To me, Xaa Xaa's Doushaburi no Kanojo sounds reminiscent of Kuroyume's "Under...", which in turn, gives off vibes similar to Spellbound by Siouxsie and the Banshees (Mostly due to the powerful and aggressive use of Acoustic Guitar~)




    I'm not entirely sure Siouxsie influenced this specific Kuroyume song, but Siouxsie did have a very big influence on VisualKei, especially on the makeup. In fact, a lot of Kiyoharu's early makeup styles are similar to that of Siouxsie's. Plus, a lot of 90's Vkei has it's roots in Gothic Rock in general.

    Though I have no doubt the Xaa Xaa song is definitely Kuroyume inspired. The composition just sounds very... 90's-y. It's something that's hard to explain into words. It's something you really just have to listen to. 

    Under... itself is a very important 90's Vkei song. The electric guitar lines, both chorused and distorted, would become elements in almost every other 90's Vkei song, and it's distinct sound still resonates in Vkei to this day. 

  5. The Kuroyuri fan page on Facebook posted about Kuro's two kitties (THEY'RE SO FUCKING CUTE OMG)





    And Nyanta

    So apparently the story goes that Kuro adopted Nyannosuke because no one else wanted him, and Kuro noticed him there for 6 months every time we went to the pet shop.

    And then he adopted little Nyanta. He adopted him because it was "love at first sight"


  6. On 7/16/2017 at 10:15 PM, WhirlingBlack said:

    Agreed, not be able to even fill Budokan after being around for a whole year is a real disgrace.


    Also source on that Dir en greys success is due to Yoshiki money. He just produced their major debut singles. Songs which were already written and done by the time he came into the picture, lol.

    I feel like all newcomers overestimate his importance to Dir en grey vastly.

    I didn't mean that Yoshiki produced anything before Gauze, I'm talking about promotion and stuff. Yoshiki discovered them in 1998 with their single I'll and took them under their wing, and got them to officially leave Free Will and go major in 1999. It was also in late '98 that Diru had their first performance at the Budokan, and got TV promotion on a show other than hotwave. It was under the table because it wasn't until '99 that they full on left freewill. 

    I have some friends who are experts on Freewill and Extasy stuff (one even knows Yoshiki), but I could ask them more if you want

  7. On 7/15/2017 at 9:57 AM, Disposable said:

    Dir en grey's first two-three years must've been quite a ride, but obviously slowed down, eventually stalled and even dropped since then. They didn't exactly come from nothing though. 



    That's mostly from under the table Yoshiki money in 1998 xD (which became openly over the table money in 1999 with Yurameki, Cage and Yokan).

    Though apparently, there wasn't even enough people to fill their 1998 Last Indie Tour at the Budokan. 

  8. Shinjou Kasumi posted on Twitter that Gekijou Tenor would have a one man on September 30th, 2017 titled "Please Dance Again" at Holiday Shinjuku

     Also, it seems as if Aka-on is still a thing. 

    With the new Gekijou Tenor revival, and Unlucky Morpheus starting to pick things back up, maybe there is even more in the future involving Kasumi and Yuki?

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