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Posts posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Now time to roast Noobs who know nothing about Kisaki xD


    "Kisaki is actually a girl"


    "I heard Kisaki rapes all his bandmates"


    "Kisaki played bass for free in La:Sadie's, and that's why he left. I know know it's true because I saw it mentioned in an article about Dir En Grey's history"


    "Kisaki and Yayoi now hate eachother, because of the scandal" yeah.. if that were true, they wouldn't still be following eachother on twitter, and interacting with eachother.


    "Riku from Phantasmagoria is a Kyo clone" Correction! He's actually a huge Kiyoharu fanboy


    "Kisaki is a bitch who should die in a fire and hasn't contributed anything to Vkei"

    And the other side

    "Kisaki is a Vkei God and is to be worshipped. He would never do anything bad"


  2. 20 hours ago, Komorebi said:

    "Kisaki raped Asagi back in Syndrome" LMAO

    Omg, that reminds me of all the rumours involVing the reason why Kisaki left La:Sadies's xD. I've heard people say it was because he stole Kyo'a girlfriend, and others said it was because he "rubbed Kaoru the wrong way" (take that as whatever you want).

    I've also seen people who seriously think Kisaki did Meth in the 90s. Like, if he actually did drugs, he would look way older than the Diru boys. I mean, Kyo is aged so much due to self harm, alcohol and a past smoking addiction. I'm sure is Kisaki did drugs, especially method, he'd be much more wrinkly than Kyo.

    In fact, I might as well roast some newbies who don't know anything about Kisaki in the next post xD

  3. 2 hours ago, VkBrutaliaN said:


    don't want to burst your little bubble but i own all 3 of their CDs and i can assure you the soundquality doesn't get any better! XD

    but it kinda adds to their very, very underground like charm. ;D

    Well, if possible, please do upload them xD. I'm really excited to listen to the full songs. And in all honesty, low recording quality doesn't bother me too much. I listen to a lot of low budget bands anyway (especially ones from the 90's) and I've listened to enough La:Sadie's demos to where I'm used to it xD

  4. "I get all my news from Tanuki, because it's definitely possible that Koyomi from Kuroyuri to Kage is gay, married to a woman, single, married to a man, got a woman pregnant, and is homophobic, all at the same time!"

    "What genre is Deluhi? They definitely aren't Vkei, I know that for sure" (Actually saw somebody say this)

    "Wait, Kaya is actually gay?" (I know it seems weird for a noobie to say this, as you'd assume that they'd assume every Vkei guy is gay, but I've seen a lot of Vkei noobies be surprised that there are actually some Vkei guys that are gay. IDK why, I guess because the ones that are surprised, previously listened to a lot of 80's glam, IDK.)

    "Wait, Miyavi is married, and has kids? I thought in Japanese music, you weren't allowed to date. I know AKB 48 isn't"

    "[Insert any Neo-OsareKei band here. UNiTE, newer An Cafe, etc.] is so heavy!!!"

    "Wait, this can't be an An Cafe song! It has screaming!"


    "Memento Mori is totally copying Kiryu. Look at the bass player!"

    Name a riff they copied then

    "Um... uh.. Oiran Chourou is about Oirans, which Oirantan by Kiryu is also about. I haven't heard either song though..."


    "If Grieva and GossiP are both copies, Kuroyuri To Kage is a copy band too! IDK which, but the lead singer looks like Karma from AvelCain, and Chiaki from Dezert!"

    (Oh if only they knew the connection between Dezert and Kuroyuri, and how the bands most likely bounce ideas off eachother xD)


    "Taihaitekikyou sou by Grieva totally sounds like Zan by Dir En Grey! I mean, listen to it, it's heavy as f*ck with tons of screaming, and fast drumming!"

    (By that logic, Neo Ark by Phantasmagoria is also a copy of Zan xD)

  5. 1 hour ago, drnic010 said:


    Oh yeah! That quote's from We Are X right? I saw that when I went to see them play in London... really great documentary!

    Also, I've been doing a little catching up with VK sub-genres as you got me thinking about which ones I was into. I think my taste probably leans towards old school Kurofuku and Kote Kei, although I have been revisiting Kagrra as of late and am thinking I should explore Angura Kei a bit more. I've always really liked their album San due to the blend of Alternative Rock and traditional Japanese instruments / melodies. Not sure why I never looked more into that sub-genre to be honest.

    I think I'm gonna enjoy this forum a lot :)

    If you do look into more AnguraKei, expect a lot of dark bands xD. 

    And yeah, the quote is from We Are X~

  6. Just now, Komorebi said:

    Aren't we all. I've made my fair share of stupid comments LOL


    In all honesty I didn't bother reading the Diru part though, simply because I couldn't care less about them haha

    Yeah I've actually begun to care less about Diru (Especially since I found out a lot of their early stuff was copied from other bands, and their early stuff is my favourite so like, my entire life feels like a lie xD. I won't go into detail though)

  7. 2 minutes ago, Komorebi said:

    Was it you? 

    It's ok, you were absolutely right on every other point you made XD

    Ah, well thanks then. I feel less of an idiot now. xD

    After all though, I am only human, and I just happen to be more prone to mistakes compared to other humans xD. 


  8. 2 hours ago, Komorebi said:

    Wow, this band *insert any band playing electro-rock* is ripping off the gazette"


    "I had so many nosebleeds from the visual and sound that I think I need medical care 😷😻" (Actual sentence from youtube)


    "D is a bad example of a long lasting indies VK band since they made most of their career in Avex" (Acual sentence on a fb thread)


    Gee, I didn't know 4 or 5 years in a 15 year life-span meant "most of their career" lol



    Sh*t.. I made that mistake. I feel stupid, and honestly, an argument was brewing so I deleted the post (and honestly, I admit I was kind of angry and talking out of my @ss. I'm extremely sorry...)

  9. I remember I once came across this guy who thought Etsy To Utsu by Kiryu was about "Two girls forbidden loving in a country rooted in its traditions"

    And I explained that the lyrics have nothing to do with LGBT and he was like "that's because all you see is lyrics, but Mahiro has a deeper meaning in the lyrics you don't see"

    Like, Mahiro doesn't write the lyrics xD. And also, traditionally, there was no stigma in Japan against gays until the Meiji era. I think Kiryu would know this best xD. He also went on about the music video and all, and honestly was pulling stuff out of thin air. But it was obvious the guy didn't know much about out Kiryu, or Japanese History xD

  10. "Wait, how is Inugami Circus Dan VisualKei? Their lead singer is a girl and they wear white makeup!"

    "OMG Yuko from Wagakki Band is such a great lyricist. Her song "Iroha Uta" is so creative!"

    And when you tell them that Iroha Uta is about a prostitute into BDSM and was originally by the vocaloid Rin Kagamine: "Stop trying to made the goddess look bad you peasant!"

    "My favourite KoteKei song is Rinkaku from Dir En Grey"

    "My favourite 90's band is The GazettE"

    "My favourite 80's band is Dir En Grey"

    "Is Kisaki a girl?"

    *Band wears dark lipstick* "OMG they're copying Dir En Grey" 

    *Band plays pop rock* "Omg these guys are copying SuG"

    "Kiryu is totally copying Wagakki Band"

    "Memento Mori is totally copying Kiryu"

    "[insert random Enka singer] is totally copying Yuko Suzuhana"

    Sorry, I'm having too much fun with the Wagakki band roast, because in the world of AnguraKei  (even though Wagakki really isn't Angura, they're lumped in), they're like The GazettE xD

  11. Just now, あなたはもう一度やった said:


    Early Kiryu is amazing. Shitakiri Suzume, Mugen Houyou, Ruru, Zetsu No Nozumu , Kisai , and Kyosei will always be their best tracks BY A LOOOONGGG shot.


    I like both old Kiryu and new Kiryu, but my favourite will always be their REALLY early days, from 2008 to 2010, back then they had more Emotive Hardcore influence mixed with 90's Vkei influence. And I'm glad newer Kiryu has managed to stay creative, and aren't afraid to experiment, even after going big (Unlike Wagakki Band which pulled an MCR and went pop before their first album. Then again, they're signed to Avex, so).

    I wish Mahiro would go back to singing more archaically, since it really fits their theme

  12. Definitely better than what Gekkabijin had to offer~

    Also, am I the only one that kind of cringed at the intro of Gekkabijin, where Mahiro recited the Iroha poem? It's just so weird to see a band who does traditional Japanese stuff to recite the Iroha poem in the modern dialect (i.e pronouncing it like "Iro wa ni oedo"), especially since Mahiro used to sing quite archaically in Kiryu's early days (Oirantan is a really good example). 

  13. On 3/18/2017 at 7:06 PM, drnic010 said:

    Hey, thanks for the offer!

    I've got to admit that I'm a bit clueless about about the various VK sub genres. I remember reading up on them a couple of years back, but I've totally forgotten everything :/

    I love seeing the parallels between the NWBHM and New Wave movements; and the early VK bands. I've always thought that if bands like LUNA SEA and BUCK-TICK had started out in 1978 in the UK, they would have been massive over here :)

    That's sort of similar to what Gene Simmons said about X Japan, that if they were American, they'd be the biggest band in the world. I kind of see early VisualKei kind of like the rise of Speed Metal, Thrash Metal and Hardcore Punk in the US and UK, and 90's Vkei sort of like the rise of Gothic Rock influenced bands like AFI, along with the rise in Alternative Rock and Alternative Metal, like Primus, and Korn (Which we all know the latter would help pioneer Nu Metal.). 


  14. 5 hours ago, Gichi Gichi said:

    wow,awesome atmosphere...the shakuhachi and koto samples are quite good as well

    better than Zin samples.Their sound brings me back to 2012 when i discovered kiryu and i got into their first album "Meikiyo Shisui"

    The Shamisen samples in the second one are quite good too~

    And yeah, they also kind of remind me when I discovered Kiryu. I'm really hoping to hear more from this band~

  15. 2 minutes ago, Zeus said:

    You have to remember, everyone is a noob to me :P

    Wasn't AvelCain like Kisaki's favourite band at one point? xD

    Also, the members of Mucc like Dezert. 

    Oh god, I just realised I opened up the door to some sweet roasting on Mucc and Kisaki. xD

  16. Restricting discussion on a band is not only censorship, but can be seen as elitist. 

    It's like how on the Metal Archives, it's banned to discuss any band that is "core", is "makeup wearing f*gs" (Reffering to how they HATE Dir En Grey) and "is Glam". 

    To restrict discussion on western Vkei because "we don't care about it" is just plain wrong. I may not care about Yohio, but I'm interested in BATAAR and Endigo. 

    Just let them talk about it. Like Trombe's signature said "If you don't care, don't read". 

  17. Oh, I just remembered. I once came across this girl who was like "Kuroyume isn't VisualKei! They're Jpop!" and I told her "Um, they really don't like the label "Pop", and their poppy stuff, is quite complex and creative compared to most pop rock.". I also pointed out their more Metal early releases and she was like "It may have been Metal, but it's still pop because the riffs were catchy".

    Like, I don't think "Shin'ai Naru Death Mask" is "catchy". Also, the main riff to Kurui Dorei sounds like Metallica's "The Shortest Straw". I don't think Metallica could ever be considered pop (Well, at least before the black album. OOPS). In fact, Kurui Dorei is even heavier than some of Metallica. Totally "Jpop"

    Also, the fact their biggest inspirations are D'erlanger and Dead End (Kiyoharu even got his early look from Kyo of D'erlanger) kind of shouts VISUALKEI.

  18. Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy things here!

    Compared to a lot of the people here, I'm a "newbie" though I think of myself as quite experienced.

    My expertise is dark, folk-sy Eroguro and Angurakei bands. Bands like Ningen Isu, Inugami Circus Dan, Sex Android, Mucc, or in terms of newer bands, Kuroyuri To Kage. Since you like Punk Rock, you'll probably like Inugami Circus Dan and Sex Android. Ningen Isu is more Sabbathy and Priesty, and Mucc is more Alternative Metal with a whole bunch of other influences.

    I've also been getting into a lot more 90's bands, and exploring a lot of really early 80's Vkei bands. It's amazing to think that almost all of the early influential Vkei bands were at one point just an offshoot of the Speed Metal/New Wave British Heavy Metal and Thrash Metal scene in Japan, and they probably didn't know what new thing they were starting.  

    But, you ever need any information on an Eroguro or Angura band, I'm your gal!


  19. 1 minute ago, Komorebi said:

    Not mentioning his Marilyn Manson cosplays, or how obviously he stans Kiyoharu. 

    So all of these so called GazettE copycats are copies of a copy. 


    *Black hole suddenly appears in the entire Vkei scene as we just did the Vkei equivalent of dividing by Zero*

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