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Posts posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Just now, Komorebi said:

    Isn't Ruki the biggest and most obvious copycat in VK though? Fangirls and their biased hypocrisy... 

    Yeah, I notice early Ruki reminds me a lot of Yu-dai from Sex Android, just minus the corpse paint. 

    Wait, both bands played Punk, both vocalists have a similar singing style and similar appearance (especially the hair). 

    I think I just discovered something

  2. 1 minute ago, plastic_rainbow said:

    the single is live-limited and is titled 「吽」(un). don't know if it's released yet tho.

    the second track is 赤い靴(akai kutsu).


    some of the instrumentals sound alright but the vocals need work. and i agree that they sound kinda like memento mori. it's a good start for them i guess but i'm curious to see how they'll grow from here with hopefully some better production in the future too.

    Thanks, I'll edit my post to include the title and second track xD. 

    Hopefully someone here will have a download for the songs, because perhaps it'll sound better in higher quality. The twitter previews are quite compressed. 

    I'm also curious to see how they'll grow. I see lots of potential for them!

  3. 1 minute ago, Komorebi said:

    "That guy totally sounds like/is ripping off Ruki"


    No, bitch, they all just have the same generic voice type and range, just like most female singers have the same type of voice.


    Either that, or both vocalists wear similar makeup, or the "copycat" in question trills his Rs xD And I'm not referring to just GossiP. I've seen people claim any vocalist who trills their Rs is a Ruki copy. Like, no. Trilling Rs is a part of aggressive speech in Japanese, and is part of stereotypical Kansai speak

  4. "Dogma is such a heavy album!!"

    Sorry, I had to xD. I just absolutely had to. 

    "I love 90's vkei! I can name all the bands! X, Luna Sea, Dir En Grey, Luna Sea, X, The GazettE!"

    "Wait, what do you mean The GazettE wasn't a 90's band? They wore black lipstick though!"

    (I know this one isn't specifically Vkei, but the band in question has been lumped into Vkei so much.) "Wagakki band is the only true Japanese folk metal band and these vocal-sh*toids are copying Yuko's amazing work! In my bed, Yuko!"

    (In the comments of a Kuroyume video) "Omg, these guys are totally copying Dir En Grey"

    "Ah... that chick is so hot. I want her to- wait, its a guy?"

    (This may not be exactly n00b Vkei fan, but it definitely is n00b Diru fan since Diru has this new American metalhead fanbase) "Wait, this can't be Dir En Grey! They look like f*gs and are playing pseudo-Metal!"


    Ironically though, I've seen a lot of experienced fans say these. Welp, that's enough triggering the community for today

  5. Relatively new VisualKei band Kebyou is to either release a new single, or has released one. They uploaded previews on their twitter. 


    Un 「吽」


    1. Ayame (あやめ) 

    2. Akai Kutsu (赤い靴)

    3. Tenge Tenjou (天下天上)


    The recordings seem to be VERY low budget, but they're quite good. I can't wait to see what more this band has in store. They definitely bring something a bit new to the table. I can hear mixes of AvelCain and Memento Mori influence. The vocals are ehhh though. 




  6. 8 hours ago, Ikna said:


    As you already mention Kiyoharu, it's was probably Kuroyume who started it all. I am sure someone more well-versed with VK history can even state an earlier example of the Macabre/Eroguro imagery usage. But in the end most of 90s VK bands ripped off old Kuroyume in some form. With Dir en grey it's confirmed, as well as Laputa or any other Nagoya band whose bandmembers where Roadies for Kuroyume or played in cover session bands.


    But it's true that La'mule were far more influential and important for the late 90s scene as they are remembered. At least most oldschool VK loving japanese people I have come across have a very high opinion of the band. 


    Wasn't the company that did La'Mule's PV the same that did PVs for other very important groups of that time (including Dir en grey)? That might explain the influence on modern bands' PVs.


    Also I feel it's a shame that their revival didn't last long and that CELL too disbanded before they even released a proper album. .___.

    I'm not exactly sure about the companies, but I definitely think it is possible.

  7. 3 hours ago, あなたはもう一度やった said:



    who approved of this lmao

    The lead singer looks like a discount Mei and the title has an obsolete Kana in it xD

    Update: I just found out these guys existed before Kuroyuri xD

  8. I wonder, what if Yoshiki only produced Dir En Grey because at the time, they were signed to Freewill, which was owned by Yoshiki's rival, Dynamite Tommy?

    Also, for an early Vkei band, COLOR doesn't wear as much makeup. 

    I wonder how the Kuroyuri boys are doing, personally. I hope Mei is doing happily. There was this point where I suspected he was in a depressed mood, as even his chekis didn't show his face. I worry about that cute little creep. I hope Kuro's kitties and lizard are doing well. I hope wherever Koyomi is, he's truly happy. 

    I wonder if Kon ex. La'mule and Cell has any upcoming projects. He's the kind of guy who can't stay away for long. Though it's been almost 3 years since Cell broke up. Kon did preform along with Nao though throughout 2015, but 2016 so far didn't show anything new from him. I wasn't too big on Cell anyway though. I need more drenchy KoteKei. 


  9. So I know this is pretty much a dead thread, but I've been getting into La'Mule a LOT recently. Everyone credits Dir En Grey for influencing the modern Vkei scene, but I personally think La'Mule is just as important. After all, they were one of the first to go with the macabre imagery. And Kon was known for his stage acts, including pretending to hang himself (Not unlike how Kiyoharu used to crucify himself on stage).

    Also, their second PV for Curse pretty much started the floating calligraphy and random pop ups of Feng Shui charts among AnguraKei bands like in Kiryu's "Tsuki No Hime" PV xD. 

    Also, it's worth mentioning that even though their first popular release was in 1998, they were very well known among the indie scene already by then. Back then, in the 90's, releases didn't make you popular. It was live performances. 

    La'Mule was a little bit of everything. You had Metal pieces like Sterilization, catchy Alt Rock pieces like Curse, and drenchy gothic rock songs like Wing. And they're one of the few bands I would actually call "Gothic Metal", as songs like Mirror Mirror actually mixed Gothic Rock and Metal

  10. 1 hour ago, Gichi Gichi said:

    somehow i'm very hyped for a full album at august/october

    also,i want to see they performing at bigger places like zipp tokyo...their atmosphere on stage is as strong as dezert/gazette/mejibray/direngrey

    Yeah they're LONG overdue for a full album. Though, if it means new songs, I'm ok with even an EP. I need my Kuroyuri fix xD.

    Also, I'd love to see them preform at Zepp Tokyo. But if I were to go to a concert myself, I'd prefer to go to one in a smaller venue, so I'd be up close

  11. 1 hour ago, Takadanobabaalien said:

    they're officially looking for a drummer now




    Another guitarist too, please, or at least a support guitarist so their older stuff can be executed live as they were originally intended

  12. Wow. They went all out!

    Mahiro has been working on his growls really well. 

    I like the new Koto samples, but the Shamisen sample they used sounds like the crappy one that Zin used. However, I can't really complain, because it's Kiryu! xD

  13. 1 hour ago, Gichi Gichi said:



    sometimes i think they left ains,bcuz they didn't want to follow their schedule of releases 

    i'm really satisfied with gossip and grieva,but whenever i listen to kuroyuri i feel like i want new songs lol

    There are the theories they never really left Ains, but both sides are quite valid. But I have noticed though that they didn't very often preformed with Grieva, GossiP or Diaura. They always preformed with bands like Sibilebashir. 

    I don't know why they haven't preformed with Dezert yet. I mean, it's obvious both bands are still close. Also, Mei and Chiaki together on stage would be amazing. 

    Though, Dezert seems to have been going less visual recently, a lot of the members wearing less makeup (Except for Chiaki though xD. Chiaki always will stand out xD)

  14. 20 minutes ago, Gichi Gichi said:

    the more i listen to kuroyuri,more i miss memento mori,because i know that Mei fits so damn well in tradicional japanese stuff

    i miss that memento mori atmosphere,his days as Ai,that deep voice,like singing oishichi or fuyu shogun ...that was gold

    them still my favorite band,but since koyomi left,they sound like a japanese horror version of Korn 

    I miss Memento Mori too, but I love Kuroyuri just as equally. I think they progressed more as a band since Memento Mori, including more Mucc influence. Plus, Kuroyuri still keeps the Eroguro imagery that Memento Mori sometimes showed. In fact, they took it quite further. 

    Their compositions though did get a bit more simple after Koyomi left, but they really seemed to have redeemed themselves with the Toshabutsu single. It was amazing compared to Zouki No Nozoki Ana, which was good, but could be better. 

    I hope they release a full album this year. Not a mini album, not an EP, but a full album. I have Kuroyuri cravings that need to be satisfied! xD

    I think it would be cool if Kuroyuri did go back to the traditional aesthetics for one single. Perhaps they could use a concept similar to Inugami Circus Dan. Either way, I'd like to see them experiment with different concepts and such, since a lot of the bands close to them experiment with different concepts at times, and it would provide some interesting content.  

  15. e052c410.JPG 


    I found another old pic of Mei during "Arutema". 

    I wonder what kind of band Arutema was like. It seems different from both Memento Mori and Kuroyuri. In fact, Yukiline was more similar to early Memento Mori (Like, during 2010-2011). I'm guessing Arutema may have sounded something like early Memento Mori, but less traditional Japanese influence. Maybe someone out there has a recording of an Arutema performance xD

  16. My favourite ones are their more metal ones from their earliest releases. Songs like Shinai Naru Deathmask, Rakushi Unmei, Juujika Tono Tawamure, and Autism. I haven't checked into much of their newer stuff, but I do love "I hate your popstar life" (Ironic, since they're signed to Avex xD). Their more Gothic Rock pieces are awesome too~

    Does anyone know if Kuroyume still preforms the really old songs? 

  17. http://jigsaw.syncl.jp/ 

    xD The old website for Jigsaw (Memento Mori as a session band) is still up. 

    From what I can tell, Memento Mori's use of traditional imagery was probably Koyomi and Mei's idea at first, since Yukiline used similar imagery, and Mei has always had an interest in that. 

    I wonder if Koyomi, Mei and Chiaki still speak with eachother. Memento Mori and DEZERT were quite divergent, but they began to converge with Kuroyuri To Kage. Not just in concept, but in sound. I think it's definitely possible that Mei and Chiaki bounce ideas off eachother and are good friends. 

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