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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. 1 hour ago, Donttalkback said:

    I just don't believe that a person has to comply to societies standards & rules to be deemed a "cincere romantic relationship" he is who is & his style is his. He's not going to be everyone's ideal type but for other's he is

    He wasn't in a sincere romantinc relationship XD He was banging his fan and trying to break up with her. I seriously doubt they went on real dates and met each other's families.

  2. 4 hours ago, Donttalkback said:

    & as for parental consent is do you honestly think anyone would listen to their parents if they said "no, you can't see that boy" god no cause their approval isn't important, date & screw who ya wish!! I just don't belive he should have been arrested.

    Which is exactly why they have the law and I think it's perfectly ok for parents to oversee who their irresponsible and immature kids are sleeping around with and legally enforce they can't be tricked and manipulated (so much or for so long) by an older person.


    then be prepared to be called a rapist sympathizer

    It hasn't been stated anywhere on the article that there was a rape scenario, stop taking things out of context to insult people.


    9 hours ago, chemicalpictures said:

    Yes, it is about being desperate and/or just plain stupid. There's no excuse. In 2017, you cannot use "few people are able to ignore animal instinct" as an argument. I don't know where you live,  but here there's a name for people who can't control their ding-dongs, and it's not a pretty one

    Yes, I know what they're called. If you ever talked to me you'd probably know I don't approve any form of "casual sex". I was merely stating a fact, which is "most people can't keep it in their pants". If you can, and feel offended, then congratulations on being a little bit more evolved. 


    5 hours ago, Donttalkback said:

    Why should Rio have to fit a certain criteria to be deemed a "cincere romantic relationship"

    Uh, because everyone else in Japan does. He's not above the law for being visual kei.


    1 hour ago, hiroki said:

    Apparently he went to the police because the girl had been circulating their photos online when he wanted to part ways with her, upon which they found out that she was actually underage.


    1 hour ago, hiroki said:

    The girl showed Rio an ID which didn't indicate that she was below 18. It surfaced during the investigations that she had passed off another person's ID as her own.


    Can we admit she shares the blame now?

  3. 4 hours ago, Donttalkback said:

    Japan statutory rape law is violated when an individual has consensual sexual contact with a person under age 13. At 13, Japan's base age of consent is the lowest of any developed country. However, many prefectures also have local "corruption of minors" or "obscenity statutes" (淫行条例) which raise the de-facto age of consent to 16-18, unless they are in a "sincere romantic relationship", usually determined by parental consent. For example, the effective age of consent in Tokyo by local statute is 18. The age of marriage is 16 for girls and 18 for boys with parental permission, and 20 otherwise (as stated in " ナス邃「窶慊カ窶「ナクナスニ停?邸", the Child Welfare Act of Japan.


    The girl was 18 at the time so in my honest opinion she legally consented. To me it looks like she's doing this to get back at him probably for saying what they "had" isn't serious because most girl's that sleep with band's keep it hush hush 🤔

    I really like how Japan ensures such laws and then creates loopholes for parental consent and long lasting relationships. Seems responsible enough.



    3 hours ago, chemicalpictures said:

    Is Rio so desperate that he HAD to bang that girl?

    Like I said, it's not about being desperate, it's about an animal insticnt few people seem to be able to ignore.


    We know gyas, we know how some are OBSESSED with fucking bandomen. I think based on sheer statistics we can speculate she consented.

  4. I didn't even know that guy before this thing exploded in his face XD


    Yeah, everyone knows fucking underage girls is wrong, but how many guys can seriously say no when they have the teenager already panties down and rubbing her ass on them? In all honestly, how many dudes here could say no when the girl is already throwing herself at them?


    That doesn't make it any less his fault, it's just that human nature is too prone to fall for stupid shit knowingly.


    Not defending him, just saying sometimes the blame is shared.

  5. 7 hours ago, hiroki said:


    unpopular opinion probably, but i actually feel bad for rio.


    in situations like this (i.e. nothing in the article suggests there's any duress/force involved) it's always the guy (well, the "adult", lolol) who's charged and the girl gets away unscathed. statutory rape laws are one of those extremely blunt tools that give zero regard to circumstantial considerations, and whose technicality make them ridiculously easy for people to exploit to ruin another's life if they wanted to. was there force? was there mutual consent? had the girl orchestrated everything with the intent to lie and then sabotage the guy after the act? none of that matter, except an age arbitrarily stipulated by the law.

    Same. With a law like that it's so easy for a rabid or jealous girl to seduce a guy, lie about her age and cry wolf later.


    if he IS innocent, too bad for him.

    if he KNEW the girl's real age... then start thinking with your other head please.

  6. On 22/3/2017 at 7:07 AM, WhirlingBlack said:

    People who claim to have been into vk for 10+ years yet barely know entry level acts is the main fad amongst noobs these days. 

    Honestly, there's plenty of "entry level acts" and "classics" I never bothered to listen to because they just didn't appeal to me, like Shazna, Baroque, Raphael, Baiser and such. Only Kuroyume I've actually bothered to listen thouroughly was the Kuro to Kage album. Tried like three Diru albums at different points during the last 8-9 years and they still feel meh to me. Haven't heard Hide nor really plan to.


    And yes, Luna Sea > X Japan.

  7. 1 hour ago, mahoujin said:

    He dragged the band in general, which includes Yu-ki, and when Yu-ki talked about disbanding, he talked about putting everything into the band or something. I guess I'm putting two and two together here, but if I felt like I passionately put myself in work and then someone dragged me (even collectively with my other band mates) for being lazy or not serious enough, I'd be like "Man fuck that guy" 

    Well yeah put that way... then again Shizuki is playing with Rino anyways

  8. 12 hours ago, Danao said:

    Don't think anyone actually buys DVDs without seeing tracklists first

    I do. But only for bands I collect stuff from :P


    People, chill, it's just a setlist. No need to make a big deal about it. Looking if the setlist is avaliable doesn't hurt either. It takes less than five minutes. 

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