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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. Nice to see Ito's panels are attracting new people. I hope you enjoy the forum enough to stay.

    I was the one at the con making comments from Yuyo's phone(?) XDD


    L'Arc en Ciel was my gateway to jrock and visual kei too!! They are such a great band, but they've broken my heart way too many times already.

  2. On 2017-5-18 at 8:29 AM, jaymee said:

    My point was only to point out that very few opinions in VK are truly credible outside the scene

    I think you may be confusing "credible" with "objective".


    This thread is gold.


    What's odd/funny is I've listened to alot more Mejibray since they announced the hiatus than during all their active years lol.

  3. 9 hours ago, Tokage said:

    Because they do something relatively original that can't be found all that much anywhere else. I'm personally a lot more lenient towards younger bands w.r.t. QUALITY if they bring something that's at least mildly unique to the table instead of just going full derivative

    I'm with you on this. I am much more lenient towards younger bands, which is also why I'm cutting Aiolin a lot of slack merely for trying a different sound than the "mainstream vk sound".


    9 hours ago, emmny said:

    except i dont because i don't stan trash


    Don't you stan trashy yet lovable VRZEL? :P


    2 hours ago, hiroki said:

    Anyone who has been on MH longer than 3 days would have realized that '"criticizing" a band here (for some people at least) means articulating your opinion in a way that's as offensive/tactless as the rules possibly allow for, even if the same point can be made as effectively without insulting anyone. And that's not counting posts that aren't even proper opinions

    This. I love this forum, but.. this.


    This is a great thread, I agree with most of the thoughts shared here, keep it going.

  4. Interesting.


    I have several autographs from all D, VRZEL, Matenrou Opera. and Flow members. My goal is to get Tomiko Van to sign some of my CDs at the meet and greet in July.

  5. Just seeing a few comments makes me rethink the title...


    "Bad vocalists" implies vocalists that lack skill and threfore can measureably be considered bad vocalists. Yet I see people posting quite good ones and saying "I personally hate this guy even if he is good".

    Is it an opinion post to share vocalists we deslike or a post more on the factual side to discuss vocal skills?

    I may dislike Hiro's singing on NCBL and he may make my ears bleed, but that doesn't keep me from admitting the guy has some serious skill.


    By the way, vocalists I think are unskilled, don't handle their voices well and can't hit the right notes live (or sometimes even in the studio) would be Mashiro from Paradeis, Miku from An Cafe, Aryu from Morrigan, Tsuzuku from Mejibray, Yuuki from Lycaon, the dude from Mediena/Virge and a few other vocalists who sound like they have to force their voice way too much to sound ok, and whose names I can't remember as of now.

    Zin. Shou (A9) and Naoki (Fantasista) should take lessons ASAP.

  6. I used to be all over L'Arc en Ciel and Vamps... but now I seriously don't care much for their releases.


    Bust be all the times L'Arc broke our hearts with all their teasing, and their cancelled concert in Chile because Tetsu though we weren't worth it.


    I still think their music is really good, I just don't feel that thrill anymore and it didn't even take a bad release from them for it to happen, just their general attitude towards the band that killed it for me and lots of other fans I've discussed L'Arc with lately :/



  7. This is fun, I'll be doing it as well. I usually rate everything on iTunes anyways, so I'l be using the same system.




    :5.0: (Holy shit)


    [2017.04.12] 摩天楼オペラ (Matenrou Opera) - Pantheon, Pt. 1

    [2017.05.10] Gotcharocka - Screamy

    [2017.06.21] Acid Black Cherry - Acid BLOOD Cherry

    [2017.06.28] JILUKA - Xenomorphic

    [2017.06.28] D - Dark Fairy Tale

    [2017.10.04] MORRIGAN -もしも黒い翼が生えたなら -Angel ver.-

    [2017.10.25] Jiluka - Ajna -SgVer-

    [2017.10.27] D - 愚かしい竜の夢


    :4.0:(Very good/Is allright but has a couple of outstanding tracks)


    [2017.01.18] DEVIZE - CORE -Worship-

    [2017.01.25] Acid Black Cherry - Recreation 4

    [2017.02.01] MERRY- Kasa to Ame

    [2017.02.04] MORRIGAN - THE DAWN DEEP DOPE

    [2017.02.22] RAZOR - DNA

    [2017.02.22] ORCALADE - Espada

    [2017.02.28] A9 - MEMENTO

    [2017.02.28] Ruiza - ONE

    [2017.03.08] the GazettE - TRACES VOL.2

    [2017.03.22] VAMPS - CALLING

    [2017.03.22] GACKT – 罪の継承 ~ORIGINAL SIN~

    [2017.04.12] CLØWD - バタフライ・エフェクト

    [2017.04.19] HOLYCLOCK - 憧憬と憐憫の流星群

    [2017.04.19] SHIN (ex. ViViD) / Jack The Ripper

    [2017.04.26] ice (BFN) - 雨は次第に弱まる

    [2017.04.26] Rides In ReVellion — リインカーネーション~F.A.T.E./Rusty Nail~

    [2017.05.17] キズ - おしまい

    [2017.05.24] Far East Dizain - DIZAINERVE

    [2017.05.24] Morrigan - Xiss in the Dark

    [2017.05.31] Yousei Teikoku - Flamma Idola

    [2017.06.21] FIXER - Libra

    [2017.06.28] Diaura - Noah/シャングリラ

    [2017.06.28] Do As Infinity - Alive/Iron Hornet

    [2017.07.05] Magistina Saga - Reingrimonation

    [2017.07.19] DARRELL - DEAD INSIDE

    [2017.07.26] 游彩 - 雨

    [2017.07.28] ザアザア - ○と×

    [2017.08.18] SERAPH - Génesi

    [2017.09.01] HOLLOWGRAM - History

    [2017.09.27] Galneryus - Ultimate Sacrifice

    [2017.10.04] MORRIGAN -もしも黒い翼が生えたなら -Devil ver.-

    [2017.10.04] Rides in ReVellion - The Light

    [2017.10.10] キズ - 蛙-Kawazu-

    [2017.10.25] DEZERT - 撲殺ヒーロー

    [2017.10.25] SCAPEGOAT - 道徳アレルギー

    [2017.11.01] Dadaroma - いいくすりわるいくすり

    [2017.11.08] VRZEL - Murderer Psychopathy

    [2017.11.15] 摩天楼オペラ - PANTEHON-PART2-

    [2017.11.29] DIAURA - VERSUS

    [2017.12.06] MORRIGAN - The Corpse Mansion

    [2017.12.13] Grimoire - Uranometria


    :3.0: (It's generally ok/some tracks suck and some others are pretty good/it's pretty good just not my taste)


    [2017.xx.xx] DEADLIFT LOLITA - SIX PACK TWINS , Pump Up JAPAN , キミテラスサイリウム


    [2017.01.04] Crucifixion - Nostalgia

    [2017.01.11] DaizyStripper - HOME

    [2017.01.11] VIVALET - Source Of Infection


    [2017.01.15] La'Veil MizeriA - 悲愴第三楽章『覚醒』 -International ver.

    [2017.01.15] Ruin Mizerius -Reincarnation ver.-

    [2017.01.18] Soanプロジェクトwith芥 - 慟哭を鼓動として道とする音

    [2017.01.22] Kra - Kra no Susume

    [2017.01.25] Sound Bee HD - Walking Dead

    [2017.01.25] MUCC - 脈拍 (Myakuhaku)

    [2017.01.25] SaToRu - The CORE

    [2017.01.28] the LOTUS - 愛されたくて

    [2017.02.01] Purple Stone - ポイズンチョコレート (Poison Chocolate)

    [2017.02.01] DictavE - THE DIVIDE [G]

    [2017.02.01] Soanプロジェクトwith手鞠 - 静謐を制し征する音

    [2017.02.03] iNSOMNiA - ARCANA

    [2017.02.03] リベリオ - ディレンマ

    [2017.02.06] Aiolin - Tear In The Rain

    [2017.02.08] 弾丸 NO LIMIT - BULLET

    [2017.02.09] Kiyoharu - 「夜を想う」(Yoru wo Omou)

    [2017.02.12] David - Genesis

    [2017.02.14] Versailles - Lineage ~薔薇の末裔~ 

    [2017.02.16] sukekiyo - 黝いヒステリア

    [2017.02.18] DIAURA - UNIVERSE

    [2017.02.22] CANIVAL - 孤独癖のメメント・モリ

    [2017.02.22] Ramiel - with you

    [2017.03.01] アルルカン (Arlequin) - 影法師 (Kageboushi)

    [2017.03.01] アルルカン (Arlequin) - 真っ赤な嘘 (Makka na Uso)

    [2017.03.01] 游彩 (Yusai) - アイラク偽心 (Airaku Gisin)

    [2017.03.01] GreeΣ - GreeM

    [2017.03.01] GRIMOIRE - frabjous nacht

    [2017.03.01] MEIDARA - 鬼門

    [2017.03.06] dexcore  - above the clouds [getsu9core ver.]

    [2017.03.08] THE BLACK SWAN - RAGE

    [2017.03.08] NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST - THE BEST ’09-’17

    [2017.03.13] dexcore - A.S.H [getsu9core ver.]

    [2017.03.15] Creature Creature - Death is a Flower

    [2017.03.15] ラヴェーゼ (labaiser) - Chain of tragedy

    [2017.03.15] Sick. - II i I vii

    [2017.03.15] ザアザア - 不幸な迷路

    [2017.03.15] Leetspeak monsters - Monster's Party

    [2017.03.22] SHIVA - JOKER

    [2017.03.22] Royz - RAVEN

    [2017.03.22] LSN - ≠

    [2017.03.22] Liraizo - 鬼修行

    [2017.03.27] dexcore - Kodou [getsu9core ver.]

    [2017.03.29] Initial'L - VISION

    [2017.03.29] Dragon Ash - Beside You

    [2017.03.29] ゴシップ - 百舌

    [2017.03.29] The THIRTEEN - Gamushara

    [2017.03.29] vistlip - BitterSweet

    [2017.03.29] L.O.V.E - Philosophia

    [2017.04.01] MonstlloW - Big Mouth March

    [2017.04.05] ELYSION-エリシオン- - APOTHEOSIS

    [2017.04.05] GAMEOVER - continue

    [2017.04.05] Kalafina - into the world/Marchen

    [2017.04.05] Golden Bomber - #CDが売れないこんな世の中じゃ

    [2017.04.05] R指定 - 日本アブノーマル協会

    [2017.04.05] DiSPiИA - 瓦礫と肉と荒寥の灯

    [2017.04.08] $”Casper. - ケミカル少女

    [2017.04.11] Miseria - 藍色の結晶

    [2017.04.12] A9 - Ideal

    [2017.04.12] DEEP MORE DEEP #5

    [2017.04.12] SAVAGE  -「匿名」さんの首輪

    [2017.04.13] glamscure - shadowscapes

    [14.04.2017] 甘い暴力(Amai Bouryoku)  - 君、依存、タトゥー(Kimi, Izon, Tattoo)

    [2017.04.15] 黒百合と影 - 昨日の怖い夢

    [2017.04.17] Ageha - Eternal Repose

    [2017.04.17] dexcore - beloved [getsu9core ver.]

    [2017.04.19] Dadaroma - Dadaism #3

    [2017.04.19] Belle - Jealousy

    [2017.04.19] FEST VAINQUEUR - BREAK!!

    [2017.04.19] yonige - Neyagawa City Pop

    [2017.04.19] Sioux - Last Scene

    [2017.04.21] NoGoD - Missing

    [2017.04.23] Glamscure/La'Veil MizeriA - 禁断ノ果実 (Kindan no kajitsu)

    [2017.04.26] VAMPS - UNDERWORLD

    [2017.04.26] SiM - Let It End

    [2017.04.28] Hiro - Gale

    [2017.05.01] KAUXS - werewolf

    [2017.05.01] dexcore - miserable imposter [getsu9core ver.]

    [2017.05.05] Nil Under Rain - Reason For Being

    [2017.05.06] La'veil MizeriA + Crucifixion -「輪廻罪業」

    [2017.05.10] Jupiter - TEARS OF THE SUN

    [2017.05.10] Scarlet Valse - Lunatic Mind

    [2017.05.10] SID - Butterfly Effect

    [2017.05.10] ALDIOUS - Unlimited Diffusion

    [2017.05.10] Kamijo - Castrato

    [2017.05.15] The Nostradamnz - It's a small world's end

    [2017.05.17] Last Cross - Determine

    [2017.05.17] umbrella - Frontier

    [2017.05.22] Larme Belladonna - Veronica/Reicarnation

    [2017.05.28] 葉月 (lynch.) - 蒼炎
    [2017.05.31] lynch. - SINNERS - EP

    [2017.05.31] the Raid. - ゴメンなさい

    [2017.05.31] GE+IM - ステロイド
    [2017.05.31] Yeti - ハウル

    [2017.05.31] RAINDIA - 人間失格

    [2017.05.31] リベリオ (Ribelio) - 虐 (Gyaku)

    [2017.06.00] sukekiyo - ADORATIO

    [2017.06.14] ペンタゴン - WANDERLUST

    [2017.06.14] Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - SHINE

    [2017.06.14] Jakigan Meister - Ejaculation

    [2017.06.14] The Oral Cigarettes - Tonari Au / One's Again

    [2017.06.16] glamscure - 朽ちるがままに (kuchiru ga mama ni)

    [2017.06.21] S.Q.F - Egoistic Game

    [2017.06.21] Plastic Tree - 雨中遊泳

    [2017.06.28] La'veil MizeriA - 寂滅饗筵

    [2017.06.28] GRIMOIRE - げんそう&タルパVer.

    [2017.06.28] DEVIZE - Falling Night

    [2017.06.28] MIZTAVLA - CHIMAIRA-キマイラ-

    [2017.07.01] Zill - Adam

    [2017.07.05] Develop One's Faculties - My World

    [2017.07.05] ゴシップ -『君があの世に…』/家内説教-自主規制盤-

    [2017.07.12] Aiolin - From Here


    [2017.07.12] DADAROMA -「ポルノグラフ」

    [2017.07.12] Scapegoat - Konsui

    [2017.07.19] S.Q.F - ETERNAL CHILD

    [2017.07.19] Shellmy - ぼくらの残酷激情

    [2017.07.24] Axkey - 24/7

    [2017.07.26] DaizyStripper - Again

    [2017.07.26] NoGoD - Arlequin

    [2017.07.26] ヴァージュ(Virge) - 不透明な雨

    [2017.07.26] BABY I LOVE YOU - ELEMENT

    [2017.07.26] LEZARD - 『真夏の純情とRevolution』

    [2017.07.31] HALORING - 粗探

    [2017.08.00] POIDOL - 夜な夜なバカを見る

    [2017.08.02] RAZOR - Liquid Vain

    [2017.08.02] A9 - Re:born

    [2017.08.02] アクメ - SENKOU

    [2017.08.02] Crossfaith - FREEDOM

    [2017.08.03] てんさい。 — センパイの彼女

    [2017.08.03] LIM - BLAZE OF LIFE


    [2017.08.09] Soanプロジェクトwith手鞠 — 旋律、静かな願いと

    [2017.08.09] ムック - 新葬ラ謳

    [2017.08.09] ムック - 新痛絶

    [2017.08.15] 0.1gの誤算 - 男闘魂戦争卍燃えよ誤算光殺砲卍

    [2017.08.16] S.Q.F - PARADIGM SHIFT

    [2017.08.16] ZON - Mr.Gong

    [2017.08.17] NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST - Live to Die

    [2017.08.18] Initial'L - FIREFLY

    [2017.08.18] GOTCHAROCKA - Diary

    [2017.08.19] ウミユリ (Umiyuri) - 飢え (Ue)

    [2017.08.23] SHIN (ex.ViViD) - Good Morning Dreamer

    [2017.08.23] Purple Stone - 赤と青

    [2017.08.23] CANIVAL - 侮蔑します。

    [2017.08.23] Ling tosite sigure - DIE meets HARD

    [2017.08.29] D - Kaku mo Fukaki Tamashi no Rondo

    [2017.08.30] MEIDARA - 六道輪廻

    [2017.08.30] Sick² - デリバリー・メンタル・ヘルス

    [2017.08.30] K - STORY

    [2017.09.01] HOLLOWGRAM - Paint in water color

    [2017.09.06] シド - NOMAD

    [2017.09.06] Arlequin - Puzzle

    [2017.09.06] Soanプロジェクト with 芥 - 調律、その脈動に問う

    [2017.09.06] MERRY - エムオロギー

    [2017.09.08] Ramiel - Akagi

    [2017.09.13] Sick. - PhAntom.

    [2017.09.13] MUCC - 殺シノ調べⅡ This is NOT Greatest Hits

    [2017.09.13] ウミユリ - 飢え

    [2017.09.13] CLØWD - Akai Ito (紅い意図)

    [2017.09.13] Spook Jack - SNOW THE DARK

    [2017.09.13] THE NOVEMBERS - Before Today

    [2017.09.20] A9 - PENDULUM

    [2017.09.20] Penicillin - Lover's Melancholy

    [2017.09.20] NoGoD - proof

    [2017.09.20] Leetspeak monsters - Storyteller in the Strange Night

    [2017.09.20] yonige - girls like girls

    [2017.09.27] Kamijo - Mademoiselle

    [2017.09.27] FIXER - リナリアとロベリア

    [2017.09.27] Scarle Valse - Reincarnation


    [2017.09.29] AllS - Limelight

    [2017.11.01] POIDOL - POIDOL-EP

    [2017.10.04] グリーヴァ - グリーヴァ

    [2017.10.04] Labaiser - Imperial Propaganda

    [2017.10.04] Ramiel - Innocence

    [2017.10.08] DEZERT - おやすみ

    [2017.10.09] AllS - Identity Disorder

    [2017.10.11] LIPHLICH - CLUB FLEURET

    [2017.10.17] Blu-BiLLioN - EDEN

    [2017.10.18] umbrella -「管」

    [2017.10.25] 己龍 - 情ノ華/朧月夜

    [2017.10.25] DEZERT - 撲殺ヒーロー

    [2017.10.25] The THIRTEEN - EVIL MAD SCIENCE

    [2017.10.25] SAVAGE - 冷血な子守唄

    [2017.10.25] バラライカ - チェアー

    [2017.10.25] Fear, and Loathing in Last Vegas - New Sunrise

    [2017.10.28] Far East Dizain - Thorns

    [2017.10.31] GRIMOIRE - トリックホリック

    [2012.11.01] Virge - Yasou

    [2012.11.01] Virge - fated

    [2017.11.02] BABOO - 黒白-kokuhaku-

    [2017.11.08] vistlip - It

    [2017.11.08] lynch. - BLØOD THIRSTY CREATURE

    [2017.11.08] モルヒネ - 僕と絶望

    [2017.11.15] Buck-Tick - 「BABEL」

    [2017.11.15] Deviloof - Devil's Proof

    [2017.11.15] Schwarz Stein - THE BEST -LICHT- 

    [2017.11.17] DECAYS - mutate

    [2017.11.22] AIIS - DO OR DIE

    [2017.11.22] RAZOR - the CORE

    [2017.11.22] La'veil MizeriA - 悲哀囀ル調べ

    [2017.11.22] 黒ユナイト - 黒ノ玲瓏

    [2017.11.22] ザアザア - アサガオが泣いてる

    [2017.11.29] defspiral - TO THE GALAXY

    [2017.11.29] DARRELL - QUINN

    [2017.12.00] グラビティ - カナワナイ

    [2017.12.01] DECAYS - Shake Hip Doll

    [2017.12.06] ACME (アクメ) - Maguro Kaitai Chainsaw (マグロ解体チェーンソー)

    [2017.12.06] vistlip - TIMER

    [2017.12.06] LSN - LIMIT

    [2017.12.10] DiSPiИA - リストカット

    [2017.12.13] R指定 - 毒廻る

    [2017.12.13] DEXCORE - Imitation

    [2017.12.13] DEVIZE – Meaningless

    [2017.12.15] DECAYS - Masked Balls

    [2017.12.16] DECAYS - Same sort hatred

    [2017.12.16] emmurée - lightless ~ 鈍い、闇。~

    [2017.12.16] 己龍 (Kiryu) - 二〇〇七~二〇一七 (2007~2017)

    [2017.12.18] KEEL - 死々

    [2017.12.20] BLESS THIS MESS - XIALL RAIN

    [2017.12.20] LUNA SEA - LUV

    [2017.11.22] Erebos - Knell

    [2017.12.24] てんさい。(Tensai.) - MARIA

    [2017.12.27] 砂月 - ZERO

    [2017.12.27] Far East Dizain - Beyond These Walls


    :2.0: (this is bad/this is ok but so dull I couldn't even remember hearing it)


    [2017.01.06] Jupiter - The spirit within me

    [2017.01.11] i.Rias - Vawdy×Tidy

    [2017.01.11] Sonic Death Monkey - Eccentric Renai Ron

    [2017.01.11] Lament. - 躁像ゼンタングル

    [2017.01.15] 少女-ロリヰタ-23区 - 宴-UTAGE

    [2017.01.16] SIRENE - Testament ~I'm Not Diva~

    [2017.01.18] UNiTE. - A Little Picture

    [2017.01.18]  ピサロ - gradation

    [2017.01.22] Misanthropist - Misanthropy

    [2017.01.25] UNDER FALL JUSTICE - 孤独 (Kodoku)

    [2017.01.25] Vexent - 紫苑

    [2017.02.01] アマンジャク。(amanjaku ) - ガネ

    [2017.02.08] ビバラッシュ -オコサマジック
    [2017.02.08] DictavE - THE DIVIDE [E]

    [2017.02.08] ペンタゴン (Pentagon) - CRAZY TRIBE

    [2017.02.08] REIGN - GRAYi

    [2017.02.08] Chiodo - Kyosei

    [2017.02.08] ナイトメアシンドローム - どりーむまたー

    [2017.02.09] DIVEIN - ネサリア (Nesaria)

    [2017.02.11] DALLE - Methaphor. EP

    [2017.02.22] Defspiral - Afterglow

    [2017.02.22] Axkey - 「オワコン」

    [2017.02.26] Schwarz Stein - Fleeting Beauty
    [2017.03.01] ZON - check it out

    [2017.03.01] GREMLINS - Kiba wo Tate Kimi ni Sachiare

    [2017.03.01] 罰×ゲヰム - 輪廻-The End of Seventh Reincarnation & Eighth Repentance-
    [2017.03.05] Teito Merry - さよなら人生

    [2017.03.09] マルコ (Marco) - 変人奇行 (Henjin Kikou)
    [2017.03.15] More - Crew

    [2017.03.15] Devil kitty - バンギャル最終兵器

    [2017.03.15] Metronome - CONTINUE

    [2017.03.15] TRA TRA TRA - [bb]-beautiful blasphemy 

    [2017.03.15] パラポネラ - ナイトイン クローリー

    [2017.03.15] Codomo Dragon - この世界は終わりだ。

    [2017.03.15] ギザ - 歪んだ救世主

    [2017.03.15] Noulla - グラトニーワンダーランド

    [2017.03.17] sorosoronerukoro...zzz - Voyage

    [2017.03.20] dexcore - noise [getsu9core ver.]
    [2017.03.22] Gibalte - JIGSAW

    [2017.03.22] 少女-ロリヰタ-23区 - ジョーカーゲーム

    [2017.03.29] The THIRTEEN - WHITE DUST

    [2017.04.02] ゴシップ - 極東D.M.C

    [2017.04.03] Mazeran - Kisei

    [2017.04.03] dexcore - Drowning [getsu9core ver.]

    [2017.04.05] バラライカ (Balalaika) - THE MINCE

    [2017.04.05] chariots - Succubus

    [2017.04.05] Chanty - 今年も春が希望という名の嘘をつく

    [2017.04.05] ∞INFi2TY - Just the beginning

    [2017.04.05] 己龍 (Kiryu) - 私ハ傀儡、猿轡ノ人形 (Watashi wa Kairai, Sarugutsuwa no Ningyo)

    [2017.04.05] Vercia - 狂信者

    [2017.04.05] VAN9ISH - LOVE KILLER SHOW

    [2017.04.10] dexcore - dismantling [getsu9core ver.]

    [2017.04.11] 0.1gの誤算 - 溺愛ヤンデレボーイ

    [2017.04.12] i.Rias - ALL A

    [2017.04.12] Starku. - Soredemo Boku wa Aragau

    [2017.04.12] Gore - Ikenie / Hoozuki-Kun

    [2017.04.12] LEZARD - 『TOKAGE!!ライジング』

    [2017.04.17] CATALYST - A GLEAM OF HOPE

    [2017.04.19] LIPHLICH - VLACK APRIL

    [2017.04.19] Jack Caper - 毒々独

    [2017.04.24] dexcore - monology [getsu9core ver.]

    [2017.04.24] クロノ×クラウン (chrono crown) – P.A.N.D.O.R.A

    [2017.05.03] ヴァージュ (Virge) - UTOPIA

    [2017.05.06] らせん (rasen) - 死化粧

    [2017.05.08] dexcore - ショート・サーキット [getsu9core ver.]

    [2017.05.10] RADWIMPS - Saihateaini / Senno

    [2017.05.10] cali≠gari - 13


    [2017.05.17] シュヴァルツカイン (SchwarzKain) - Complex (2nd press)

    [2017.05.22] 変態集団AnimA - Letter

    [2017.05.24] ベル - 哀愁エレジー 

    [2017.05.26] ZIZ - TEZL MOZL No.5

    [2017.05.31] RAINDIA - 雨ニ、スピーカー

    [2017.05.31] SAVAGE - 私ガ壊レタ日

    [2017.05.31] まみれた (Mamireta) - 食べたい (Tabetai)

    [2017.06.01] 戦国時代―The age of civil wars― - SAKURA/輪廻の華

    [2017.06.03] DIMLIM - VARIOUS

    [2017.06.03] Călătorie -カラトリア- - 琥珀の花 (Kohaku no Hana)

    [2017-06.14] Paiotsu - V

    [2017.06.07] アルルカン - 価値観の違いは唯一の救いだった

    [2017.06.07] REIGN - COBALT

    [2017.06.07] Desfpiral - PHANTOM

    [2017.06.14] LAYZis - LIFE

    [2017.06.14] 紅ク染マッタ記憶 (Akaku Somatta Kioku) - コドクノドク

    [2017.06.21] Belle - Bokutachi wa Massugu ni Yugande Yuku

    [2017.06.21] Megamasso - 天使崩壊

    [2017.06.21] Blaive - Guraduation

    [2017.06.21] Affective Synergy - monologue

    [2017.06.28] UNDER FALL JUSTICE - 死執着

    [2017.06.28] ピサロ - Gestalt no Saisei

    [2017.07.05] SuG - Agaku

    [2017.07.05] 夜 - 不死の王様

    [2017.07.05] 妖幻鏡 -NAGOYA- vol.1 尾張V系音源集

    [2017.07.11] BUK BUK - 透明になった○○

    [2017.07.12] Tetsuya - I Surrender

    [2017.07.12] Neverland -  DeadMAN

    [2017.07.12] ユメリープ (Yumeleep) - かげくいまくら

    [2017.07.12] Codomo Dragon - 毒虫

    [2017.07.12] R指定 - 魅惑のサマーキラーズ

    [2017.07.19] ARCHEMI. - 天上天下

    [2017.07.19] jealkb - IDENTITY

    [2017.07.19] Affective Synergy - 儚さと狂気に舞い散る花びら

    [2017.07.26] GREMLINS - FLYAWAY

    [2017.07.26] LIPHLICH - Yoki na Noir

    [2017.08.01] 夜 - 不死の王様

    [2017.08.02] シュヴァルツカイン (SchwarzKain) - 薄氷の華 (Hakuhyou no Hana)

    [2018.08.02] DAMY - 感傷的公約数

    [2017.08.02] Vexent - Victim

    [2017.08.02] the Raid. - ウラメシヤ

    [2017.08.02] Crossfaith - FREEDOM

    [2017.08.09] Unite - ディシバダルツ (Discivadaltz)

    [2017.08.12] Chronus - Ghost

    [2017.08.13] Chronus - Heavily Shine

    [2017.08.16] Unite - ナユタの秘密 (Nayuta no Himitsu)

    [2017.08.16] L.O.V.E - Werthers

    [2017.08.16] SIRENE - MOONLIGHT LULLABY/聖女の救済

    [2017.08.17] Lament. - 蓮と落陽

    [2017.08.23] chariots - Revenir

    [2017.08.25] 真天地開闢集団-ジグザグ (ZigZag) - 糞麺氏ね

    [2017.08.27] Unite - ノゾキアナ? (NOZOKI ANA?)

    [2017.08.30] FAZ - PARADOX

    [2017.08.30] LIRAIZO - LIBERI

    [2017.08.30] LIRAIZO - PARAIZO

    [2017.08.30] Sick² - デリバリー・メンタルヘルス

    [2017.09.06] ∞INFi2TY - ヒステリック感情論

    [2017.09.06] RoqudamaCarta - The Bind

    [2017.09.13] 未完成アリス - 良音/2次元ラヴァーズ

    [2017.09.20] REIGN - CRIMSON

    [2017.09.20] Gossip-ゴシップ- - 漆黒ノ闇

    [2017.09.24] グラビティ (Gravity) - 売れたい!! (uretai!!)

    [2017.09.26] MOB - KILL ME WONDERLAND

    [2017.09.27] Angelo - HETERODOX

    [2017.09.27] ピサロ x chariots - -照準はdessinされたアイツの影-

    [2017.09.27] ぞんび (Zonbi) - Daikkirai Tokyo/ Kamisama Gomennasai

    [2017.10.00] グラビティ - HITODENASHI

    [2017.10.01] Sioux - Amrita

    [2017.10.04] ダウト - 伝統芸能

    [2017.10.11] Crystal Lake - Apollo

    [2017.10.25] THE BLACK SWAN- Mushigoe

    [2017.10.27] Toshiki Project - Savior

    [2017.10.31] 魔界劇団ネキュラ - DEATH.DIRTY.DOOR.

    [2017.11.00] グラビティ - 狼の夢

    [2017.11.01] Mix Speaker's,Inc. - JACK IN THE TOY BOX

    [2017.11.01] David - Requiemage

    [2017.11.01] ユメリープ - †おにんぎょうしょうこうぐん†

    [2017.11.08] Royz - ANTHEM

    [2017.11.08] 雅-MIYAVI- - SAMURAI SESSIONS vol.2

    [2017.11.08] E.T - DO NOT BELONG TO ANYTHING

    [2017.11.09] PINGAME - MAD PARADE

    [2017.11.15] DAYDALA - EMOTION

    [2017.11.15] コドモドラゴン - DIRTY×DIRTY

    [2017.11.15] Schwarz Stein - THE BEST -DUNKELHEIT-

    [2017.11.21] Larme Belladona - Day Walker

    [2017.11.22] jealkb - R-P-S

    [2017.11.29] シュヴァルツカイン - GAZE ON GRIEF

    [2017.11.29] SUGIZO - ONENESS M

    [2017.12.05] ジャックケイパー - 脳内潜伏狂想曲集

    [2017.12.06] DAMY - chilled.

    [2017.12.06] ARCHEMI. - 降臨

    [2017.12.22] i.Rias - サンタクルーズマジック

    [2017.12.26] 戦国時代-The age of civil wars - -初陣-First battle-

    [2017.12.27] DIMLIM - THE SILENT SONG -Limited-


    :1.0: (this crap is so bad/boring I couldn't even finish it)


    [2017.01.11] One Ok Rock - Ambitions

    [2017.01.11] Link - Departure

    [2017.02.12] Chloe - Canaria

    [2017.02.15] LACK-CO. - Mushiri Chocolate

    [2017.03.08] Kaya - 夢路 (Yumeji)

    [2017.03.15] LACK-CO - Nenchaku Gata Crazy Salt Iri Cookie

    [2017.03.24] Dear My Misery - Surrender

    [2017.04.13] Azero - ブスギャの復讐 (Busugea No Fushukuu)

    [2017.04.17] 可哀 想 - 白い花が、散るころに

    [2017.06.06] Jilldre - dakuten

    [2017.06.07] Noulla - 残り香

    [2017.06.07] Vanity Sicks - Foretell the Future

    [2017.06.18] gezigezi - Dasaku

    [2017.06.28] DictavE - Strelitzia

    [2017.06.28] シビレバシル - LOVE2017

    [2017.07.19] MUNIMUNI - THE DOGUU ALBUM

    [2017.09.06] i.Rias - SWIMMY

    [2017.10.xx] ルクス - ゼロ

    [2017.10.01] Altair - Smile

    [2017.10.04] アンティック-珈琲店- (An Cafe) / イケない妄想×アブない珍獣

    [2017.11.15] Schwartz:Mist - S.M

    [2017.12.xx] gezigezi - 畜生人間ひとしくん 


  8. On 5/10/2017 at 9:38 AM, YuyoDrift said:

    This year is almost half-way through, and there still is no release close enough to meet my standards.

    I really can't believe that those crazy fools who hailed Matina's era of VK to be the best, are gonna have the last laugh.

    To have to purposely look for older VK, and even explore other genres of Japanese Music, was not something I believed to be doing this year.

    It's even harder to believe that I'd be doing this all the way up to May.

    I'm terrified of what I have to listen to for the remaining half of the year.....


    I may even have to give Mejibray another listen, I'm so bored.

    Did you try Matenrou Opera's new album yet? 


    Also, Gotcharocka's new full length just came out. I expect it to be at least decent.

  9. 1 hour ago, Nyasagi said:

    Am I the only one, who's not surprised? They've been releasing way too much, their music just sounds the same all the time, it feels like they're out of new ideas. A break will be good for them, because they've been too busy with shit. I highly doubt they would announce a hiatus if they were going to disband, stop being such drama queens.


  10. On 4/30/2017 at 11:48 PM, gekiai said:

    Do you ever get the feeling that some things that seem to be essentials in life just aren't for you? For me it's meaningful relations of any kind. I just suck at making friends in all arenas, whether someone has similar interests or none at all. If I do get someone to become interested in me, they often seem to lose interest or become friends with someone else 'nearby' in said circle. Perhaps it's attributed to my social awkwardness or introvertedness or I just have really bad luck. And when I do try to be social, most times I'm shot down in some form or fashion. 


    Sobby random thought (there's probably a thread for these kinda things), but it's just been on my mind the past few days. I'm really starting to think I won't be able to truly connect with anyone.

    I've felt this too :/

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