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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. Spoiler

    Everyone making a huge deal about the fucking chains... Hardhome was a port, of course they had huge ass chains. No one said the white walkers fished out Viserion immediately. They could have taken a few days, probably did.


    That fanservice between Jon and Daenerys is going a bit bold for my taste, need the next book to come out ASAP.


  2. On 5/4/2017 at 7:10 PM, gekiai said:

    When I first got into Jrock and visual kei, I think most of my passion for fanfiction died because I had started rping instead and I had met some of the most amazing people.

    THIS. I also totally agere on rping someone I feel comfortable with and know a lot about.


    On 19/4/2017 at 2:30 PM, -jibakurei- said:

    I'm roleplaying for several years, too, so I kind of have my fav pairings being the way I want it to be, without getting boring or getting stuck. 

    I always end up going with the flow, seeing whom I meet and creating crack pairing lmao


    Are there any good communities for VK rolepay in the English speaking side of fb? I'm desperate for some RP in English, need to polish my writting skills.

  3. I saw The Four Feathers yesterday. I had seen bits and pieces of it before and it was nice to finally sit down and piece the whole story together. It was quite enjoyable and I didn't feel it as long as it actually was (probably because I texted in between). I kinda want to read the book.

  4. 15 minutes ago, allisapp said:

    Of course? Just noticed that the paper we usually get from work "proof that you have worked there" is called recommendation letter. Sounds awful... Here it's pretty clear that you get one from every job. 


    But yeah, I got that and added JaME on my CV. Looks good in CV because working with languages  and volunteering work. (+ for how long I have worked there)

    How do you even work for JaME? I'd love to apply.

  5. 2 hours ago, CloudyTree said:

    Crow Music is mainly pushing Diealo as it seems...

    Even though three members just quit lol


    It seems someone in Holyclock is quite sick and udnergoing treatment, but they're not saying whom.

  6.  If we are talking about purely physical preferences I like them the whitest and hairless-est possible. Hopefully not to tall and on the skinny side. Asians tend to fit that preference more than other races, but it all comes down to me HATING hairy dudes more than liking slanted eyes. 


    I don't date anyways because either the man in question is attractive but has some big ideological turn off, either he fits my personality profile but I'm just not physically attracted AT ALL (say what you want, that part IS important), either he fits both but is taken or on the other side of the world.


    My parents aren't that racist, but they have made it very clear I can't date outside of my (their) religion and social class and that makes it absolutely impossible to find a suitable partner within my own country unless I want to completely estrange myself from my family. 

  7. 22 hours ago, Seimeisen said:

    ※ MIRROR is my favourite D'espairsRay album, fite me all of you

    ※ REDEEMER was their last good album [2]

    ※ I don't really care for MONSTERS, some of the tracks on that album are incredibly bad!



    Mirrors is my favorite D'espa release too. 

    coll:set was good but I wouldn't say it's as incredible as people always say it is. 

    I personally find most of their pre-coll:set releases really hard to get into. 

    I really haven't given Redeemer and Monsters a proper listen so can't state an opinion on them. 


    That's all I have/want to say.

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