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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. 1 hour ago, patientZERO said:

    As for the MV, I don't think it's on YouTube, but it's on the DVD for Xenomorphic if you want to get a copy *nudgenudge*. It's a mixture of live stuff, behind-the-scenes stuff, and a little staged generic MV stuff. It's my favorite song and has to be my favorite PV, but I'm a selfish man and refuse to upload their DVDs. Haha!

    Only item I'm missing is Sicks and it's expensive as fuck XD 

    Yeah, I haven't watched any of their DVDs, I suck lol I refuse to uploead them too. I want people to buy their stuff.


  2. On 5/1/2018 at 1:21 PM, patientZERO said:

    I read in an interview with Sena that he writes the lyrics in Japanese and then translates them to English the best way he can, but sometimes changes words to make them sound cooler. So I'm guessing this is a "lost in translation" moment and I'm guessing that it was just a typo.


    He does love bringing up faith and religion, so it could have a Biblical meaning, but the book of Ruth is all about accepting a God and I don't see anything like that in Ajna, nor is her name capitalized. Hence my assumption that it was just a typo.


    And hey, at least he censored himself! And if you haven't seen the MV for Lethal Affliction yet, there's lots of cheeky middle fingers tossed up that make me grin every time.

    Yeah... gonna have to discuss that whole "change words to make them sound cooler" next time I see him. That's a big no-no in translation.


    Exactly that's what confused me, even the meaning of the name didn't quite fit with the rest of the lyrics. Damn kid.


    I actually haven't seen it. I'm a terrible fan who hates youtube lol

  3. 12 hours ago, patientZERO said:

    There’s the magic that carries [t]ruth*

    I literally went nuts translating this into spanish because I couldn't tell if it was just a typo or if Sena had gone al biblical and was referring to obscure meanings of the name.


    I hate him sometimes(?)


    Edit: Also, "Shut up, mother fxxker"? You kiss Boogie with that mouth?


  4. On 12/28/2017 at 2:45 PM, jiji94 said:

    So I've never tried figuring out where to post on this forum asking for where to buy something Jrock related, but I noticed on CDJapan they still have Pay money To my Pain's LE release from last year and I *really* want that shit bad. But it's like $70+ shipping to Canada..  I haven't started buying many albums or music related stuff yet because I'm waiting to move out but this is one of my priority list items. I'm going to Japan in a few months.. 


    Are there places I could search for this in Japan..? I don't really know how to hunt down LE items. I was just surprised I can still find it online. 

    Like, in physical stores? I think they usually just carry newish items. But someone else can confirm that :/

  5. 9 minutes ago, emmny said:

    im going to be biting my nails in anticipation for the trailer of the last live DVD, i wonder if they'll completely gloss over the drama or put it front and center

    Drama sells, so who knows.

    Then again, it's Japan, so who knows.

  6. 1 hour ago, Reikatsumi said:

    MiA is the reason why Mejibray became popular...  Do you find Koichi good musician? Does he do anything apart looking good in this band? 

    Btw IF MiA was average, he wouldn't be asked to take part in so many projects and believe me, Asagi doesn't work with average people. 

    I think what made Mejibray stand out for me was Koichi's bass, actually. 

    Idk, they are all ugy as fuck, so I wouldn't say all they do is look good. 

    And I'm pretty sure it's MiA's connections and sudden schedule availability that made Asagi (whom, btw, I know how and who he works with) hire him as support guitarist.

    Finally, it is merely an opinion online. No need to get so worked up about it. In MY opinion (which is just that: an opinion), there are FAR better guitarists in the scene and MiA is overrated. End of story.

  7. 1 hour ago, Reikatsumi said:

    Are you kidding? 

    MiA is great composer and he's really skilled

    Sorry, I find MiA really average as a guitarist.

  8. 17 hours ago, patientZERO said:

    The parka does tempt me, but I'm a lanky dude and don't know if they would fit/look super baggy on me. 6000Y is a bit pricey for that gamble.

    Well... if it looks good on the guys it can't look to baggy on us. Zyean es extremely skinny and Sena is tiny.

  9. 28 minutes ago, -Tetsu- said:

    hello there~

    Maybe someone remembers that I've promised to ask my friend who goes to nearly all of the Jiluka lives about a shopping service!
    I've talked to my friend yesterday when we went out for dinner and she said that she'll get Jiluka stuff for everyone who wants to! She's really happy that there are so many people from overseas who like them!

    I'm allowed to post her twitter on here, so please feel free to contact her if you want some merchandise/cheki/CD!
    Her address is @ beautifulparade

    You can write her in English, German and Japanese

    Please remember that she does shopping services for JILUKA only!

    Ohh I know her hahaha I follow her on twitter already. 

    I'll ask her whenever they release something I need urgently.


    A friend and I already started a Jiluka support group in Latin America :P

  10. 12 hours ago, Duwang said:

    They advertise themselves as a live limited band so I really don't think they plan on having nation wide releases any time soon, unfortunately.

    I'm not seeing them until the end of January so I can't get my hands on it for a while myself. 


    My guess is the new songs they played yesterday (らぶみ, 首絞めマアチ, ヒス症 which I'm sure is the hysteric song they've been playing the past two months) will be on another live limited release that'll be sold from their onemans in February. 

    You have good info. Thanks. 


    All I regret is not buying their releases when I saw them. I figured "I'll get them later", silly me. I didn't know it was all live limited lol

    they better still be active next year.

  11. 7 minutes ago, VkBrutaliaN said:

    not 100% sure but i think they released 3 live limited singles and one maxi single and i LOVE their music and the vocalists voice - such a bummer they disband... >.>''

    I remember seeing the announcement for a release a while ago but I never saw anything else.. I kinda forgot they even existed.


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