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Posts posted by Komorebi

  1. 6 minutes ago, Mamo said:

    What shopping service do you use to buy from mercari?

    I use two different ones, so I don't have to pester the same person all the time. I buy a lot from mercari XD

  2. There's SO many lgbt people telling me there is something wrong with me for being asexual and telling me it's unnatural to not want sex...


    like, you'd think they would be more open towards other minorities but I get more shit from them than from straight people .___.

  3. Gt 刄 -Jin- has withdrawn from the band due to poor physical condition and will end music activities. 

    Since is poor physical condition is making it hard for him to carry out with the schedukes, the members of the band and staff discussed it and decided this would be the best decision.


    They apologize for announcing this so close to their 2nd anniversary and state they will play with a support member for now.


    staff and member's comments here: http://zigzag.asia/oshirase180124.html

  4. I just checked for flights to Japan in August and I feel so guilty for going out to eat with friends so often. Either I go to the US Embassy 3 times just to apply for the visa (and possibly have it denied) so I can take the connecting flight, either I pay a shitload more for another connection...


    'Murica, y u screw us over like that?

  5. 16 hours ago, appl- said:

    It would be a shame not to mention SAVAGE a.k.a. DEPAIN ! These guys are insane live! I wish more of people would know about them! It's difficult to feel them if you haven't seen them live.  I didn't liked their music that much before but when i saw them performing i sold myself to them. lol


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    Same. They are really good live!

  6. I haven't listened to all their albums yet but most of those I have are at the end of the list... which disourages me a little. Why listen to the rest if it won't get better than what I already heard lol (I actually will, eventually).

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